I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 4

I pulled up to Amanda’s house and parked the car on the street, concerned. Who the fuck is here at this time of night? There was a sparkling black Corvette parked in her driveway, in front of her SUV. I got out of my car, and Amanda threw open the front door and came running … Read more

In The Warehouse

In The Warehouse [for a reader who gave me some ideas….] “Only twenty-five years old. And already, your body responds like you’ve been doing this for years.” She struggled and managed to raise her head slightly. She looked at him through eyes swollen with tears and stinging from the sweat running down her forehead. From … Read more

lisa lus

Chapter 1: An embarrassing journey The bus came to a shuddering halt. Except for an old couple occupying the seat directly behind the driver it was almost empty. The only other passenger was a young girl. She glanced nervously towards the door as a youth climbed aboard. He was probably about 18 she thought, a … Read more

Three J’s and an S Go Skiing – Day 4

Joan was awakened by sunlight streaming through the top of the window directly onto her face. She looked sleepily at the glass and wondered why anyone would put a dark curtain across all but the top two inches of a window. Then she realized that the curtains were wide open and what she was looking … Read more

The Osaka Riders of Glorious Youth, Part 1

Part 1 Every spring I take the ferry from Osaka to Tokushima to let loose my Ducati Hyperstrada on the winding mountain roads of Shikoku. I look forward to this trip all year. It’s pure “me time.” The roads of Shikoku are kept in excellent condition as a way to support rural communities, even though … Read more

Becky’s 1st day at work

Becky hummed happily to herself as she slid a brush through her hair, touched up her lipstick and got ready to go to school. Her cellphone rang, and as she answered it she was already picking up her bag and books. She grinned as she heard the voice of her favorite uncle. “Hey Becky, how’s … Read more

The Vacation_(3)

My name is Roger, and I grew up in central California with my mom Karen and dad Charles, year and a half older sister Susan, and three year younger brother Scott. Dad was in real estate, was doing pretty well, and mom worked in the office with him. Susan and I were two completely different … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 4 – Cookies & Milk – edited

Don’t start here! Start at chapter 1! See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS In this series, I write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is … Read more

Timestop: The Train Ride Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 A bit later, I still lay there admiring the mess next to me, she’s sweaty underneath expensive white sweater. “How did I not get you out of that yet?” I guess I was too hasty, rushing straight into things and forgetting to really explore her entire body. I cuddle up next to her, … Read more

Ravage: NOW!

Ravage Every inch of my body is crawling with desire. Something has crawled under my skin that I just can’t get rid of. I wish I knew what it was – I’ve been aching for days for something, something… In an attempt to distract myself from by nearly unbearable horniness, I (rather stupidly) get online. … Read more

step mother fucker_(0)

Main character: John/son. Age 18. Race Caucasian. Height 5’11. Build fit. Eye color brown. Hair brown trimmed. Size 10 inches and thick. Pubic hair fluffy soft. Character Summary: John high school graduate and son of vice chairman Alexander. His mother died at childbirth and it has been him and his father for sixteen years until … Read more

Slave Night

It was mostly the boss’s fault. The boss was the kind of person who had to micromanage everything and everyone, who couldn’t trust anyone to get a single detail correct and so was constantly looking over the shoulders of every employee, sometimes literally breathing down their necks. But there was little that Anita could do … Read more

My Dear Sweet Slave: Chapter 3

Chapter Three “Just a tad bit more,” Isaac said. Holly lowered the gallon bottle of milk over the bowl of Raisin Bran, letting a small white splash soak down under the brown flakes. “Perfect, just like that. Now, onto Cheerios…” It was an interesting scene taking place in Isaac’s kitchen; it was like he and … Read more

The Fowler and His Net – Chapter 10

It was no more than twenty minutes before the cellar door opened once more and the now familiar metallic chick of the food trolley descended the stairs. ‘Mr. Fowler,’ cried Rachel, as she turned on the lights, ‘we have dinner, and it smells lovely.’ Gary sighed. He would rather have steadily weakened through hunger than … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 2 – Mommy’s Gift

Chapter 2 – Mommy’s Gift After entering the home of a wealthy family who ruined my life, I’ve been preparing them for a night of Christmas fun. I have the ability to possess their bodies, taking the father and playing around in bed with the wife. I had him buy some fun toys for us … Read more