How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 1

George Ramer had already had three daughters take top placement in three previous Festivals, and had built a successful business coaching other fathers in the finer points of preparing their own daughters for their big night. His services included exercise and nutrition programming, movement coaching and choreography, grooming advice, and psychological coaching for both the … Read more

European Nightmare Part II

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. Contains adult themes. The author does not condone any of the actions depicted in this work. The actions depicted here are to be read only by those who recognize the moral and legal implications of these actions, and … Read more

Traci’s Abduction and Rape 3

Traci’s Abduction and Rape 3 Traci wakened to the noise in the vast barn as he opened the large door and entered. As he approached her he noticed she had removed the rope from her legs and ankles during the night. The collar was padlocked on her neck with the chain attached to the collar … Read more

The Dog Days of Summer_(2)

Authors Note: I want to thank my friend and editor Jim for everything he’s done for me and for sticking by me as I wrote this. – – – – “Can’t we at least talk about this?” I continued to look into the mirror and scrub the makeup off my face with a thick terry … Read more

Mr Stephensons Fucking Machine part 4

Mr Stephenson’s Fucking Machine Pt 4 Georges equipment attracts the attention of Prostitutes and Nuns and then he is persuaded to make a left handed version. ====================================== Ada Monckton was a woman to be feared, a colossus of womanhood only five feet tall but reputedly twenty stone, and as leader of the Gateshead and Heaton … Read more

Hiding Sandy Part 2

Sandy was so exhausted from cleaning Mike’s house and her punishment by him afterwards, that she woke up and barely remembered where she was. Then she got a sickening feeling in her stomach and was terrified of what the day might bring with Mike. But she was shocked when she woke up and the restraint … Read more

Penny’s Abduction and Slavery 1

Penny’s Abduction and Slavery Luke is a mature man in his 50’s, 6 ft 1in tall, 185 lbs, blue eyes, dark brown hair with a crew cut shopping at the local super market for his monthly supplies. Pushing his shopping cart slowly down each row of stocked shelves. He had just started getting the items … Read more

Ashen Master 1

Ash My life was singularly the greatest life ever fathomed, for two reasons. One, I was dead inside, the events of my childhood leaving me a hollow shell of a person. I was delightfully, wonderfully empty, devoid of pain, sorrow, love, rage, and the entire rest of the spectrum. Two, I owned and lived in … Read more

Slavers of Aghara-Penthay

Slavers of Aghara-Penthay Olga Anastasia To my muses – Werner H, Humilator, Brian S: I hope this pleases you. Olga. x 1 – MIA When an emergency call comes to the university and it’s summoning me to The Fortress, I sink straight into despair. It’s just as I’ve long feared. There is one reason anyone … Read more


(Hello! This time I thought it would be fun to see where the Roberts Boys got it from. If you are not sure what I am referring to, please click my profile. Of the 12 multi-chapter stories written so far, 10 are about the Roberts boys and their sexual hi-jinks/adventures, so it’s high-time I wrote … Read more

Being Human – part 1

“I asked him, “Do you know the difference between nude and naked?” He shook his head. “Nude is artistic. Naked is defenseless.” ― Larry Niven Chapter One Pixel drummed her fingers on her laptop in an absent minded cadence. She sat on a park bench, her bicycle propped up next to her. Her brow was … Read more

My Fantasy_(5)

It’s Sunday evening and I just got back from Houston and visiting with Master for the weekend. What a weekend, but I should have known something was up. I had to miss our last visit, so I knew punishment would be worse this time. I had several “incidents” that I had to pay for : … Read more

Taking the Maid 3: Collar Ceremony

She packed her few belongings. She didn’t own much, mostly clothes, everything else at the boarding house was communal. She fit it all into her old Camry and drove to her new home. She arrived at the old house she had so often cleaned. Jack was ready for her at the door, smiling broadly. There … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 6

[Earlier that day…] A’luhr had been careless, and it had cost her. “No!” A’luhr heard the young male human, Steven, yell as she was thrown out the window by the loathsome thrall that had gotten the jump on her. She grimaced in pain from the whiplash on her leg as the tentacle released her, but … Read more

Rachel’s Debt (Chapter 3 – The Past and the Pain)_(0)

Saturday came and I still hadn’t heard from Rachel. I also wasn’t yet ready to call her for our next tryst. I certainly wanted to. In the time before Rachel, since I had last been with a woman, it had seemed that my sex drive had gone cold. Being with Rachel had reignited it, driven … Read more