Reading Allowed, Pt.8

READING ALLOWED, Part 8 By lamignonne and Zenmackie Marie felt wretched. While he was gone, it had been easy to nurture her feelings of resentment towards him for leaving her alone all day, tied up and bored, and suffering acutely from her unsatisfied lust. As the long day had worn on, her jaw aching more … Read more

Camping With Mom – Part 4

Note: I am not the Author of this story. I recently read this much of the story on this website (XNXX) with less grammar etc. I searched the web for the rest of the story and will be uploading them part by part at some point during this week. The reason for the delay in … Read more

Lord Marchington’s Conquest

Lord Marchington’s Conquest I looked around the sitting room, where my sisters and mother and the aristocratic and haughty Lady Marjory and the flame haired Rose her tall spoiled daughter, were all looking expectantly at me and I laughed. “Mr Harnsworth,” Lady Marjory demanded, “What exactly do you find funny?” It was something my Father … Read more

Twenty Ninety Five

This was written while on a long vacation on a cell phone pardon any typos. 2080 New Vegas was created in the foothills above Los Angeles. Indian land that was once a national forest and returned to the tribes. One hundred casinos built in four years. Mega Vegas, Super Vegas, and many more were built … Read more

Cheerleader Sale

Cheerleader Sale Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared to be sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Eighteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into the room built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled and fought, but the more … Read more

Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007

I’ve finally decided to do it. I’m going to abduct a young girl and train her as a sex slave. For those interested, the following is some background on me, my life, and my motivation for doing this. My name is Edward. I am in my 40’s, married to a very nice and attractive woman … Read more

The Slaver’s Retaliation

Story contains raping, humiliation and degradation of female characters. Read at your own risk. If you do not like this particular genre, please don’t read it and then dislike it for being too disturbing for your taste. You have been warned. Please judge my writing based on the prose, plot, language, character development, etc. Criticisms … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 11

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.5 – NEW ADDITION!!!

(Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her lesson, so Johnathan is going to have to teach her the humiliating hard way, so give it a read, and enjoy! ALL COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS ENCOURAGED!) The tires of Jordynn Perry’s old Nissan crunch the shells and gravel … Read more

Going for the Record

“Make sure your makeup and hair are perfect for tonight. We are going for the record.” That was all the instructions Master had given her when he told her to clean herself for display. They were going to the club, that was obvious. Master was going to do something with her on stage. That also … Read more

The Club, Ch. 7 – Everyday Routine

The Club Chapter 7 – Everyday Routine I had daily routines that I was starting to follow. Or at least certain things I would expect on different days of the week. Part of my routine was being monitored by Mr. Savage in every way, some days more closely than others. He would weigh me, measure … Read more

Ch.6 Secrets of the Toolshed

Honey-Lee–the journeys of a TG Nympho Chapter 6 –Secrets of the tool shed The morning after our Sunday brunch at the Holmsteads, I wake late, aware that its late by the brightness of the sun through the venetians on the bedroom door to the pool. I lay contentedly, listening to Paul’s deep breathing, enjoying the … Read more

Claire and the Clay Cuffs

“Time’s up, ladies and gentlemen. Pencils down.” Claire sighed, finally relaxing out of the position she’d been in all class, drawing a pale blue soft robe around her as the art class around her began murmuring quietly. She looked away from the drawings they’d done of her; she’d learned to never look at work people … Read more

Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 13

Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 13 Angela, Diann and Kim Li the three run-away slaves lay restful in each of their beds after being persuade, captured, punished, gang raped and raped by dogs. Caylie, Cristin and Janis cleaned the cum from the girls. Janis covered and kissed Kim Li telling her she will tell her when … Read more