Blackshaft 1-04 – Good Business. Part 1

Rama – Blackshaft 1-04 – Good Business. Part 1
(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013)

The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study. Afternoon.

“Once upon a time, there was a man. And this man had a dream. His dream was simple. It was for nothing more than a better place. A fairer place. A place where people knew their place, and knew what was right and what was wrong. It was a place that people could be happy in. Is that asking too much?” Adrian Lime said, his eyes closed.
“No, Mr Lime.” the soft female voice replied.
“A better place.” he said again. “Know who that man was?”
“No, sir.” the female voice answered.
“My father.” Adrian told her and pushed his hands down on the back of her head. he opened his eyes and saw the red hair between his fingers as she knelt between legs. The chair felt very comfortable, perfect for sliding down and pushing a big, black cock into a young white redhead’s – or any woman’s – throat. He heard her gag slightly but kept his large, dark hands on her head. She was 18. He gasped as his big black balls emptied into the redhead’s throat. he kept her there until every last drop had gone. He took a handful of her hair and pulled her head back, hearing her gasp as his wet, slimy cock plopped from the young woman’s lips. Her make-up was messed up, the eye-liner running, just like the thick, white cum that was rolling down her chin. “What’s your name again?” Adrian asked the redhead who was wearing a low-cut red dress.
“Amy,” the white woman gasped. “Amy Leeson.”
“You want this job, Miss Leeson?”
“Yes, sir.” she panted.
“You want to be part of a better world?” he asked.
“Because that’s what I want. A better world. But to get it, I need loyalty. Can you give me loyalty, Amy?”
The redhead licked her cum smeared lips and looked up into the black man’s eyes. She nodded and said, “Yes.”
“You do as you are told?”
“Yes!” she said firmly.
Adrian looked across the desk to where his assistant, Samantha White was sitting. She was in another of her signature white power suits. The woman had done the interviews and, as usual, had brought him the most suitable candidate. “You have a boyfriend, Amy?” he asked.
“… Yes.” the young redhead finally answered after a pause and slowly kissed her way up the softening shaft of his cock..
“He black or white?”
“He fuck you?” Adrian asked matter-of-factly.
Another pause. “Yes.” she said.
“Are you going to tell him about this little ‘interview’?”
Amy looked up and shook her head quickly. “God, no!” she stated.
“But you’ll tell about the job?” Adrian smiled.
“I have to.”
“You an honest girl?”
“Yes.” she nodded.
“You want this job?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You will do anything to get this job?”
“Why?” he asked and Amy looked up again. Silent. “How badly do you want this job?”
“Badly.” Amy said.
“So tell me the truth.” he told her. “The boyfriend.”
Amy swallowed and looked at the other white woman in the room. Samantha White simply nodded. “He’s my pimp.” she admitted.
“He ever hit you?” Adrian asked gently.
Amy nodded.
“Not anymore.” Adrian Lime smiled as he nodded and watched Samantha stand up slowly. He saw the odd-looking bulge down her trousers. Another soul saved, he thought seeing his assistant unzip her trousers, then ease out the thick, floppy strap-on dildo. “Lift the dress, Amy.” he said.


Miller Intersection. Night.

“Paul Raulson.” Commissioner Jane Gregg said to the dark figure next to her in the white forensic tent as the cameras clicked and took more pictures of the pale body that hung from the lamp post. It had been hung upside down, left naked but for the blood that came from the dark, bloody hole where the genitals had been. A pool of blood was gathering beneath it.
“Pimp.” Scarlet Queen said, and turned.
“Aren’t you going–”
“Pimp.” the vigilante said again and left the tent.
Jane stepped out to see her get into the black car and start the engine. She watched it speed off, narrowly missing some journalists. And fuck you too, Jane thought before turned back into the tent before they started firing questions at her.


The Car. Night.

“He was a pimp.” Scarlet said as she straightened the wheel and pressed the gas. Red Princess sat next to her in the passenger seat and blinked. “Someone strung up and cut his balls off.”
“Was that why you told me to stay in the car?” the younger vigilante asked.
Princess looked at her mentor. “So we going to do what?”
Scarlet shrugged. “Going home.” she said.
The young woman in red motioned back with her thumb. “But what abou–”
“He was a fucking PIMP!” Scarlet said again angrily, silencing her companion.


