Cat Fight 10 Duel

specton – 2 1/2 minutes Toton –   2 1/2 hours minton –  2 1/2 days daycon –  2 1/2 weeks quant  –  2 1/2 years galant –  2 1/2 centuries Metson  – 2 1/2 inches heckson – 2 1/2 miles tetson –  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) – Lion clan King Tomco … Read more

The Rush pt. 2

A few days later, Melanie was walking a few doors down to her best friend Carissa’s house. She and Carissa (or Kissa, as Melanie frequently called her), had known each other since they were toddlers, but they’d been fucking each other even longer than Melanie and Kayla had. They’d started when Melanie had first started … Read more

Zero Chronicles ch. 1

The adventures of Zero Being summoned is a pain in and of itself, but being summoned for something retarded drives me a little insane. I’d much prefer to stay at home and relax. Unfortunately my life isn’t that easy. Sure there are perks to my job, but then again it the entirety of it that … Read more


Mallory Smith’s watch beeped, which meant it was 5:00 and she had had enough abuse for one day. She locked down her computer, grabbed her purse and keys, and practically ran out the door. She thought she heard something behind her, a comment from someone (whether boss or coworker she couldn’t tell), but she had … Read more

Fulfilling Destiny

Fulfilling Destiny My sex life drastically changed lately. I’ve never been too outgoing in that department, but recently my wife and I discovered a mutual kink. Well, I might be getting ahead of myself. In order for you to understand my situation I’ll give you some background. I’m a real quiet dude. I don’t have … Read more

Brittany and Me part 6

“Justin, wake up!” He could feel his body being rocked as the excited girl shouted out to him. “It’s my birthday!” A groggy Justin opened his eyes, if only barely, looking at the clock. “And it’s only 8 o’clock…” he murmured as he shut his eyes once more. Brittany, not deterred, hopped on top of … Read more

Elle’s Revenge

“Come on elephant get your fat ass moving you’re holding us up!” The snide thin athletic girl yelled at Elle from the top of the hill. Oh how she loathed that nickname, was it her fault her stupid parents named her Elle, knowing perfectly well that her family did not exactly have a history of … Read more

Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 02

Eleanor loved being the Mayor’s wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband’s constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, … Read more

The Wrath of Gaia pt 7

“It’s time you used the powers she gave you, the clock shall now strike 1.” Cat quickly looked up to see Phtonus standing at the mouth of the cave smiling towards my writhing body. Cat quickly turned back around in time to watch in astonishment as the mark slowly crawled up my arm once again, … Read more

The Pill Ch. 3

Frog The glare of bright lights woke Heather. Strapped down to a board, she cried out in fear. The last thing she remembered was being at a bar and picking up a man when her mind went blank. Maybe there was something in her drink, she had a headache to prove that, but as the … Read more

Another cocktail party

“And you watching me. I can still recall the first time you organized a young boy to tongue fuck me. You made me ask your permission just to tease me. You wanted it to happen just as much as I did. Your cock was like an iron bar as you slid it between my lips … Read more

Avenging Angel chapter 4

FANTASIES CONFRONT REALITY I couldn’t bring consistent rational thought to bear on the film excerpts, yet I was obsessed, unable to tear my mind away. Questions echoed in my head. In particular: what would a Part Four portray? What could follow such graphic portrayals of sexual violence and genital mutilation? For days after the Specimen … Read more

Candy From Strangers 1 : Yardwork

Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990’s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He … Read more

Succubus gets trapped part 2

Succubus gets trapped 2 Zandriell could feel the human girl beginning to wake in her mind, it was like having someone stand very close to you but not touch. In her mind she could hear/feel the girl ask “what’s going on? Why can’t I feel my hands or feet, or anything? And who are you?” … Read more

The Girl – Book 2 – Chapter 07

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. — “So. I was wandering …” — said Lilly looking at her friend, who was laying on Lilly’s bed — “how could I thank you for the last couple of weeks.” — “What happened in the last couple … Read more