Instructor Mike’s Academy – Part 3 – Is this Love?

I picked up the note and read carefully so as to not miss anything: “Hello little aimee. As the days go on, your instructions will become more complex but today we will start simple. You’ll notice the pretty pink panties and sundress that you wore for me yesterday on the bed. Put those on, and … Read more

Final Flu Shanghai Ch. 05

The branch office he was visiting this week provided a welcome relief, with no danger of enthralling anyone since there weren’t any attractive women around. His colleagues were mostly men and the few women at this branch happened to be older. He found comfort in his routine of meetings full of dry boring charts and … Read more

One night in Bangkok

‘You wan’ go Boom Boom?’ he yelled back, sticking a finger through the circle he’d made with the thumb and fore finger of the other hand. ‘Yes, Boom Boom.’ Now don’t get me wrong here, it’s not like I’d done this a thousand times, or even a couple of times but hey, I was in … Read more

Reality Jump – Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Charles made it 30 feet before he felt a presence behind him. He spun around pulling out his handgun and aimed the sights down onto a frightened Beth standing in the path. As soon as she saw the large handgun pointed at her Beth lost control and pissed herself. “Sorry.” Charles said putting … Read more

Traveled With A New Friend On A Ten Day Tour

Without taking any of your time, I will start my erotic true story!!! I had to travel to Delhi for about 10 days for various meetings, and I wondered what I would do when I was not in meetings. Damn, it would be crazy to sit around for 23 hours for just a 1 hour … Read more

Final Flu Shanghai Ch. 03

Due to the time difference and his wife’s work schedule, early mornings were the only time they could talk during the trip. He was dreading it. He hated lying to his wife and could hardly bear hiding anything from her, even Christmas presents. She was his other half, his soulmate. And she was two months … Read more

The Mulberry’s Nanny Part 1

I rang the door bell and quickly checked my appearance in the window to the side of the door. I looked casual but still professional. I had my hair in a ponytail, a tan button up sweater and a white shirt underneath. I also had black khakis on and black sneakers. I was generally satisfied … Read more

Final Flu Shanghai Ch. 02

Jim looked up in wonder at Chyou’s beautiful athletic body as she rode him sensuously, delighting in the sensations of each thrust. It was all just so mind-blowing. The four other gorgeous women were gathered around the breeding couple, caressing them reverently, intensely rooting for them as they neared their goal. All five of them … Read more


A few months later I told Alan we needed to have a very serious conversation about our sex lives. “We are way past SEX 101,” I explained. “Should we pursue new levels of sexual pleasure? Do you have any special requests in search of new levels of sexual pleasure you would like to share with … Read more

Instructor Mike’s Academy – Part 1 – Taking the First Step

“Thank you for the presents Uncle Mike! This is the best birthday ever!” “Anything for my little princess. My little niece is growing up so fast and I bet she’s starting to notice boys. Tell Uncle Mike all about…” There I was on the floor of a stranger’s living room, laying on a doggy bed, … Read more

My days in Thailand part 4

As waitress brought a bucket filled with ice and bottles of beer and champagne, I turned to Mia and Pannai: “You, two, you understand English?” They looked at each other and nodded. It was Pannai who spoke: “Understand….speak no.” I laughed a evil laugh: “Good…..I love bitches who don’t speak too much…. Lie down, both … Read more

of Femininity and Sucking Cock

His short breath echoing in the mostly empty bathroom was loud at first, but when it came filled with the sound of his mouth working over a particularly thick cock, the noises were deafening. Kora shifted the position of his heels on the floor, the scraping barely ringing out above the choking sounds that his … Read more

My Asian Girlfriend Gets Fucked

My girlfriend and I have been dating for just around two years now. She’s 22 years old, from china and as cute as can be. I’m 24, half asian, half white and absolutely in love her. She is my baby. She’s very small in stature (around 5’ 0”) and just plain innocent looking, with perfectly … Read more

Rooms of Horror and Delight room 3

“So, I see you enjoyed yourself last night” Jennifer sat up with a really bad headache. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was in another room with stone walls and a single light on the ceiling. But now there was a table in the room. And when she took a closer look, realized … Read more

Erica Tied Up and Raped Chapter 1

Erica was walking down the hall at 5PM after a long day of studying. She turned a corner when four boys jumped behind her and covered her eyes with their hands. She fought with all her might, but her tiny 90 pound freshman body proved to be no match for the boys. They attempted to … Read more