The Cave. Night.

Scarlet braked the car hard and ignored her young partner as she got out and stormed off. Princess watched as Scarlet marched towards the trophy room of the cave, tearing the mask off and tossing it away before slamming the door closed after her. Princess slowly got out and thought about going after her but gently peeled her own mask off and thought maybe it would be better to leave things for now. Let Alison cool off. She’d been hit hard.
Princess headed towards the stairs leading up to the mansion.


The Golden Bowl. Evening.

Looking good, feeling fine, Jemma Meadows thought as the voice in her ear piece handed over to her. The gold, shiny dress cost enough. The blonde smiled into the camera and ignored the chatter and noise around her. “Thanks, Dale.” she said into the microphone. “The air is filled with excitement tonight as society’s worst-kept secret is officially out. Adrian Lime is effectively announcing that he is here. After several weeks and plenty of rumours, I am at the new opening of Eglin City’s latest hot-spot. The Golden Bowl. Situated in what was once called The Lexington, and now bears the name of it’s billionaire owner, the Lime Building, the new casino is strictly members’ only. Tonight it’s a celeb-fest as society’s great and good come to give the place a once-over. But I have got access and I’ll be telling you all about this swanky new palace tomorrow night.” Jemma gave a wink to the camera. “Back to the studio, Dale.”
She kept smiling as the voice muttered something that was supposed to be witty and saw the cameraman point the camera down. “How come I don’t have an invite.” the camera geek said.
Jemma looked at him, then shrugged. “Guess I just got the right contacts, honey.” she said, and tossed the microphone to him to catch. With that she turned and walked to the head of the queue, flashed the invite to the large black man on the door who opened the door and let her in. Jemma smiled as she heard the protests from the queue. Fuck you,she thought as she saw the foyer and gasped. Marble floors and pillars dominated the entrance. Gold leaf and rich dark wood made up the walls. She could smell the money. A brunette woman in a low cut black party dress smiled and took the invite from her. “My name is Amanda.” the woman said, as she handed a glass of champagne to Jemma. “Mr Lime told me to look after you personally. Any questions or if you need anything, just ask.”
“Thank you.” Jemma replied, her mind trying to think of the money that this place must have cost. Adrian Lime, single, handsome, and rich as fuck. Now Eglin City’s most wanted for the ladies. She raised her glass slightly and took a mouthful. Amanda led her through a set of doors and Jemma marvelled at the plush interior of the main gaming room. She saw the card and roulette games. One wall was a bank of fruit machines. She saw the minimum payout on them was twenty dollars. And saw some of the richest and most powerful families in the city were here. There was Howard Storme with his latest airhead girlfriend on one arm and his talentless daughter Tiffany on the other. She saw Cary Jennings, big-time movie star, who was shooting a new movie in the city. There was the handsome, chiseled looks of Leo Garvey, the movie worlds’ best-known bachelor. She saw various faces from city politics and society. At the centre a round stage dominated the room. On it was another one of Lime’s so-called secret acquisitions. The Eglin City Packers cheerleaders were going through a routine.
“What do you think?” a voice said behind her.
“The man’s sure got the cash.” Jemma replied and looked round. “Mr Lime!” she spluttered. “I… I didn’t… I didn’t mean”
“It’s true.” Adrian nodded as he looked at the cute blonde TV journalist. “I do. You were wanting to talking about an interview?”


Beach Mansion. Evening. Hallway.

Kacey looked at the clock, one of the Beach family heirlooms. It had been brought back by a great-great-great uncle or someone like that. It was an hour since they’d got back. An hour since she watched Alison march off. The tray of food in her hands comprised nothing more than a sandwich and some salad. She moved the tray to one arm and reached behind the old clock, found the button and pressed it. The secret door slid open and Kacey started walking down the stone steps.
“Alison,” she called out and stopped as she saw no-one. The door to the trophy room was still closed. The mask was still lying on the floor. “I made a sandwich.” she said to the air of the cave. “I’ll leave it here.” With that, Kacey put the tray on a long table that held various test-tubes and analysis machines. “Going to bed now.” she said weakly and headed back up to the mansion.


