Dominant Teen encounter

Hi, I’m Nick, a 32 year old average looking single. A week ago while browsing and swiping on Tinder, I came across a girl named Brenda, a single mother. A regular good looking girl, with a bit of a naughty look on her face. I liked her picture, read her little profile text, and it … Read more

Commander’s Pet Part I

“I may have seen her, but not even info comes without a price, baby.” Freddy’s tongue flicks between his lips revealing brown teeth, and the movement makes my stomach lurch. Good thing there isn’t anything in there to hurl. I’d been searching for Lizzy all day and hadn’t had time scavenge anything. Now I might … Read more

Forced to be used.

His arm was tightly wrapped around her waist before she even realised what was happening. Dragging her into him, her scream was cut off by his other hand covering her mouth. Bucking and squirming in his grasp, she wasn’t giving in. She kicked her legs back against him, only to have him pick her up … Read more

Home alone_(3)

It was another one of my lame boring Saturday nights home alone with not much else to do. But tonight I decided I would do my occasional fun of getting online and chatting in the BDSM adult rooms while I watch bondage videos. This was my way of getting off on my fantasies without really … Read more

Escort Rape

Escort Rape Jack, has been working as a contract security guard on an oil field gate for the past twenty two months without a day off. He had not had any sexual action with a woman during that time. Needless to say he is tired of his own hand jobs. He has tried dating sites … Read more

Breast Milk Masochism

Jennifer’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her … Read more

An Interesting Work Relationship 2

I had a great deal of fun writing this story so I hope my readers do also. Enjoy! (; ———- Katherine had offered her to stay the weekend at her house on Friday after everyone had gone home for the night. Katherine had gone back to her old ways and dominated her in her office. … Read more

Sunday Part 1

I woke up to her rubbing my stomach and below my belly button. I opened my eyes and she was smiling beautifully. “Good morning!” she said, blue eyes beaming. She was already in a new bra and underwear, and she appeared to have washed up from the night before which was weird because I didn’t … Read more

Yes Master-1

I rolled over in my bed, staring intently at the alarm perched on my night stand. 11:59. I sucked in a quick gasp, “Almost there” I whispered to myself. Just then the clock it 12:00 AM. I rolled out of bed and quietly went around the house. Checking first on my older sister, then on … Read more

A Reluctant Breeding

Laura’s life had taken a turn for the better when she’d met Simon. When they’d first met on a blind date, she’d thought that he was a bit weak and not worth her time. But he’d asked for a chance to prove himself and he did. He showed her that he was a master looking … Read more

Eleven Days

Day One College of the Canyons is a relatively nice community college in Santa Clarita, just a few kilometres north of Los Angeles, where I’d been attending classes on and off for the last few years. Between the drag of going to work at temp jobs and keeping up with a load of class work … Read more