
“Lia Caster”. In the year 2098, Lia Caster was a household name. When people hear the term “household name”, they think about celebrities, politicians, and the like. However, Lia Caster was not a celebrity per se, and she didn’t give one damn about politics. Lia Caster was a mega-mind, a self-made woman who dominated every … Read more

Roller Coaster Ride — 3

CHAPTER 13 I walked into Judith’s courtroom at 11:30 sharp. She saw me, waited for an opportune time to suspend the day’s hearing, and announced a recess until the following morning. The bailiff summoned me to her chambers. I walked in to find her changing out of her robes. She took my hand and led … Read more

The mind’s eye

I watched as the huge gleaming disk rose. As it climbed higher, I started to curse. The damn thing should have exploded by now. It was almost out of sight, when there was a titanic blast and light show that appeared to be several miles up. A sad smile crossed my features as I bowed … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 19

Chapter Nineteen: The Birthday Brand Silently, Rich sat on the edge of the bed and watched Angel as she slept. She seemed peaceful, but Rich knew better than to believe that. Angel had always suffered from bad nightmares that terrorized her so badly that many nights she would thrash and even hurt herself in her … Read more

The destruction of Aisha chapter 2

The destruction of Aisha Section Two It was a good thing Aisha was so familiar with her daily routine. Despite being tired from the late night with her newfound God. He was all she could think about. The few questions she did ask him only made him more of a myth in her mind. She … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil PART XXV Having recovered from our recent adventures, a few days later we were again hanging out by the pool in the evening, when my grandmother Lily raised the question that was on everyone’s mind. “I was told I was the Keeper of the Citadel, and I haven’t even been … Read more

Béla the Vampire Girl – Part 3 (long)

Béla and Jake were in his apartment, back in town. The backpacks they had taken with them were unpacked into laundry baskets that now needed to get downstairs. “That can be done later,” Béla said, brushing up against Jake. She put her arms around him from behind and squeezed. Her hand slid down and wormed … Read more

Emma the Pig – Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 It had taken me almost an hour but I was almost to their neighborhood. I was terrified the whole way that someone would see me, but I should have known better. Everyone in this neighborhood went to bed at 10. A couple blocks over a dog barked loudly, enough to make me jump … Read more

Jean’s Story

Chapter 1 : Introduction, London, the 25th “And you are quite certain that you don’t want to add any further conditions or qualifications, you’re happy with things as agreed ?” “I am. Now if you don’t want my custom Mr Smith” “I’m sorry Mrs Devereux, I have to be sure. I do hope that you … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis

This is Chapter 3, which comprises parts XIII – XVII. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, as a warning, from here on out, the genders get mixed-up. There are no parts that can be skipped in this chapter. Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis PART XIII The phone … Read more

Big Cat Leggings, Ch. 02

Chapter 2: Cheetah Amy was still buzzing with arousal when she arrived home that evening. Stepping out of her car and walking down her driveway to get the mail, the sound of weights clanking drew her attention to the garage of the house next door, where her older neighbors’ son Brad was working out. Brad … Read more

The mind’s eye 4

Bell appeared in a lush tropical forest, the smell of plants surrounding her. Not more than ten feet in front of her was a male, native to the island. “Hello,” Bell said, a smile on her face. The male turned, a look of at first fear, then anger on his face. “How did you get … Read more

Repopulating the Earth

The year is 2053 and the human race is no more. War had overtaken the earth in 2048, a small conflict snowballing into an apocalyptic world war, which due to biological weapons being used and spiralling out of what little control there was, led to humans as a race being wiped out. By 2053 peace … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess PART XXX The room glowed purple as the tentacles lowered me to the ground. Another pillar of light appeared at the far end of the room opposite the door. Makala took my mother’s hand and led her to the pillar of light, placing her next to it, almost inside it. … Read more