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Evening.

“OHH, FFFUCK!” The orgasm rippled though Jemma’s body. She was bent over the large glass desk in Adrian Lime’s study. The black businessman’s body lay on top of her, his huge, thick cock deep inside her. “When?” he whispered into her ear as she panted while enjoying the dying throes of her climax.
“What…?” Jemma gasped, clinging onto the gorgeous cock with her cunt muscles.
“The interview.” Adrian said. “When?”
Jemma reach back to feel the powerful muscles of the man inside her. His fingers were playing with her clit and he wanted to talk about that now…! “Tonight, tomorrow, whenever!” she panted.
“Tomorrow night? Here?” Adrian asked.
“Sure, yeah.” the blonde agreed quickly. “Just one thing.”
“Mmmh?” the black man said into her ear.
Jemma groaned. He was still inside her. Still hard. Still hadn’t cum yet. Jemma reached back and felt between her own legs. His balls were tightening up. He was nearly ready to go, but was holding it back. She looked up to him. “Make me fucking scream…!” she pleaded ad clamped her pussy muscles around that magnificent shaft that was buried sooooo deep inside her.
Adrian Lime smiled, gently eased back and THRUST into the blonde’s trimmed pussy again…


Beach Mansion. The Cave.

As the sun rose there was no sign of Alison as Kacey made breakfast. The place felt so big and so empty now. She never realised how big the halls were till there seemed to be no life in them. No judgemental tutting or quiet humming. Nothing that said there was life here. Kacey hadn’t gotten much sleep as she was still thinking about how Alison had been recently. How violent she had seemed to become. She had to pull her off that guy last night when the kicks and punches seemed to be going on for longer than normal.
Kacey put the breakfast tray together and headed down into the lair. The door to the trophy room was still closed, the sandwich was still sitting on the plate where she’d left it last night. Looking about Kacey couldn’t see Alison anywhere. She was starting to get worried. Maybe some grief counseling would help. She knocked. “Ali-” Kacey stopped as the door opened a tiny bit and she pushed it back. The room was smashed up. The framed headlines had been ripped out and torn to pieces. The exhibits had been smashed. Everything. At the opposite end a door was left open. Kacey knew where that door went to. The deeper catacombs. A dark, damp maze of tunnels that scared the shit out of her. Kacey put the breakfast tray down and looked down the stairway that had been cut into the stone a century ago by another great-great somebody. “I made breakfast. I’ll leave it here. You need to eat.” she called down and stepped back. Kacey hated it down there. In the darkness, with all those things… Alison knew every twist and turn down there. She’d wanted Kacey to spend a month down her, like she had done apparently. But Carl had stopped her, talked sense into her. If Alison was down there, she wanted to be left alone. The young woman turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.


Jemma Meadow’s Apartment. Morning.

A bang came from outside her apartment. It was too loud. The sun was also too bright as Jemma looked at the ceiling of her apartment. She blinked and slowly sat up. “Fuuuuuuuck…” she groaned, feeling the throbbing of her head. How much did I drink, Jemma thought and realised she was still wearing the glittering dress. Something felt off, though. She gently got to her feet and thought to herself. A quick check told her she was unharmed, her purse was intact. So what…
She pulled the dress up and realised what was off. Where was her fucking underwear?
Another bang, another dropped box. Fucking new neighbours.
Jemma sighed. “Fuuuuck…” she said again, hoping Adrian Lime was going to be worth it. So many of these rich pricks turned out to be just that – pricks. All ‘look what I’ve got’ and no personality. She’d had the misfortune of interviewing that dickhead Howard Storme and saw it in him. A man who owned buildings, business and his own damn airliner, but couldn’t afford a real-looking hairstyle.
A card dropped out of her purse. It was Adrian Lime’s business card with handwriting on the back that read simply; The Lime Building. Penthouse. 9pm. Interview.
The blonde reporter looked at it and nodded. Well, it was a job…
BANG! Another box was dropped, followed by hurried swearing and an apologetic tone. Jemma went off to find the aspirin.


