Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 01

Chapter One: A Celebration. The Royal George pub was becoming packed as the clock ticked past eleven fifteen. I had just turned twenty one a couple of weeks ago but tonight we were celebrating the twenty-first birthday of my best friend. Dakota and I had been close for a couple of years and we always … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 5

To my surprise, the sad looking Comfort House was completely decorated for a wealthy Chinese wedding. The solders guarding the compound and the entrances all had new uniforms. Miss Yamaha, dressed in traditional Kimono, was already waiting at the entrance. ‘Congratulations General Tanaka! Welcome to your local wedding! According to your command, I have informed … Read more

Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 02

Chapter Three: The Lessons Begin. He forced me to repeat my rules over and over again for an incomprehensible amount of time as a mix of fear and anger continued to burn inside my exposed little body. I heard the words escape my parched lips “I am The Cunt” and “you are my Master” over … Read more

Wartime Comfort House Diary – Day 6

Then Miss Yamaha walked in, fully dressed in traditional kimono. ‘Good morning General, hope you slept well. I did.’ Her sweet smile told me she was content. ‘Your breakfast is ready, would you like your new wife to join you?’ ‘Good idea, Miss Yamaha. I want to leave her with you for now so she … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 21-22

=================================== Ch 21 The sound of a text message wakes me, and groggily I reach over to check it. Shanna and Gina had kept me up most of the night, and then when Nancy had come in. . . Okay, I can’t help but smile at the memories from last night, but I’m exhausted. I … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 7

N’korra whipped her head around in surprise at the sound of the male voice coming from the kitchen. “You”, she said, shocked to see the subject of her experiment standing before her. “That’s right, me”, John said, smiling as he watched N’Korra reach for something in her pocket. “Put your hands above your head”, he … Read more

My Boyfriend’s Father III (Last Part)

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Marina so I stayed in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about everything. I started to analyze my relationship with Nathan with different eyes, being able to see for the first time the flaws in it, and I realized they were bigger than the qualities. I … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 5

V’Sharra stumbled from her bed, slowly coming back to consciousness. Her hangover was completely gone and she felt rested, although she had only slept for a few hours. “I’m definitely going to have to be careful with human liquor”, she mused as she went to the desk where her recording equipment was set up. She … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 1

“Exterminating a species is never easy”, thought V’Sharra, as she prepared the serum. Although, she had to concede, the new scientist she was working for may have stumbled onto something brilliant. N’Korra, the head of this expedition, had been observing the ruling species of Earth for a long time. N’Korra had watched as the humans … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 3

John Meyers couldn’t remember the last time that he had had such a good day. After realizing that he had the ability to influence people’s actions, he decided to put it to good use. His first class, usually the group that was gave him the most trouble, were quiet as he walked into the room. … Read more