Close Friends_(0)

Chapter One: Best Friends Sarah sighed as she shut the door of her black Dodge Ram. Finally. The weekend. No college classes, no work this weekend. And better yet, she was taking a vacation soon. She leaned back in the charcoal grey seats and shut her eyes, relaxing for a moment. Suddenly, someone flicked her … Read more

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 10

Ben and I discussed our plan of attack for tonight as we drove over to pick up Kristen. I would pretend that I was coming down with the flu and we would ditch the movies and relocate back to our house with some take out and DVDs. Throughout the night I would excuse myself for … Read more

Slippery Susie – My MILF – Part Three

Slippery Susie – Part 3 – Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFM Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.03

Finally the weekend has come. No class today, so I get some time to myself, and can hopefully relax. Reflecting over the events from the past couple of days, I still can’t believe the things I’ve shamefully done. My big sister Samantha discovered my deepest hidden fetish of girls peeing, via the stash of photos … Read more

Taking Her – Part 2

Taking her – Part 2 – Breakfast You wake to cold water blasting on you. He is hosing you off. “God you smell like a dried up whore house slut. ” He pulls the dildos out of your pussy and ass, then sticks the hose full blast in one then the other. When he is … Read more

Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more

To Tami

This story is dedicated to one special person. Well, all of them are. But, this is to one of the sexiest women I have ever met. This is to you, Tami. From me. This is how I feel. The unadulterated truth from my eyes. I first met Tami in a history class. I was looking … Read more

my beautiful step mom birthday story

It was my 16th birthday. I wasn’t planning on doing much. Just have cake and ice cream. With a few family and friends. My dad had gone to the coast on a fishing trip. It was six o’clock and a few guest were arriving . To my surprise one of my step mom’s coworker’s and … Read more

Golden Lust Ch.06

It’s really amazing how quickly things can change. I never would’ve imagined, that my life could get this turned this upside-down in such a short amount of time. Ever since beginning my life attending our local State University, living & sharing a quiet apartment with my big sister Samantha was great until… that fateful day, … Read more


“I had coffee with her twice during the week to discuss her visit, our plans and our ground rules. We both did some serious flirting with each other and had our hands all over each other. She is seriously bisexual and a very exciting woman, we were kissing like teenagers at the back of the … Read more