Beach Mansion. The Cave.

Kacey looked at the door. There was no sign of life. The tray of food she left was untouched. Same with lunch. And dinner. What the hell else was she expected to do? If Carl was…
But he wasn’t. And would never be again.
Behind her, the computer came to life. Data streams were running on the monitors and crime reports were being processed. Some were lit up in red. Kacey pressed enter and the first report filled the small screen in front of the leather chair. Another bank robbery. An arson attempt on a shop. these days that wasn’t unusual. Commissioner Gregg had ordered search warrants for certain banks that were suspected of laundering mob money. Kacey thought back to when there would be weird crimes on this list. Crimes that read like crass, unfunny jokes, or riddles that taunted them to stop the crime. Another break out from the Asylum.
Then it changed. Those freaks were stopped, but not by her and Alison. But by someone who knew what those sick bastards like the Smiler knew. There was a line. The Smiler knew that. He relied on it. Instead of letting him die, or just killing him, he knew he would be rescued. he would be saved to be thrown into his padded cell until he escaped and killed more innocent citizens.
But it had changed.
Now it was robberies, muggings and murders with the most stupid of reasons. It was humdrum, and it was terrifyingly normal. As the crimes lit up the screen, Kacey looked back to the door to the smashed trophy room.
It hadn’t moved.


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study. Evening.

She remembered it. The scent in the air was familiar. The image was blurry but Jemma definitely remembered the place. The study. The bedroom. Even the bathroom. Yup, she had been in this penthouse. Jemma was in a simple business suit. A serious-looking jacket over a cream blouse and black skirt. This was business.
“Jemma,” a voice said pleasantly from behind her.
Jemma turned as she smiled and saw the tall, handsome image of Adrian Lime walk into the front room of the penthouse. He undid the buttons of the jacket he wore and leant in to kiss her on the cheek. She caught that same scent and knew what it was. The same scent he was wearing last night when… Jemma felt a stirring between her thighs. “Mr Lime.” she replied, very aware of the camera crew who were setting up the room for the interview. Adrian smiled and Jemma saw the tall blonde in the white suit behind him carrying a leather case. “Miss White,” she nodded and saw the knowing look come back at her. “Could I have a moment…?” she asked Adrian quietly.
“Certainly.” the black businessman smiled and led her into the next room. The study. It came flooding back to Jemma. Being bent over that desk. Smelling that same scent before she felt the… Before she…
“Last night.” she said. “I was…
“Wonderful.” Adrian told her and Jemma felt her heart jump.
“But what I did was…” she started. “I would appreciate if you didn’t say anything.”
“Wouldn’t want the boss to find out?” he smiled again.
“No.” she shook her head, trying to get her head clear of the memories of his powerful black body on top of her slender white body.
“You’ll be wanting these back again then?” Adrian said and pulled her panties from his pocket.
“Oh. Thank you.” Jemma grabbed them and stuffed them into her pocket quickly. “You won’t…”
He shook his head and gently kissed her on the lips. Something inside Jemma wanted to grab him and feel those muscles again but she pushed him with a smile and feeling very red. “Shall we…”
“The interview?” he suggested.
“Yes.” Jemma nodded, side-stepping him. “Please.”


Eglin City. Evening.

The bike responded well as Red Princess turned into the corner and through the leafy outskirts of the city.
Kacey had to get out. She couldn’t deal with the Cave anymore and thought, the hell with it. She suited up and got the motor bike out. The Red Streak it had been nicknamed. Small, fast and sleek with two small guns capable of firing rubber bullets fitted either side of the front wheel. Putting the helmet on she felt her other personality come to life. It was almost a relief as the weight of the day’s problems seemed to lift.
Kacey Sutton, and all her problems with Alison was gone, was gone. The Red Princess was here. Ready to fight for justice and right. Ready to save some lives from whatever criminal elements there were out there. The tall skyscrapers loomed up before her. Their dark secrets just waiting to be revealed. Besides, maybe beating the crap out of few shitheads would take her mind off things.


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study. Evening.

