Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 22

By mid morning, the group was closing on Mavvus. They were satiated, the squirmy women were mostly curious of their new surroundings. Mara and Rinis watched them still but they were letting the women near the back edge where they could look at the taller buildings that started to crowd the banks around them. The … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 42)

Chapter 42 THE WEDDING Her wedding was the happiest day of Fucktwat’s life. And it was all the happier for the misery and degradation that that slut Claire was experiencing in the back of her mind – the frigid bitch she had used to be, who didn’t worship men and didn’t like being raped. The … Read more

Pine Ridge to Princess

Category fiction/erotic humour From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry … Read more

Bus Ride – Part 5 – New Beginnings

When Gaby finally opened her eyes she blinked as she looked around the small private hospital room before her gaze reached Colin, her newest Master who was sitting in the corner patiently waiting for her to wake up. He walked over to where she was lying. “Hello baby!” He smiled and Gaby grinned back. Gaby … Read more

A Welcome Guest 14_(0)

Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love  Sekhmet – Goddess of fire, war, and dance  Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility.  Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites  Maat – Goddess of Truth … Read more

Mother Kraken

“I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed. I dream of a day when they may rise to drag down mankind—when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor ascend amidst universal pandemonium.” -HP Lovecraft, “Dagon” *** One day … Read more

How it all started for us – Hotwife Beginning

It all started with my fascination for photography-themed erotica. I wasn’t into random, meaningless porn; I craved stories that felt more realistic and authentic. I was particularly drawn to narratives where a model would pose for a photographer, and as their relationship grew more intimate, so did my interest. Over time, these stories evolved in … Read more

Slave Slut Sisters Face the Music

Chapter 1: The Tulsa Twins “Which would you like to use today Master?” Deborah Tulsa asked with a sparkling white smile as she obediently held up a gleaming silver tray that contained variety of different sized dildos. The vast array of toys came in a host of colors ranging from pink and red to black … Read more

An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 03

“You’ve always been a smart one. You give yourself too little credit, boy,” he said with his thick Texan drawl. Mike chuckled. “I know, Granddaddy.” Harry Weston adjusted his thick glasses. “After all, what have I always said about power? Men who seek power actively are destined to abuse it…” “…But men with power thrust … Read more

Vengeance, a sweet delight

We had always been competitive, me and Jennifer. We grew up competing against each other. First in the neighborhood games, then with the neighborhood boys. We would do anything to better one another. We stole each others bikes, clothing, friends, eventually we started to hurt each other more directly, more physically. That’s when things had … Read more


Since we met around six months ago my lady and I have a most satisfying sex life. We are an attractive couple, both with good bodies, approaching forty. “I would love to have a new bi-sexual experience,” she told me one night in the afterglow of some wonderful sex. “Did you say a new bi-sexual … Read more

emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. … Read more

slave island part 1

Chloe sat in her media lesson bored. Her pussy ached for attention and she despiratley needed release after a month of chastity. She read about orgasm denial on the internet and had decided to give it ago but without the restraint of belts or equipment. She was using pure willpower but it was weining and … Read more

Slave Pet Harry – 1

Harry P.O.V. I stood there as I watched Ron and Hermione leave in the carriages for Christmas Break. Yet again I wasn’t leaving for break and this time I would be the only one in Gryffindor tower staying at Hogwarts. Once the last carriage left I pulled my cloak around me and walked back into … Read more

How to train your fratboy (Ch 6)

—- Several hours later —- “Huh…. Huh… Huh” Piggy panted, trying not to move his tongue. He wanted to watch the stairs, to catch a glimpse of his next owner, but it was hard to hold his eyes in that direction while keeping his head facing upward toward the ceiling He could only manage to … Read more

The Girl – Book 1 – Chapter 8

*spoiler*: A multi-part story that goes from rape, to consensual torture and slavery, with an happy ending. — “You did what?” — “I recorded him” — “How?” — “I hid a camera in the boxes, before he pushed me into the alley.” She showed them the video. — “Wow. Man’s got a hand for treating … Read more