The Chauffeur(#2)……First Day/At the Office

It was Sunday night. I was watching Sunday Night Football not really paying attention to the game as I kept thinking about Monday. Tomorrow would be the start of a whole new career for me, a real big throw of the dice. I made sure my best suit had come back from the dry cleaners. … Read more

First Taking Part 1

First Taking Sexual frustration I’m scrolling through the personals page, looking for something to stir my lust. There are pages and pages of people who think one-liners are all they need to grab a girls attention. I am ready to give up, when I see “I’ll Take You” the title isn’t much, but it peaks … Read more

How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 8

This is the 8th chapter of a series-it will make much more sense and be more enjoyable if you start at the beginning. This is a near-future world where Fathers are deeply involved in the process of preparing their daughters to succeed in a local coming-of-age celebration known as the Festival where girls are released … Read more


Johnathan “John” Roberts sat waiting in the wicker rocker in room 13 of the Coombs Inn, feeling quite proud of himself. The Coombs Inn was a somewhat older, but clean “no-tell-motel” on the edge of town. As a Senior Legal Manager at the local Bank, John had personally overseen the approval of the loan to … Read more

JailForce part 10 thru 12

Don loved performing. Well, he loved it when it was involving sex. He was really going to enjoy what was about to unfold. Not only was he about to have this golden boy, he was about to ruin the same boy’s life. Don was about to show out for his viewing audience. “Brian, get those … Read more

2 Slutty Sisters Part Two – Being Daddy

I woke up early the next afternoon to my phone buzzing from a new text message. I remembered the events of last night in a dizzying flash and I quickly swiped into my phone, eager to find out which of my two little sluts it was from. The message was from Rachel: “Daddy’s leaving in … Read more

Alicia pt 1

Alicia had felt feverish at school all day yesterday, which didn’t make concentrating any easier. Although she felt better this morning, it didn’t take much to convince her parents that she needed today off to recover. The only hiccup was who would check in on her during the day, as being 14 she needed at … Read more

Twenty Ninety Five

This was written while on a long vacation on a cell phone pardon any typos. 2080 New Vegas was created in the foothills above Los Angeles. Indian land that was once a national forest and returned to the tribes. One hundred casinos built in four years. Mega Vegas, Super Vegas, and many more were built … Read more

The Slaver’s Retaliation

Story contains raping, humiliation and degradation of female characters. Read at your own risk. If you do not like this particular genre, please don’t read it and then dislike it for being too disturbing for your taste. You have been warned. Please judge my writing based on the prose, plot, language, character development, etc. Criticisms … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography IV

Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens, and teens and teens. It will eventually contain some pretty severe humiliation and punishment scenes and probably some bondage. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based on anyone real, and none … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 4

Thank you to all of my dear fans for your support and patience! I have disabled comments for my other stories because of repeated ads, although I will leave the comments for this story open for two weeks (until December 9th, 2014) and possibly longer. And, as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, … Read more

Bully Revenge, Pt.5 – NEW ADDITION!!!

(Hey gang, the very popular Bully Revenge series is back! Jordynn just cannot seem to learn her lesson, so Johnathan is going to have to teach her the humiliating hard way, so give it a read, and enjoy! ALL COMMENTS AND CRITICISMS ENCOURAGED!) The tires of Jordynn Perry’s old Nissan crunch the shells and gravel … Read more