“It’s been a month since your arrival.” Jemma said, looking at her notes. Everything was there. Background, business, society gossip. Every little thing she could find out about Adrian Lime. Cock size, the thought popped into her head and she suppressed it. “You’ve already acquired various business interests around the city. This building, the Eglin City Packers, Hewlett Film Studios, as well. Some of them have been the target for take-overs by numerous companies or individuals over the years. They failed. Yet you get them with ease. The big question in the business sector is how you do it?”
Adrian smiled and shrugged. “It’s simple. I do my homework. I get to know their business and then I deal direct with the top man. Or woman. I give them a fair price with a fair offer.” He crossed his legs and saw the blonde woman unconsciously lick her lips. “You see, Jemma, once upon a time, there was a man. And this man had a dream. His dream was simple. It was for nothing more than a better place. A fairer place. A place where people knew what was right and what was wrong. It was a place that people could be happy in. I don’t think you should cheat people. A fair days’ pay for a fair days’ work. My father’s ideals. Is that asking too much?”
“Your ethical business outlook is well-known, as is your philanthropy.” Jemma replied, looking at those strong legs and hips. The feeling of him inside her filled her memory again. That wonderful, black cock, thick, throbbing, easing her pussy lips apart…. “But.” she said, smiling as she got control of herself. “There are those who say it’s too good to be true.”
“That’s the thinking that for every success there must be a failure? That is quite true. But in taking from society the question then is what do you give back? Do you keep what you take? There are those who think you have to… dominate,” he told her, uncrossing his legs.
Jemma glanced down at his crotch. She could imagine that black monster growing down the leg, getting bigger, thicker. Behind him she saw the desk and remembered the cold feeling of lying down across it, then the warm touch between her legs that pushed at her…before entering her…
…Filling her, stetching her pussy lips wider than she’d known…
“To take,”
…That big, black cock pushing inside her…
“…by Force if necessary.”
…His naked body pressing down on her… Skin-on-skin… His strong, muscular body on top… Thrusting… Again and again and again…
“I disagree, however.” Adrian said, smiling knowingly at Jemma. “I say ‘no’ to that outlook.”
“…Yes,” she muttered. Again and again. Her pussy muscles tightened. Yes… Yes… Yes…
“I just show what I have and let the people come…”
…How small but how safe she felt as he fucked her, across that desk, then in the bedroom, as he straddled her on the bed, that huge wonderful, black cock in his hand as he eased the skin back and she watched in awe as huge head was positioned above her a she urged him on. Do it, fucking do it, cover my tits, cover my fucking tits… Then the hot, thick, white cum erupted all over her naked white breasts…
“Ehm,” Jemma gasped. It was like something had unlocked the floodgates. All she could think of was how sluttish and dirty she’d been with this beautiful black man before her. All she could think of was his wonderful black cock inside her, plunging again and again… The waves of pleasure building up inisde her… Jemma cleared her throat, trying not to show how much she was turned on. “I think a little break would be good. Your toilet is…?”
Adrian smiled again, playing along with the obviously horny blonde white woman. She knew. She remembered. “Sam, could you show Miss Meadows where the ladies’ room is.”
Jemma was out of the seat in a second, following the black man’s aide to a door. Samantha White stopped and opened it. “You need anything else?” she asked innocently. Jemma shook her head quickly and stepped inside. Samantha walked back to Adrian who was chatting to the cameraman then broke away, taking her to one side. “How am I doing?” he asked.
“Very professional.” the white woman said. “Miss Meadows, however…”
Adrian smiled again. “I wonder what she’s doing right now?”


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Bathroom.

