TARYN’S OTHERLAND: Chapter 5 Before my eyes registered anything about the new day, I knew I was alone in the shelter. Not that I expected Bo to remain next to me and allow snuggling, but it was still a ‘missing’ sensation. I rolled onto my back, the lab coat I was using as a cover … Read more


TARYN’S OTHERLAND: Chapter 6 Reality hit me hard after the adventure of tracking and killing the elk. It wasn’t that my effort or success could be faulted, but the preparation and allotment of time afterwards was sorely lacking. I was focused on the hunt and kill, without understanding or appreciating the time involved afterwards in … Read more

Being Neighborly Ch.6

About a month had passed since that night at Mike and Sue’s. I had gone to another free clinic and had a sonogram which confirmed my pregnancy. It was a very young and inexperienced technician. I was told there was one embryo implanted with a strong heartbeat. I asked to please be sure there was … Read more

Birds of a Feather, Chapter 7

Birds of a Feather, Chapter 7 (I can’t believe this happened) Thursday morning started out great. We were both in a good mood as I drove to work. Things started on a good note but within an hour, it had turned into a Murphy’s Law day. One little fuck up after the other. Days like … Read more

07 – The Chico Tales

Michelle had slept most of the way from New York down to Jamica, tired from both her physical exertions of being anally fucked by a dog yesterday and the mental exhaustion from the tension that had built up leading up to the final test to be accepted into the DS club. Just before she fell … Read more

first meeting_(2)

The Meeting Judy Tsang was in no doubt that she was taking chances by not telling anyone about where she was going. Over the previous two months she had built up a friendship over the internet with a supposedly nice guy. She had felt at ease with John Thompson right from the very start. Even … Read more

Joe’s pets

Neither of them knew how long she’d been around if you asked them. When he inherited the house, she was just….there, part of it. Not that either complained about it, far from it. She had been employed to keep it clean, maintain the garden, cook and be a companion for his Grandmother when she had … Read more

Cum Hazard

In the stud farms of Highacre the breeders worked tirelessly to produce the strongest lines of their prize animals, but none were as passionate about their studs as Madam Viktoria, owner of Highacre Dragon care and training facility, she and her staff worked day and night to care for all the dragons in their care, … Read more