Trent’s Big Adventure Chapter Three

Trent’s Big Adventure Chapter Three Trent has just been busted for spying on his neighbors, Jeff and Regina, while the had sex on their back patio with their prime stud dog Khan. Regina took the dog in her mouth and pussy and her husband too her in those holes along with her ass. She was … Read more

Daniel Wolf Part 8

Chapter 15 part 8 Daniel awoken to a stir of activity, He over heard Brax mention something about Soldiers. Bren entered Daniel’s sleeping area. It was obvious she meant to protect him. “Bren where is your Mother?” “She has gone to check out the Soldiers and told Brax and I to wait til she returns.” … Read more

Enter Sectian

Chapter 1 Pamela Dragen hated walking home after work. It was three blocks to the bus stop, and sometimes the buses wouldn’t stop. The neighborhood stank of sewage and garbage. Trash ambled along the sidewalk from gusts of wind, a cold wind which brought little relief from the stink. The coldest winds blew from the … Read more

Always Pull Your Curtains – Chapter 4

Hailey sat at her dressing room table trying to decide what to wear with the words of her husband Craig still ringing in her ears as he left for work, “Don’t forget to pick up Sam from the kennels,” he had said before carrying on laughingly, “like you would of course, you do love that … Read more

The Bookworm, the Dog, and Me- Part III

Part 3 Summer vacation had finally arrived, and not a moment too soon. Thanks to Mikaela giving me tutoring I’d finally achieved honor roll. Also, thanks to my little sisters new found sexuality, we were both enjoying life more. Life without Dad seemed less of a hassle now. It seemed that somehow I’d stepped into … Read more

Fiona gets a job – Chapter 1

I left school after year 12. My mother was keen for me to graduate. She said it would make it easier to get a job. The truth was I had no idea what I wanted to do. So after graduation I settled on the couch or in my room and “thought”. It was maybe a … Read more


PB-308 COUSIN’S FARMYARD FUN by Paul Gable CHAPTER ONE Barbara’s cunt tightened, that delicious hot, itchy feeling making her clit tingle and stiffen while juice began to ooze from the seepy lining. It was awful! The attractive twenty-four-year-old blonde pressed her fingertips to her lips and closed her eyes, inhaling a shuddering breath and trying … Read more

Marjorie 3

Marjorie 3 This is a continuation of one story, you really will need to read this from the beginning. I downed what was left of my coffee and while still naked I walked to the shower. I left little droplets of dog cum in the living room as I made my way to the master … Read more

Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake 13-16

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . … Read more

Rape Maganet

Well this is the wildest thing to ever happen in my life, my name is Jaime and I am twenty three I have been married for three years. My husband is a loving and caring man with a normal sex drive and an adequate cock, so I don’t understand what is wrong with me. I … Read more

Dark Horse Farm Revisited

As I step out of the stable into the yard I gush on and on about how grateful I am, how I wouldn’t tell anyone about this place. Still early morning, the Farm is just beginning stir in the dim light and it looks like any other horse farm. As I’m walked towards the center … Read more

The Girl’s Dragon, Part I

Temur felt an arm nudge his side, breaking him out of his nap. “Hm, what?” he asked, but the other guard simply pointed down the moonlit road. There, not far distant, he spied a lone traveller in a long cloak, walking towards Keystone’s gate. The stranger rode no horse and carried no pack, but simply … Read more

Susie’s Zoo Submission V

Susie sank into a blissful, if restless, sleep, trying to forget the experiences of the last few days. Every time she turned, her pussy and ass burned as if it were on fire from where the snake had been fucking her. As she thought about it, the scaly, writhing animal between her legs, she couldn’t … Read more

IN DREAMS: Gunny and Me

This is just a short story. I wrote it and it is significantly toned down from my usual as I was going to post it on another site that didn’t allow some genres, but even in a dream they wouldn’t allow it. I should probably go back and enhance it, but enjoy this version for … Read more

02 – The Chico Tales

“What the hell,” roared Michelle’s father as he took in the scene before him. There was his sweet daughter with her ass high in the air pointing towards him. Her pussy was clearly on display and he could see the dog cum dripping from her swollen lips to join the puddle between her thighs. The … Read more