“Oh, God… Oh God…” Jemma’s white panties were soaked as she pulled the skirt up around her waist and leant back against the door of the ornate bathroom. Her pussy was on fire as she spread her legs and started to rub herself hard through the sodden material. Looking up she saw the sink and the mirror. It was the same mirror she’d been looking in as he took her from behind. She didn’t think she’d drank that much. The last time she’d acted this sluttish was after her divorce. And those idiots weren’t up to much. But Adrian Lime? The man was tireless. Every contour of his wonderful toned body and dark skin came back to her. The feel of his skin against hers, the firmness of his muscles, his hands cupping her breasts, squeezing them, then pushing her down. Looking down she could still see it. The black, shiny tip of his cock peeking between her pale, white legs. Adrian Lime was huge. His cock was the biggest she’d ever seen, or had inside her. She had felt the shaft, felt it’s length and girth in her fist. What was it, 10, 11, maybe even 12 inches? She had stroked those two balls under it, so full of potent male seed. He was so fucking hard in her hand, and so fucking ready for more.
Looking up she could imagine it. The powerful black male behind her smaller white body. His muscles rippling under the shiny dark skin. It was so perfect. She remembered the expression on her face in the mirror as he took her. His big, black cock pounding into her from behind, making her gasp with every deep, probing thrust as he went deeper inside her than any man had ever done before…
“Ah… Aah… Aah… Aah, my fucking God!” Jemma gasped…


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study.

“I think you can guess,” Samantha said quietly, showing her boss some papers as a pretence. “Still no word from you-know-who.”
“Still not time,” Adrian told her. “Besides, there are other fish in the pond.”


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Bathroom.

“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck…” Jemma muttered, bent over with three fingers buried deep inside herself. She had never felt to horny before as the first waves of orgasm built up. She remembered it all now. How good it felt as that black Adonis took her last night. First the kisses, his hands on her, sliding up and then down, squeezing, lifting the dress, feeling her bare skin, then lifting her, pushing her over….
Shouldn’t do this, she remembered saying.
Should I stop, he said in her ear.
Jemma remembered the bulge between his legs. How big it seemed. How it was growing under her touch.
Should I stop, he said again.
She felt his fingers on her belly, just above the expensive lace panties, sliding down, moving inside them.
Should I stop…
Jemma pressed against him, squeezing his bulge, feeling the outline of the impressive cock. God, he was big…
Want me to stop…
Her mind was telling her to stop. Not professional, it said. Ethics, Jemma…
Just tell me, he told her and started kissing her neck again…
Jemma smiled as she thought about her response last night. “Don’t fucking stop,” she said, plunging her fingers inside herself up to their knuckles…


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study.

“Do have that little gift, Sam?” Adrian said.
“In my desk.” she replied.
“And it’s ready for use?” he looked at her.
“Well, it won’t kill her. There is a question about the levels.”


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Bathroom.

“JEHHsus fuckin’ Christ!” Jemma gasped as the first waves of orgasm hit her. She remembered clinging onto him as he fucked her. Her arms and legs wrapped around his strong body, locked together. His loins slamming up and down, slamming that thick shaft into her up down, up and down. She remembered whispering in his ear, “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me…” Jemma realised she wa actually saying it again, telling her fingers to fuck her again and again and again. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t scream as she came. “HHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study.

“Levels?” Adrian asked.
“I’ll show you after.” Samantha said and closed the papers.


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Bathroom.

“MMMmhhhh… MMMhhnnn…” Jemma Meadows was on her knees, panting hard, moving back and forth, her fingers buried deep inside her pussy as the climax rocked through her whole body. “Nnnnnnnnhhhh….” she moaned, still bitting her lip as it it felt like every nerve inside her was exploding. All the while her hips continued to push against her hands, fucking those fingers that were knuckle deep inside her. “…mmmmmmmmmmhhhhh…”


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study.

“The test subject?” Adrian asked, noticing the soundman had checked his watch again.
Samantha simply smiled. “Very enthusiastic. But later, after they’ve gone.”
“Speaking of, you might want to check on our reporter.” he said.


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Bathroom.

“Nnnnnnhhh…” Jemma Meadows was lying on her belly, her legs spread and panting hard as the last of the climax was ebbing away. She had spent the last minute literally grinding her pelvis against the floor onto the fingers still deeply embedded inside herself.. Her juices were sticky on her thighs and hands and the panties. “…hhhuuu…” As fucked as she was, Jemma smiled to herself. The last time she had come like that was…
Last night.
Before that? She’d never been fucked like that before. Not at college, not during her marriage to that prick. Not even on those two one night stands she had that weekend to celebrate her divorce. She had NEVER come like that, not even when using a vibrator!
A knock on door made her remember where she was. “Fuck!” she said, getting to her knees.
“You alright, Miss Meadows?” the female voice asked. That female voice. Samantha White. The one who looked at her with THAT look. Yes, I fucked your boss, Jemma thought. I fucked him good.
“Fine.” Jemma said and smelled her hand. They reeked of her scent. The same scent that was all over your boss’s beautiful, black cock last night. “Be out in a second!”
She listened to the footsteps moving away. “Jealous cunt.” Jemma whispered as she began washing her hands…


The Lime Building. Penthouse. Study.

