good News Travels Fast_(1)

Good News Travels Fast ffbb, best Phyllis and Roger One thing I know: we girls like to talk about exciting things in our lives, both good things and those not so good but we spend oodles of time sharing notes in our lives with each other. That is how it is and so the good … Read more

Dogged in the Dirt

I’m hunched in the brush, miles into the forest, the brook quietly babbling behind me. I have a clear view of the packed-dirt pathway, the bright summer sun beating down on it. I’m wearing camouflage, which feels ridiculous. I’m no soldier, and I’m not a hunter—not of animals, anyway—so the camo feels like dress-up. But … Read more

Honey-Lee Meets the Afghan

Journey of a TG Nymphomaniac Ch.4- Honey Meets the Afghan We slept well that night, spooned together in the middle of the big bed. At some point in the night, I half-woke as you spread my butt cheeks and slid your cock inside of me, but then you lay still and I drifted back to … Read more

The dare_(0)

My friends had dared me to go to this one house. They said to win the dare I had to stay for at least one hour and the house knew I was coming. I head up to the door and knock. It’s opened by a older man. Baggy cloths somewhat over weight. He sees me … Read more

Girls’ Club Excitements

The Girls’ Club Camp …Oh what fun (Chapter 1…before camp events) We school girls lived in the very rural part of the Southwest and while the city girls had their clubs of Girl Scouts and Brownies to learn about nature, well, since we lived in nature there wasn’t much about it we didn’t already know … Read more

Trent’s Adventure

We begin nearing the end of Trent’s first summer after college graduation. This story is intended for open minded adults only and has themes of bestiality, bisexuality, and group sex. There will be no cruelty. All characters are eighteen years of age or older. Trent – Chapter 1 The summer after I completed my degree … Read more

The Seminar

THE SEMINAR I took my eyes off the road for a brief second and looked at my beagle, Rocky. His head was out the window and his long ears were flapping behind him. It was a long drive. All the way from Phoenix, AZ to Colorado City, CO. Well, Mesa AZ actually. But hey, let’s … Read more

A Christmas to Remember

(Please note- this is a story I wrote some time back which is also posted on a site that has become very difficult to navigate, so I decided to copy/paste/ share it here.) A Christmas to Remember– FULL Version This story begins last December at my home in the Colorado Mountains, where I was just … Read more

Stress Release

Kim went into her room, it’s been a long day, and she’s ready to use her favorite vibrator to work off the stress. She hurries to her desk and opens her secret pleasure drawer, pushing past the different dildos and eggs she had collected over the years, she finally found her favorite. It’s a clit-tickler … Read more

Beth goes to the dogs – Chapter 2

Beth gets her perfect job. Working as a dog trainer. But Toni doesn’t want to be ignored either. Beth has a special surprise for her. I stood naked except for a 10” dildo strapped around my waist. I walked up to Toni who seemed in a state of shock. “I thought I told you to … Read more

Potential Part 14

Chapter 14 Full Circle The drive to Ms. Pioneer’s house was taking longer than Evan expected. His father would say, “You dope, you’re spending more time and gas than you’re making cutting those lawns!” Fuck him; I’ll ask Ms. Pioneer for a bunch of money. Style Pioneer, what kind of name was that? He didn’t … Read more

Jessica’s Story: The Kidnapping Pt3

Jessica’s View Of the Kidnapping Supper began normally. I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty … Read more

Wife’s First

Peg is 5 foot even and 95 pounds. We had only been married a year when this happened and I still get hard thinking about it. We decided to get a dog and found a guy who breeds Rottweilers. We bought a male and called him Bear.He was a very playful guy and loved to … Read more

Little Girl in the Red Hood (edited)

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a village surrounded by woods, and in it lived a little a girl called Myrna, but her name is not really important since everyone in the village knew her only by Red, due to the red velvet hood she always wore. Her grandmother made … Read more

A run to remember_(0)

It was a beautiful warm summer morning as I set off for my run. A mile into the run, I felt the warmth of the sunshine on my bare arms and legs- covered by a no-sleeve t shirt and elastic waisted shorts. The music on my MP3 player was blasting and I felt warm from … Read more

Being owned – Part 6

I awoke with a start. The sheets, drenched with my sweat clung to my body. Without turning on the light I got up, looked out of the window. Outside it was still dark, but dawn must be near. The nightmares usually came around dawn. Heart still hammering in my chest I moved to the kitchen. … Read more

Dog day afternoon

Brian and Beth Morris lived in a smallish rural town. They were both 40 and had been married for 20 years. They had two sons and a dog Goldie. One son was boarding at University in the city and the other one worked interstate. Brian had always worked in the local council and had gone … Read more