Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament – edited

Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament I glance over at the window next to the bed. Street lights outside give just enough illumination to the night. It started snowing. We’re getting a nice white Christmas. I crawl to the edge of the bed, resting for a moment, enjoying the dimly lit bedroom. The warmth that … Read more

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine Part 3

Mister Stephenson’s Fucking Machine part 3 As his Fucking Machines increase in popularity, George fights for his Fanny Will our working class hero George with his steam powered cottage defeat the aristocratic prat Lord Arthur with his crumbling Mansion. =========================================== Arthur Cleghorn sat at his magnificent dining Table in his brand new red brick Mansion … Read more

The Perfect Victim_(1)

Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasn’t the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasn’t that she didn’t get along with them, in fact, they were probably a … Read more

Angelic Deviant

Angelic Deviant “How old?” I asked my driver. “Twenty-six, sir.” “Very interesting.” I remarked as we drove to the destined location. Her file read well, 5’ 6”, toned, fair white skin, perky little B-cup tits, fit; but not anorexic skinny. Add the red hair, and you have one amazing combination. There is one factor however, … Read more

Jaded pt 3

Jaded part 3. Jayne tentatively eased her tongue among the folds of Miss Cathcart’s sex, it was Thursday evening, she had work to do, a presentation to finish, and yet somehow she had gone from returning a set of play handcuffs to the sex shop for a refund to licking the owner’s sex in less … Read more

Finding Hannah

Finding Hannah “Where is she?” my sister asks her son as she watches the servers place small dishes on the spinning glass table top. The food is already coming out and my nephew’s girlfriend isn’t here yet. Not good. I glance at my sister. She’s clearly getting annoyed, but then again, she is always annoyed. … Read more

The Georgia Peach – Part 01

The Georgia Peach – A Story of the American Civil War. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war …” From The Gettysburg Address, … Read more

The Photo Booth part by

The Photo Booth part 1 Wendy was a beautiful young girl, she and her boy friend had engaged in some heavy petting, she had barely been able to remain a virgin, and was left with unsatisfied thoughts and urges. Having just graduated from high school and turning 18, she had decided to spend the day … Read more


POW 3 I got to sleep in Don’s room for the first time that night. He slept on his side on one edge of the bed while I slept facing him, curled up much lower. Every time I opened my eyes, I got a close up glimpse of his cock. Thankfully it was July, and … Read more

Sleeping Cody

It was a message sent in the early hours of the night, Justin was working with the night crew on the road and unlocked the message from Kent which read ‘Hey man, I’ve had a really rough night at work, are you home for a couple of drinks?’ Justin felt for his best mate but … Read more

Backstage Pass 4: Things Get Rough

Bill set down the camera and snapped off her ball gag. “Are you going to suck cock now, little girl, or are we going to have to punish you?” What followed was a stream of filthy invective from that jewel-like mouth that would have made a sailor blush. Clearly, her pain and shame at the … Read more