Young Robins vice

As soon as the school bell screamed the end of the day had arrived, the small unassuming girl ran all the way home. There was only a few older eyes who noticed the slim waif with the cute pretty face and baby doll blue eyes. Robin had only had her laptop PC for 4 weeks, … Read more


It started out like any other day I guess, if I really think about it. It wouldn’t end that way though. It was my 23rd birthday. I had been a full time slaveslut whore to my Master for almost four years. It had been quite a ride, and now that we were married, it guaranteed … Read more

Naughty Thing

The Naughty Thing, by Phyllisroger There had been some local break-ins and I lived alone or was at least alone much of the time. It was work, shopping, home, the usual routine and I was sitting on my back porch on a dark night and thinking about what a woman at the store had been … Read more

A surprise for Cassidy

It was one of those rare days where I had the entire house to myself, Dad was out at golf, and Mom had to take my younger twin brothers, Jake and James, to their soccer semi-finals, which meant that she would have to stay and watch. It also meant that I had the best part … Read more

Started small

We live on 3 acres about 6 miles from town and have one neighbor just across the road and another about a mile down the road. Other than that there isn’t much out here but cornfields. Our back yard isn’t fenced but it is totally enclosed by hedges and shrubs. The day before this all … Read more


Two weeks had gone by since her release from the training collar. Bruno mated with her two to three times a day, sometimes more, depending on his mood. A few other changes happened, which seemed natural too. She stopped shaving, and let her hair grow longer, just put it into a ponytail. Her wardrobe changed … Read more

Great Dana

Here she was in the life she had envisioned for herself since her early twenties. Dana was where she wanted to be. She had finished her Master’s, simultaneously earning a significant promotion at work. Now instead of being supervised, she was a supervisor. With her healthy salary, she had moved the neighborhood that she knew … Read more

From A Curse to a Gift (Part 3)

Chapter 5 I asked for about the hundredth time. “Are you sure we’ve interpreted the curse correctly? I mean do you really think making love to a dog will return me to normal.” She responded. “I don’t think we have any other choice, unless you are willing to wait until tomorrow morning to see what … Read more


TARYN’S OTHERLAND: Chapter 4 Thinking that our life ‘will never be the same’ was an understatement. You make a decision, maybe spur of the moment, and take one step in action while thinking you can manage the effects. In reality, it can be like sitting down at the top of a water-slide and pushing off. … Read more

Jack and Jessie Conclusion

Jack and Jessie Conclusion I want to start by apologizing for the time it took me to get around to writing the conclusion. I had returned from a tour overseas, and family and career have been my primary focus. Those who have waited patiently for me to finish this story, I hope it is worth … Read more

Lisas Transformation 5-8

—————————– Chapter Five – Water Lisa nearly passed out because of the low temperature and the lack of water and food. Thend suddenly the door opened and the man entered the room. “OK slave, hello there. Get up!” Lisa felt she’d die soon if she didn’t do as commanded so she tried to get up. … Read more

Angel 2

Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. “Who are you?” She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. “I thought everybody knew that.” He said. “I’m the Stripped Tailed Cat.” He said waving his tail proudly. “Most just … Read more

Young, Wicked and Delicious…A Divine Trilogy – Part 1.

Characters – Ian, myself, a divorced/no kids, cattle rancher 46 years old. Jo, a 26 year old ‘lesbian’ real estate agent who is raising her older sisters two children since their parents were killed when they were only a few years old, Jess, now 12 years old and Abby, now thirteen years old. Samantha, a … Read more

Aruni: Part One and Two

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope … Read more

The Borrowed Dog

I was reading a story here about a girl who lets a dog fuck her. I found it hard to believe. I was at my girlfriend’s place and we were going to have a fuck. She had rung me and said she was horny and would I fuck her. While we were getting undressed, I … Read more

Maria at the Cafe II

Although I had understood Maria to be a conservative, demure half-Filipino, half-Chinese woman, I had discovered that at 52 years old, she had developed some very unconservative, undemure interests. Our initial sexual contact had involved her dominating me, forcing me to lick her as cunt and asshole before sliding her finger up my asshole and … Read more