The Organic Belt

My wife is an organic scientist, a damm fine one. She has always made me proud with many groundbreaking discoveries. She was raking the money in since shortly after we married and it was a no brainer for me to take to the house dad role. I raised the kids, pursued my hobbies, we traveled, … Read more

The Royal Genies – Chapter 04

After Sofia shut the doors to her balcony, a gust of wind caused the lamp to topple off, and fall down onto the ground below, in the gardens of the palace. As it lay there, it began to grow warm, before clouds of violet-coloured smoke began pouring out. It formed into a nude girl, who … Read more

Princess Ellie

Princess Ellie wasn’t a *bad* princess, but she was occasionally a thoughtless and cruel one, and she made the mistake of doing so on the day when a middle-aged woman arrived at court and applied for permission to access the Royal Library. To be fair, the woman was trashily dressed, huge-titted, and more than a … Read more

Snow White & The Queen

“Every fairy tale has a bloody lining.” -Alice Hoffman *** “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…” “What’s that, mother?” The Queen turned away from the glass. Her stepdaughter sat at the tower window, embroidery in her lap, looking puzzled. “Just something I used to say when I was a little girl,” said the Queen. “A rhyming … Read more

Fantasy world adventurer pt 1-World of Warcraft.(knotting a bitch)

Chapter 1 (All stories are inspired by pictures from Lucien and Joixxx from Rule 34.All characters not OCTOBER are not mine only borrowed.) Deren moon awoke grogily in a soft bed that was not his own.The sheets were blood red and softer than any he he felt in his whole life. He wondered what had … Read more

Beastly passion ch1

Ok, I have never wrote before, all constructive criticism is very welcome just don’t ass rape me with it. I chose Werewolves because of the sheer carnal passion I associate with the myth. This is just the opening and first chapter. If I get positive feed back on it I will keep writing. Thanks everyone … Read more

Naruto- KoRn Koncert In Konoha: Part 6

32 DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT “So Kurenai- sensei, why are you doing this for us?” Naruto and his new wife Hinata were at Konoha Teahouse with Kurenai sipping warm tea from ornate glasses. Though Naruto was enjoying himself, he was a little confused as why Kurenai was paying for all this instead of honoring his … Read more

24 Hour Sex-Swapping Pills

I honestly laughed out loud the first time I read the email. I was used to seeing all sorts of ridiculous nonsense, ads for penis enlargement pills, a cream that promised extra staying power, a smoothie powder that would supposedly have you cumming buckets… you name it, and it seemed someone out there was willing … Read more

Keio and Dr. Mandy at the beach (3)

Something moved… Keio woke up slowly. She realized she still had her mouth around Mandy’s hard nipple and instinctively started sucking on it again. Mandy moaned in newly woken, morning pleasure. Sensual feelings were running through her body before she was awake enough to realize where they were coming from. She looked down on the … Read more

It Came From My Dreams

I turned the water off and reached for the towel I had left for myself but it was gone *dammit* I thought my brother was probably playing a trick on me. I stood there letting most of the water run down my body gliding down my soft skin. I jumped out and didn’t bother throwing … Read more

Diane in the Amazon 02

Naira is leading me along a track through the amazon rainforest, his few posessions in a basket slung over his shoulder. I could have tried to find my expedition camp but my curiosity as an anthropologist got the better of me and I want to spend more time with him. We set off down the … Read more

Roommate Screening, Ch. 04 – A Slut Screen Story

After Olivia’s show of determination the night before, I was surprised to see her arrive home in an even skimpier outfit the very next afternoon. My poor roommate was now wearing a tiny miniskirt and tube top combo that left very little of her stunning body to the imagination, which made it all the more … Read more

Keio – The Green pills (1)

“Get your body toned! Get in shape! Become the girl of everyones dreams!” The commercial message had been hammering down hard on Keio’s mind now for months. She saw the ad several times a day – on FB, via mails in her apps… She had always, at least since her school-years (which weren’t that long … Read more