Breaking The Norm Ch.1 Workout to Remember

Breaking The Norm Ch.1 Workout to Remember

It was a Tuesday morning and I was back to the daily hustle and bustle of the everyday grind. Perhaps it sucked that much more after having just returning from the sunny Caribbean, fresh off of my first cruise. (Sighs) I am already missing the fine sand between my toes, yet here I am stuck in traffic 30 minutes into my 75 minute commute. Here I am 23 years old and had been working as a cable technician with the same cable company since I was 19. While not making anywhere near six figures with all the overtime and being single, I’d say I am doing pretty well for myself. I am what you call an active person, I love sports… spectating and playing. I have a membership at my local LA Fitness where my visits are almost daily. If I am not hitting the weights, for sure I’m playing basketball.

As for my love life?????? Hmmm well let’s just say I’m not a horse that tends to graze in the same pasture for an extended period of time. Hey call me a player or womanizer if you will, but not any woman I’ve been with can say anything bad about me. And being the avid occupant of the gym that I was, let’s just say I’ve had share of women. I had mastered what many my say is the art of talking to and understanding women. All of my friends envied me because the wish they could talk to half as many women as I had. They’d come to me for all kinds of advice, especially Ron; for he always carried a notepad and pen just in case he had to jot down any tips or points I may give. Weird, I know right but I guess when your desperate your desperate. But I wouldn’t call myself cocky, just confident.

After what had turned out to be a decent day of work I was making my way to the gym to shoot some hoops. As I entering the facility there was a young lady entering right behind me. Being the gentleman that I am I was sure to hold the door for her. “Thank you” she replied. “Not a problem anytime” I responded. As she passed me by I was hit with the sweet aroma of her perfume, enough to lustfully knock Mike Tyson out in his prime. I hadn’t paid much attention to her face being that she was behind me but I couldn’t help noticing this hour glass shaped woman strolling in front of me. I so wanted to rush ahead and see if the face of what I’ve already perceived to be a goddess of woman matched its heavenly shape and smell. But I didn’t, I kept my cool and did my normal rounds at the front counter. Today Lisa was here by herself, which is odd, for there was always at least two people at the front counter.

“Hey lady, how are you today?”
Heyyyyyyy there mister I’m doing a lot better seeing you now. Where have you been?”
“Well I was on vacation last week love. My friends and I went on a cruise in the West Indies.”
“Oh and you didn’t invite me I’m jealous… just playing.”

I’m sure she wasn’t though Lisa had been campaigning hard to get my attention ever since she started working here two months ago. For some reason or another though she just always gave the vibe of crazy clingy type… you know.

“Awwww it was a fellas only trip.” Was my only rebuttal.
“Oh ok, well maybe next time right?”
“ummmm errrrrr ahhhhh yeahhhh” I said sarcastically walking away.
After conversing with Lisa I had lost track of the nameless beautiful smelling woman who had passed me upon entry. As I walked towards the locker room I silently cursed myself for a missed opportunity to see her face. After changing into proper attire I casually walked out of the locker room and headed toward the courts. On the way I stopped to grab a swig of water from the fountain. As I stood up from my drink and turned around I was gripped by the aroma once more. In an instant my mind was made up that I must see this woman. I trailed her scent across the gym until I found her mounting one of the ellipticals machines. Man, seeing her in workout attire consisting of long tights and a shirt was absolutely to die for. If I had to guess, she had to be about 5’6” 140lbs of absolute sexiness. Her smooth caramel brown skin was as silky as I had ever seen on a woman. But what made me stop in my tracks was her butt. Matter of fact calling it a butt might be an insult what she had was a Grade A booty. Boy was it ever so round and juicy. Oh the fun I could have with her booty. I had to stop and admire how perfect an ass she had. I mounted the machine next to her, punching in some settings immediately glancing over to only damn near fall off the machine. For she had a natural beauty that was unmatched as far as I was concerned. Her hazel eyes felt as though they looked into my soul and extracted feeling I never knew existed within. Her eyes were perfect in every way down to the slight Asian slant they possessed. Eyebrows manicured immaculately to compliment her facial features. My trance was broken by her angelic voice.

“Are you ok?” she asked

“Ummm yeah just lost my footing there for a second thanks” if my complexion wasn’t so deep I’m pretty sure the blushing that was occurring would have been totally obvious. ”So what’s your name I haven’t seen you here before are you new to the gym?” I figured why not spark conversation.

“Well I just recently moved to this area but I’ve been a LA Fitness member for a good while now.”

“Oh ok sounds good. Well I’m Brandon James, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name miss lady.”

