The Reunion-Part I

The wind tossed Kim’s curly red hair about and into her eyes as she stood in the parking lot anxiously awaiting the arrival of the bus. The bus that she had been waiting to come for 15 months. The bus that carried her husband back from across the world to her arms. She could not … Read more

Not Alone in the Dark

Vincent slowly cracked his eyes open for the first time in months, though to him it merely felt like a pleasant nap. The first thing he noticed was an unfamiliar, cloying taste in his mouth, and that his heart rate was oddly elevated despite his body being at rest. Disoriented, he shifted his eyes around … Read more

Saving My Marriage – part 8

And the story continues. The last couple segments I was stepping a little further from my own comfort zone to add in some fantasies mentioned in comments and messages… trying to hopefully help some others out as they read my stories. This time I am going to step back closer to my own truths and … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 20

Teacher’s Pet Ch 20 Mr. Wilson led the young teen by the hand through Dr. Chalmer’s crowded waiting room. The scantily clad teen drew the usual attention from men, women and children in the waiting room. To her relief, he didn’t play any games this time, instead he led her hastily into Dr. Chalmer’s usual … Read more

Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil (Chapter 2)

Family Harvest: Re-planting seeds within the same soil Chapter 2: Super Mom After this sexual incident between us, Miriam became pregnant. Not only that, but she also had a major make-over; including dropping down to 180 pounds, removing most of the wrinkles from her face; changing her eye color from brown to blue; changing her … Read more

The slave writhes for her Master

Part 1 It’s the fall season and a slightly colder day on the planet Harimai. My slaves work without complaint as my sons watch over them. I’m relaxing on my rocking chair with a glass of mixed whisky and orange-spice. Night comes and it’s time to finish for the day. My sons heard the slaves … Read more

A Canadian Story

A Canadian Story, c.2100 Coming off the subway, fighting upstream like a spawning fish, he tripped. “Damnit”, he muttered to himself, “stupid cuffs….” Proving all things are cyclical, the baggy style of the ’00’s was back yet again; the only thing new in fashion was the extremes to which it swung. Not even a decade … Read more


“She was flirting with both of us, and we with her,” I asked as he looked at the first pic, a head and shoulders shot of a most attractive women in her mid-forties, a little older than us. Shoulder length auburn hair and a confident smile. The second pic showed a young girl, just nineteen … Read more

Kathy Becomes a Human Breeding Slave P.2

Kathy Becomes a Human Breeding Slave p.2 According to the computer, today was going to be the day that she would meet her cell mate… or just mate rather. She thought again about what he might look like but then realized about what he might think about her. The fact that she has a bunch … Read more

The Mummy_(1)

“Death doesn’t exist. It never did.. Everything that happens before Death is what counts.” -Ray Bradbury, “Something Wicked This Way Comes” *** It was late, and everyone else had gone home. There was no one to keep Sharon company. No one but the dead. Sometimes, when she was alone in the museum like this, she … Read more

The Change

My name is Kevin or at least it used to be. It all started the first weekend of summer after my high school graduation, which was also to be my first-time having sex with my girlfriend Claire. Now by no means am I a virgin nor is she, but unlike the other sex crazed sluts … Read more