An hour later, the interview was finished. Jemma watched the crew put the camera and sound equipment away and made small talk with Adrian. She was glad to see that the blonde bitch was gone after she had came out of the bathroom. Even better was the ‘exclusive’ preview she had been given after the interview was done. “It’s not for broadcast for another six months.” Adrian had told her as he handed the box over.
Jemma opened it and saw the glass bottle inside. Looking at it she saw the liquid in the bottle was clear. “What is it?” she asked.
Adrian smiled. “Perfume.” he said, pouring her a glass of champagne. Jemma looked at the bottle again. “The name is still secret. Copyright checks, all that shit. But it’s pretty much ready.”
“Perfume,” she repeated and took the glass from him. Taking a sip, Jemma smiled at the black man. She put the glass down and opened the bottle, then put a drop on her wrist and sniffed at it. The scent was something she couldn’t place. There was a sweetness to it, but under that there was a body that inflamed her senses. “Interesting.” she said. “This doesn’t change how I cut the interview, though.”
“Of course.” Adrian said. “It’s just a gift. And something to tease your viewers with.”
Jemma felt herself being attracted to him again. Wanting to feel that strong body on hers. The thick cock inside her…
“The limo is here.” Samantha White said suddenly and broke Jemma’s trance. Jemma looked round and smiled at her blonde rival. She downed the rest of the champagne and took Adrian’s hand, not so much to shake but to let him know she was available.
“I’ll send you a copy.” Jemma smiled. “Of the interview.”
“I trust you.” Adrian replied, not letting her hand go. He saw her smile widen for a second.
Jemma put the bottle back in the box. “And thanks for this.” she said, turning towards Miss White. “Not a word, I promise.” Adrian watched Samantha walk the blonde reporter to the door and open it. One of the new casino’s attendants was waiting for her.
“Robert will see you down.” Samantha said to Jemma and watched her walk next to the young black male attendant. Samantha saw something in Jemma’s eyes as they quickly took the black man in. She closed the door and waited.
“Everything ready?” Adrian asked.
“Phones, email, we can access it all.” Samantha told him.
“And those little temptations?”
“They know what she looks like and where she goes. All she has to do is…bite.”
“You were talking about levels?” Adrain said, reminding her about the discussion earlier.
“They had to bring them down a little bit.” Samantha walked past her boss into the study and switched on the computer. A few keystrokes and the video file opened up. “Look at this,” she said, smiling, as Adrian looked at the card in his hand with the contact details of Jemma Meadows on it. On the back, in handwriting, was her home phone number. He walked up behind the desk and smiled as the monitor was filled with sight of Jemma Meadows, society and celebrity reported for Eglin Broadcast News, on her knees in the bathroom. Skirt up around her waist, her hands were buried down the front of her panties and she was rocking back and forth. A click on the mouse and the office was filled with the sound of a suppressed moaning. “…Mmmmmmmmmhhh…”
“You said there was a problem with levels?” Adrian shrugged with a smile. “Looks fine to me.”
“Hhhhhaaaaaaa…. fuck, fuck, fuck…”
“It’s too soon.” Samantha told him. “It’s too obvious.”
“Oh, well. Softly, softly, I suppose.” Adrian sighed.
Samanatha licked her lips at the sight of the blonde reporter who was now bending over, still fingering herself furiously. She heard the sound of a zip behind her, looked behind her and saw her boss smiling. She reached back and felt it growing under her touch. Getting longer and thicker as she rubbed and stroked. “Oooh, yes, boss.” Samantha breathed, putting the case on the desk then turning and lowering herself onto her knees in front of him. But not before putting the sound up a bit more so she could hear the blonde reporter bring herself off…