THE BOSS’S SLUT 7: Anal Training

CHAPTER SEVEN: ANAL TRAINING “Mr. Woodburn, Tina is here.” I was walking toward her cubicle, which had a clear view of anyone approaching from the elevators. As I came to her desk, “You didn’t call her, Sir?” She listened and hung up the phone. “Go right in, Tina. Is anything wrong?” I was usually called … Read more

Doggie Styles 2 – Pleasing Duke

Doggie Styles 2 – Pleasing Duke (bestiality, exhibitionist, f, young) Chapter Summary – Young Claire learns teasing Duke has unintended consequences. Previous Chapter – Claire Davis discovers a new way to have some sexy, teasing fun. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or … Read more

Becoming a bitch – Chapter 3

Home with Greg and his dog Brute I knew what was coming. I had my first experience with doggy sex and I loved it. Greg had a turn as well. Once? I didn’t think so. After breakfast we sat on the couch drinking our coffee. I saw Brute looking through the glass doors that went … Read more

Becoming a bitch – Chapter 2

I am fascinated by the idea of doggy sex. After having my pussy licked I want more. Greg, me and Brute walk back to his house which turned out to be in the street near to mine. At the gate Greg stopped me. “Are you sure Stella?” he asked “you have to be totally sure … Read more

Doggy Styles 5 – Sharing Duke

Doggy Styles 5 – Sharing Duke (Bestiality, Female, teen female, young, exhib) Chapter Summary – Claire and Duke find some new friends. Previous Chapter Summary – Duke got lucky. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or … Read more

The Dog Days of Summer_(2)

Authors Note: I want to thank my friend and editor Jim for everything he’s done for me and for sticking by me as I wrote this. – – – – “Can’t we at least talk about this?” I continued to look into the mirror and scrub the makeup off my face with a thick terry … Read more

A stallion lights my fire.

At 21yo I moved back home to my parent’s farm after my marriage broke up. Ted, my ex, promised me an escape from my parents and at 18yo and just out of school it sounded like heaven. Unfortunately it anything but. He was over bearing and watched every move I made. He was a dud … Read more

My New Guard Dogs_(1)

My New Guard Dogs (F, bestiality, Female exhibitionist) Summary – Jessica moves to a new house and buys two, large, guard dogs to keep her company. This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals … Read more

Beth goes to the dogs – Chapter 3

Beth surprises Toni with a toy. At work she continues the training but is interrupted by visitors. Will there be more adventures ahead? That night I told Toni about Gus and Claudia. “Poor Claudia” I said “she only gets fucked by a dog to please her husband and she lies and says how good it … Read more

Doggie Styles 1 – Teasing Duke

Doggie Styles 1 – Teasing Duke (bestiality, exhibitionist, f, masturbation, young) Chapter Summary – Claire Davis discovers a new way to have some sexy, teasing fun. This is the first of a who-knows-how-many-chapter story. I think Claire has many adventures ahead of her. If you like a story, take a moment and let the author … Read more

Becoming a bitch – Chapter 4

I spend the night at Greg’s home and on Saturday I am pleasured by Greg and his dog. No longer wondering if I will enjoy being a bitch I embrace it with vigour. I spent Sunday trying to concentrate of cleaning house. I had to admit that I had become addicted to Randle. His huge … Read more

Keeping it in the family – Chapter 3

My sister introduces me to the pleasure of her dog. Now I want her to train mine. After my introduction to doggy love Amy dropped by my house to check out Oscar. It was A Wednesday night and Bruce was working late so we had the house to ourselves. Amy got hold of Oscar and … Read more

Taking the Maid 3: Collar Ceremony

She packed her few belongings. She didn’t own much, mostly clothes, everything else at the boarding house was communal. She fit it all into her old Camry and drove to her new home. She arrived at the old house she had so often cleaned. Jack was ready for her at the door, smiling broadly. There … Read more


THE WITCHES OF WESTMOOR WOODS ##### Part 1 – A Walk in the Woods ##### Twas early in the spring of 1809 that she took up residence in the woods near our small and quiet town of Westmoor. We were a small community, reasonably polite, but wary of strangers. It was always “Miss Lendberg” to … Read more

Beth goes to the dogs – Chapter 10

I am excited to find Cindy enjoying my dogs after hours. I am also excited about the possibility of enjoying her and her friend April. I knew it was coming. April had contacted Cindy and asked her to bring the Great Dane and me to her house the next Saturday. Apparently her husband would be … Read more

The Horse Ranch Tour

“Come on, Domino, you can do it!” Jenny urged with a flick of the reins. But the spotted palomino stallion took several steps in reverse, tossing its head with a snort. “He won’t go!” the blonde cutie huffed with frustration. Natalie, the younger sister, looked dubiously at the narrow suspension bridge that Jenny was attempting … Read more

Maggie – Part 5 – The girls meet up with Rocky

Emmitt sat on the steps of the trailer rubbing at his crotch as he watched his two young, but rapidly maturing, daughters bounce up the path to the barn. He’d ordered them into their “work clothes” early and given them a list of chores to do in the garden and barn. He and his youngest, … Read more

Keeping it in the family – Chapter 2

I discover my sister is a dog lover. She offers to teach my dog. Then she makes out with me as if to tempt me to join in her fetish. All week I pondered what Amy had offered. To teach my dog to lick me. “What if I don’t like it?” I thought “how do … Read more