The nighttime is the right yime

Sacramento California , was a beautiful place to visit.. And right now heading home in my dust bucket of a Volvo I sat back enjoying the rest of the view..The skyline was in front of me..And a lovely sunset was slipping down behind the horizon behind me with me leaning back with my gospel music … Read more

My girls kid sister

It was a regular Saturday evening . Nothing was happening just a boring regular day well that was until about 5:40 that evening when my girl received a call from her older cousin stating that her sister and and little cousin had been drinking the entire day and they were wasted. It came as a … Read more

Victorious part 6

SIX The morning after their first threesome was awkward. Victor awoke with morning wood stuck in between Jan’s voluminous breasts. Looking down, he saw the tall blonde curled up hugging her massive chest as she dozed. Meredith stirred behind her, and awoke with him and moved in for a kiss over the blonde which awoke … Read more

Love and Football – Chapters 2 & 3

Chapter 2 My brothers’ funeral was scheduled for the day after the game, keeping the distraction away from our week of preparation. In what should’ve been the biggest week of my life, I was just going through the motions. I did not care about school, I did not care about my friends, I did not … Read more


He was SO BIG. I’m no stranger to a dick as I’ve had my fair share. Black ones, white ones, mexican ones, even an Asian one snuck in there one night. When a man goes bragging on his dick it don’t move me. But he was so big. Our conversations got me to the point … Read more

The Flight Attendant, Chapter 1

I loved my job, even then. I lived a trapped, sheltered youth in a sad little town, and I was always a free spirit. Other girls always knew the path: marry your high school sweetheart, buy a house a block away from your parents. Two and a half kids, maybe a dog. For me, that … Read more

Watching Stella

“Stella!”, I thumbed the intercom one more time. Where was she? Usually my personal assistant appeared at my first bidding… her heels clicking across the floor of the adjacent room as she hurried to my beckoning. By now I should be admiring her lush, erection-boosting curves as she entered the room, her notepad clutched in … Read more

How Not To Write a Sex Story: Ch. I

CHAPTER I: Inspiration “She lowered herself onto her lover’s throbbing member, her womanhood aching with warm desire and anticipation. She gazed steadily into his eyes as he entered her, and whispered the words she knew he wanted to hear: ‘Fuck me, baby.’” “Christ, man,” My roommate said, with a slight chuckle. “This is supposed to … Read more

Being the Night Shift Guy. Chapter 5

Chapter Five: Starting Small It was almost one am and I was moving into the quiet part of the shift. I had already mopped the floors and finished the other cleaning jobs that were part of my usual routine. I was casually leaning against the counter perusing through this weeks reading. (In addition to night … Read more

Havan city! (Short story)

“Here it is, cus! The house I was telling you about. Now, we just gotta get in there. There should be an opening around the house.” Dennis said to his cousin as he looks around the place for the hidden entrance. Tyler watched from a distance as he could not believe what he was gonna … Read more

A Tale of Amara III

A TALE OF AMARA III Somehow, her sisters had convinced Kosi that she and Kene had a forbidden romance going on. Somehow, they’d convinced themselves and Kosi that she was going to ruin any relationship or marriage so long as she stayed around Kene. Given the choice, Kene chose his sister. The tale was the … Read more

A Little Black Magic Chapter 1

“Fuck you nerd!” I said to my reflection as I stroked my cock. My parents were very well off and had purchased a home near campus for me and my best friend Jeremy to stay while we attended school. It was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing to easily find quiet … Read more

Making a better world

We were just about ready for our guest to arrive; dinner was just requiring the last-minute touches and Leanne was had just finished her makeup. The guest we were awaiting was someone I met through a work friend and was fascinating. We’d had a great conversation in a pub, so I had invited him to … Read more