Merlin had a plan, a plan that his Glimmer had given him. Looking at Hopix he knew it was dangerous, Hopix’s temper was almost legendary. Merlin smiled when he remembered the first time Glimmer had lost her temper at him, damn but that hadn’t been a very good day that was for sure. Sighing, first … Read more

The Mercenary’s Shadow Ch.2

Lyra and Silva rushed into the room expecting to see me covered in blood or dying or both, but came to see an entirely different scene. “What is it? what happened?!” Silva demanded. I pointed to the mirror “Did some type of horrible beast or specter come through the mirror and scare you?” lyra questioned. … Read more


Alan awoke the next day with a start after the past week it seemed he was starting to lose touch with reality a bit. Looking at the date on his calendar, reality started hitting home even harder, what the fuck? According to the calendar almost a whole week had passed. A moment later a knock … Read more

The Seeding 4

The Seeding 4 ——————————————————————————————————————– John was wore, out had it not been for the vitamins that Helen had made him get, he thought that he’d be dead now. Holy shit! What a way to go! He had already cum 3 times, two from partial blow jobs from Millie, then after they had thrown themselves at … Read more

Sam 10

Sam looked at the huge collection of IP troops that he already had tied up. This was nothing compared to how many he’d seen on the planet when he was in space. He also had a huge pile of weapons stacked neatly not far from the troops. Waiting he knew that more would appear soon. … Read more

The Aftermath 5

Jim had been pacing for an hour now, after destroying their invasion fleet, they’d set out after the only remaining ship of the Krang fleet. Mary and Amber had watched him almost the whole time “Jim if you don’t sit I am going to knock the shit out of you, I can’t take much more … Read more

Organism X – Ch. 01

More than 50,000 meteorites have been found on planet Earth, scattered around the world. While seen as a distant cosmic phenomenon by most people, the planet is being bombarded all the time. Most objects burn up in the upper atmosphere, but every so often, something makes it through. Upon impact, there is no telling what … Read more


Alan held Hopix close his feelings for her had jumped substantially in the past few weeks, looking down he groaned. She was still in her Fairixie clothes that really left nothing to the imagination, the fact that her breasts were half exposed wasn’t helping either. Plus her skirt was so short it showed off more … Read more


Alan was trudging his way back to his room, shit things were starting to get stranger and stranger. Opening the door he sat in the chair thinking about the day. “Alan,” Hopix said next to him, “are you alright? I felt your distress but it was over before I even had a chance to lock … Read more

Amazonian Womb Worms (Womb Feeders Chapter 1-3)

Chapter 1–Slimy Invader The deep mud squelches as it sucks at my knee-high boots, making this trek through the suffocatingly humid rainforest even more grueling. In an attempt to make traversing this mud easier, I try following in the footprints of our Amazonian Jungle guide, Anton Santos, who’s ahead by a few feet, clearing the … Read more

Bad Seed Ch.4

Wren stared at her master waiting for him to advise her. “Little one, it is obvious that this situation has escalated more. The grief and now rage that you feel needs to fuel your fighting ability. This week we will concentrate on you learning this.” Wren bowed to her master, “I will do all I … Read more

The Mercenary’s Shadow

Chapter 1: The mercenary’s beginning I know you can hear me, my champion, so please, open your eyes. A distinctly feminine voice sounded in my head “Huh? Where am I? Who’s there?” All around me all I could see was blackness. I am the one who freed you from death’s grasp. I felt my heart … Read more