“Cheyenne Cross.” and with that her headphones went on. As her workout began I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. By the time I decided to call it quits I had a raging hard on that would have been visible from the front door of the establishment if it hadn’t been for the compression shorts I was wearing under my gym shorts. It had only been 15 minutes and my day at the gym was done. My head was spinning I had never yearned for a being so bad in my entire life. This was so uncharacteristic of me needless to say. On my way home I did nothing but think of this Cheyenne. Sadly all I had was a name and watching her workout had me hungrier than a prisoner on death row for some pussy. After showering and heating up some leftovers for dinner I went and sat on the balcony of my condo contemplating who I should visit to relieve my sexual tension. After about five or so minutes of sitting I received a call from Donna.

“Hello there Donna.”

“Hello sexual chocolate how do you do? Or shall I say how can you do me?”

Ahhhhh Donna she was about 5’8” or so long dark hair about 130lbs coco brown skin that seemed to shimmer. She is what my circle of friends would call “Cougarriffic”. She was in her late thirties but could easily pass for 28 or 29. She was a hot shot lawyer with no kids or spouse just a healthy sexual appetite. She calls me her call boy I just considered myself to be her dick on demand. I didn’t mind seeing how my sex drive is through the roof, and on a night like tonight was raging.

“Well Donna I am more than willing to do you however it is you desire to be done.”

“Hmmmm interesting be at my loft in an hour.”

Approximately 63 minutes later I found myself ringing the doorbell at Donna’s. She answered the door looking like a stunt double for Halle Berry in Catwoman. I was surprised to say the least. That leather almost looked painted on it was so tight against her frame, which was impeccable if I must say so myself. One would never guess she was in her late thirties the way her C-cup breast sat up firm upon her chest. Her long legs were tight and firm as if she hadn’t stopped running track almost 20 years ago in high school. Her lips were full, soft and as juicy as could be; they looked even more so tonight as they were accented in red lipstick. Let me not forget my favorite attribute upon her, her ass. That too was firm yet soft and pleasantly plump just as an ass man such as myself would adore. My dick just about tore through my trousers as I noticed the cat suit was crotchless, and I damn near dropped the bottle of wine I was carrying as I entered and she turned to lead me and the suit was also assless as well.

“Soooooooooo Brandon you’re late.”

“Yeah I’m”… I was cut off with her finger to my lips and her shhhhhing me ever so seductively. It was at this very moment that I noticed an upgrade to her living room. To my surprise a stripper pole had been installed. She pushed me down on to the sofa as she grasped the pole. Intriguing I thought to myself. I watched in astonishment as she performed a host of different acrobatic tricks to the R&B music playing in the back. With all the events of the day leading to the pole dance I was about ready to burst in my pants. I particularly enjoyed this one move where she jumped up on the pole and used her upper body strength to control her descent with her legs wide open exposing her honey pot to my excited eyes. The second time she performed this maneuver I could wait no more. As she was coming down I jumped and positioned my face to be used as her landing strip. As she made contact with my awaiting lips I was rewarded with a mouth full her hot pussy juice and an ever so sweet sound of her moan. I went to work licking and nibbling on her clit making her shriek and quiver in pleasure. She loved the way I devoured her pussy with my mouth. Yes I am what you would call a pussy eating connoisseur. I continued to administer clitoral stimulation, perhaps longer than I would normally in part to make up for my tardiness.


After having her shutter upon my face twice already I figure I would let her compose herself. While having her still straddle my face I figure would kiss her love sanctuary until she gained enough strength to go on. She must have taken a couple of those 5 hour energy shots because to my surprise she slid down to my raging hard member and went to town. She began by slowly licking the length of my shaft like a torpedo popsicle you get from the ice cream truck as a kid. I used to fantasize of having the girls in the neighborhood lick me in such fashion as a pre-teen. Now Donna was an avid blower to say the least but tonight she was exceptional, don’t know if it was still the lingering thoughts of Cheyenne that made it that much better but the vigor Donna was working with was gonna have explode in no time. She slowly throated as much of me as she could before gagging a bit and came up to the head of my dick and began sucking sloppy and energetically. I couldn’t help but to envision the stranger whom I had meet earlier today making my toes curl at this very moment. Donna throated me two more times coming back up to my dick head virtually summoning my seeds from the depths of my scrotum. With her diligent efforts and my thoughts of Cheyenne my member would not return to Donna’s throat as I was cumming what seemed to be an ocean of nut into her mouth.

“Oh my Donna you have blown my damn socks completely off.”

“Well the way you put it on me BJ I had to return the favor.”