Beth goes to the dogs – Chapter 01

It felt weird going to work after quite some time not having a job. No gym in the morning. No flirting with Toni. Sadly, no Randy as well. However my new job was training dogs to mate with humans. I had watched those videos. You know the ones. The dogs run around not knowing what … Read more

The Enslavement Of Kathryn

Kathryn was roughly awakened from a deep sleep by her maid. Putting her mouth to Kathryn’s ear, Molly said. “Wake up you lazy girl, I have something you need to do.” Kathryn fought to understand what was going on. It was still pitch dark outside and she wasn’t used to getting up in the middle … Read more

Benji and His Big Tongue (2)

I was a horny teenager with lots of urges needing met. Hormones raging through my young teenage body making me horny as hell and wanting to play with my pussy at every opportunity to get that sweet feeling of relief. Some days I would rub my clit and orgasm 6 times from morning until bedtime! … Read more

The Night of the Bigfoot (Part 3)

Graybeard looked like an aggressive creature, one to be feared, not challenged or denied. Lindsey wondered how Number one had managed to defy this beast. Lindsey cringed when Graybeard began to sniff at her hair and stroke her hairless face with surprisingly tactile fingers. She was astonished by his gentleness. Slowly she relaxed and allowed … Read more

How it all began_(1) by

How it All Began Chapter 1 I found him in an online kinky chat room, he seemed nice and friendly, his name was John, we got to chatting, and he told me he worked as computer programer in London and spent most of his time at home working at programming and managing the computer network … Read more

Mating with Curley

Who could predict the thoughts in the mind of married women. Some women wonder what it might be like to fuck some certain guy while others go out of their way to do it. Gone are the days of the man being a serial cheat. These days it’s the women. And, for some women they … Read more

How to Have Sex with a Dog – Part 1: The Teacher’s Pet

Barbie Lez is a famous journalist and world-renowned trend chaser. Not only does she immerse herself in the latest trends, but she writes all about it for the entire world to read. There is no assignment too small, no obstacle too big. She has collected more Pokémon than any other person. She has explored the … Read more

Deal with the devil

I wake up for the nth time to the sound of my big brother beating me about the head. “Time to get up no-dick. I ain’t driving you to school.” “I’m up, I’m up. Go to hell James.” He wallops me upside the head once more, then absents himself from my room will a scoff. … Read more

Girl with flies

How that all did start? I am a young woman, aged 22 from scandinavian country and now I am working here in some west/middle-african country near Sahara and Sahel deserts. My organization helps children to have better education and trying to teach child-caring to population which is living still old way, agrarian communities on country-side … Read more

Daniel Wolf part 7

Chapter 12 Part 7 I awoke and looked around. I was nestled in a nest of soft grass. I reached to my chest and discovered the arrow no longer protruded from my chest. Also it was bandaged with a crude bandage. I looked around and was shocked by what I saw. My jaw almost hit … Read more

Vera…Jane and Susan

Jane looked in the mirror admiring her new nightie. Actually, it was a ‘T’ shirt that had a red heart printed on the front. It was a present from her sister Susan. Even though the shirt was large, Jane’s pink panties winked into sight when she walked. Three days had passed since Susan had her … Read more

The Book of May CH6

May couldn’t keep her hands off of her cunt for the rest of the day. She could still taste daddy’s piss and cum in her mouth, the thought of anyone smelling his seed every time she talked or the undeniable smell of pussy coming from under her desk drove her mad, she also couldn’t get … Read more