A Slut Learns Her Place

Looking up from my computer, I realized I was alone in the office once again. There was a deadline looming, and I’d been working my ass off. But judging by the empty desks all around me, I seemed to be the only one willing to put in the extra hours to complete the project. I … Read more

Unexpected Kinky Friend part 1

Unexpected Kinky Friend part 1 _______________________ She knocked on my door during a heavy rain storm soaked to the bone from the rain seeking help with her broke down car. She gets introduced to the world of BD/SM. Her first experience with bondage sex. I am relaxing in my recliner with a glass of lemonade … Read more

Until I have her head on my desk!

“I will not sign your treaty until I have her head on my desk!” Nute Gunray exclaimed. “I am a man of my word, Viceroy…” And with that, Count Dooku closed the coms channel. Nute Gunray sank back in his chair. Dealing with the Sith was challenging enough, but the Viceroy needed assurances that this … Read more

NFT Collector 1: Homecoming

Even though it had been a long time coming, the transition to an NFT – based asset economy still left many financial institutions unprepared. As “every” asset began to be represented by digital ownership, more and more items began to be controlled via the block chain. It started with car registrations and property deeds, but … Read more


I hadn’t met Toni before, I was immediately impressed with her looks and very comfortable in her presence. She was a very attractive honey blond, inches taller than most women, a good size 12, dressed in skin tight, black leather slacks, and a white blouse. I couldn’t take my eyes off her wide hips and … Read more


“Well, how is your search going on Kush?” Isa smirked deviously, her mouth twisting into a rueful half-smile. “Still haven’t found a place to move in. That is why I wanted to see you.” I said shaking my head. “Kush” Isa smiled brightly, “do you want to rent my place then?” “I do. But I … Read more

S.O.L. Games: What’s the Time, Mr. Wolf? part 1 of 2

DON’T START AT THIS CHAPTER How to read S.O.L. Games (pronounced ‘soul’) : Start with the Prologue and one or more Level 1 chapters in any order. (Jump Ropes, Floor is Lava, Pet Teachers) Then read one or more Level 2 chapters in any order. (Web Design, Teacher Taut, Chemistry, Tug of War) Then read … Read more

Breaking Annie – Chapter 1

The sun had just disappeared on the horizon. In a few moments the only light preventing total darkness on the street would come from the rare passing by of a car and the occasional streetlight. Moments ago Annie had left her friend Beth’s house after spending the day sun bathing and enjoying the freedom of … Read more

Keepsake and Memories

Stryker twisted his fist and she squalled under him. A throaty purr tickled his balls as he glanced over his shoulder and melded into traffic from the on ramp. He looked for the opportunity and Keepsake heeled over at his command, diving into the next lane before Stryker righted the attention grabbing bike and they … Read more

Communion of Degradation

Communion of Degradation Chapter 1 The flies maintained a droning buzz amid the stifling heat. The mulatto priest stared down the tracks as he heard the old steam engine in the distance. The Padre Pietro, spiritual leader of a small village to the south, had come to Robore to meet the train. He used a … Read more

The Power of the Illuminati – Ch. 03 – Iraqi Prisoner Part 1

I landed in Iraq two days later. Waiting for me was an armoured car with several military guards. “Hello Mr. Ryker. My name is Saad. I hope your flight was comfortable. Mr. Husayn is waiting for you at his palace in Adhamiya.” “Good. Take me to him.” We drove through the city until we reached … Read more

New Jock Tales Chptr 3 Shphomore Year–13″ and a Ducati

New Jock Tales—Sophomore Year—CH 3—13” and a Ducati About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be … Read more

Dreams come true…

Tonight was it. Every detail had been meticulously planned. He had haunted her footsteps like a shadow for the past two months, had her in his every thought for the past seven. He had memorized her every smile. He would awaken from his dreams to swear he could smell her sweet perfume. He had tried … Read more

Eddie ,Betty, June Chapter 3 plus Mrs Cunningham & Mrs Walton

Eddie Haskell had gone over to his friends Ritchie Cunningham to play some basketball , but when he found he wasnt there , Rich’s mom Marian had invited him for milk & cookies . That was 10 minutes ago & the 55 yr old married redhead was already on her knees sucking on Eddie’s monster … Read more


She took great delight in reminding me of some of the male lovers we had shared at the same time a few years ago. A common thread with all of the men we shared, ‘fucked at the same time,’ to use Judith’s words, was they were all five to ten years younger than us, were … Read more

creating a slave

The First step in the creation of a slave is just waiting. Kim woke up in an unfamiliar room. It had no furniture, just a lump of straw and a pot. It had no windows or lighting, she was totally in the dark. She didn’t know how she got there, she didn’t remember much of … Read more