Bait and Switch Ch. 03

Author’s note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as incest. While this chapter doesn’t contain this, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if this subject bothers/offends you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn. If all this … Read more

Well, That Backfired_(1) Walls

LAURIE My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. He’ll be heading off to college soon, … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 19-20

=================================== Ch 19 It takes me nearly an hour to convince mom that she hadn’t see an alien ship abducting Summer, and thankfully my sister is there to back up my story. Summer and I agree that my sister needs to leave our mother’s home, though, just so that a repeat occurrence isn’t likely. Her … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 15-16_(0)

=================================== Ch 15 Nightmares fill my dreams. Explosions, death, and cries for help haunt me, as I toss and turn, trying to escape from the horrors filling my sleep. Over and over again I watch as death claims another life, and another, and another. The worst part is that it’s the demons dying that I’m … Read more

The Conference

“Shoes?” “Yup.” “Camera?” “Got it.” “Flash drive?” “Shit. Thanks. Almost forgot it.” I rushed to the desk drawer and grabbed the flash drive with my PowerPoint on it. My wife and I had a tradition of this checklist run-through every time I traveled for a conference. It was created out of necessity because I never … Read more

Taking the Plunge Ch 2 Jacnoff

It took a moment for me to realize where I was when I woke up. I could feel my piss hard pressing into the gap at the top of Marge’s legs. Before I was fully awake I snuggled closer. The fog of sleep cleared and I became aware that I was in a hotel room … Read more

The Secret Sandy

THE SECRET SANDY This is the story of an experience I had about 25 years ago. I’ve never told anyone about this because it would have caused a lot of problems for various people if those various people ever found out. The names are changed, and the dialogue is paraphrased, but I remember most of … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 03-04_(0)

Friend’s note: I must apologize for not being clearer before. The man you all knew as Dark_Brother, is dead. I wish I could say that he died valiantly in a blaze of glory, but that is only partially true. A cowardly IED (roadside bomb) exploded outside our vehicle. I’m, sorry, this is hard to type, … Read more

My Life. Ch. 6…

Two days later. It was Tuesday night, I hadn’t gone to school yet this week. I was afraid to deal with questions from people who may have heard the rumors. It was a short week anyways, Thanksgiving was this Thursday. I was still staying with Mariola. Mom had come home really quick Sunday afternoon for … Read more

Road Trip (2) Remember

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CHAPTER 1: On the Road Again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in last night. The … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 10

A pleasant sensation spread through my body, slowly waking me up. I felt really good and thought maybe Lela’s green/yellow light was on me, but an odd noise filled my ears. It took a few seconds for my sleep bleary eyes to focus, and I moaned loudly as I saw what was happening. Gina was … Read more


Compartments Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen … Read more