Best night ever!

It’s half past 8 in the morning, Febuary 2nd. I’ve just had another wank, rubbing my little willy with my fingers until I dribbled cum over my wrist again. I say again because this has been the most erotic and humiliating night of my life! Having read my previous story, you will know that I am a total wanker, I prefer rubbing my dick and watching than getting it on myself! Well tonight was a little different… Tonight I was shown to be the sad little tosser in front of a club full of people!

You remember my girlfriend Laura from my previous story and how I watched her getting fucked by my best mate and totally enjoyed spying on them and wanking my little stick? Well… She knew! I don’t think she actually knew at the time, but she figured it out somehow, I guess that’s just what girls are like? I never talked to her about that night but there was a difference in the way we were together that changed everything about our relationship and I still can’t say if it’s for better or worse.

She made little comments here and there, nothing overt to begin with but I know she took to me being her little wanker better than I ever imagined she would. Nothing has been said out loud but there was no going back from what happened a few weeks ago when I was staying at her parents place with her (they were on holiday for the weekend) and something happened that confirmed it all…
We were lying in bed when she started teasing me about a guy at college that had been eyeing her up, he’d even asked her to go out one night for a few beers and a party after! My little knob was rock-hard thinking about what might happen but I thought I still had her fooled and my being a little sissy wanker was still concealed. It might have been too, if she hadn’t asked me if I would mind if she went out with him and another couple: I couldn’t help what happened, my willie just started spraying cum at the thought of it! I turned scarlet and tried to recover, told her that there was no chance but my cum-covered flop told her all she needed to know!
They went out last friday night… I was doing a brilliant job of not wanking myself silly when she rang my mobile around 11pm; It was early in the night to be fair so when she asked me if she could come back to mine I was releaved to say the least! I told her to get a taxi and I’d pay when she got back, possibly getting a toss off her before going sleep. The taxi pulled up but three people got out: Laura with her friend Stacy and a boy I didn’t know. I thought the lad was with Stace but when I got back in and got some beers out, Laura and Stace were whispering by the door to the stairs; Thinking nothing of it, I went to put something on the IPlayer but when I turned around, the three of them were sitting on the sofa together so I had to sit in my computer chair. Beer ran into beer and eventually I drifted off to sleep. It was only when Stacey woke me up about 3 that I realised:- Laura and the lad had gone off upstairs! Stacey said they had gone up for a fuck and I could have a bit with her it I wanted to but she too discovered the sad truth of my perversion when I blew my load as she told me about my girlfriend!

I sat down on the sofa next to her and faced the fact that she knew the truth about me getting off on my girl fucking around. Instead of trying to deny it, I let go altogether and pulled my jeans down. My little knob was soggy with the jizz I had unloaded in me boxers but Stace was getting right into it, she soon had me hard again as she reminded me what was going on upstairs in my bed. My girlfriend was on her back with a lad whoose name I didn’t know about to blow his load into her. Then I asked stacey to wank me off while she described what she thought they were doing for me but she just laughed at me and told me to wank it off myself: I could have been fucking her but instead I was lying on me sofa with her laughing her tits off watching me wanking off to what I knew was going on in my bed upstairs!!!

I like to think she got turned on by me wanking off but I know she wasn’t, she saw me for what I was and that was never going to change. She was dilligent, she had her cameraphone out and recorded me there, clear in telling me how Laura probably let him cum inside her, to which image I squirted my little load on film! The worst was out though, if one of her friends knew then they all would soon enough right? I kicked my jeans and boxers off and went to go upstairs! Stacey jumped up and said “Where you going now?” probably thinking I was going to hit the lad… I told her that I was going to go and listen outside the door and have another wank if she didn’t mind? I was lost in lust at this point: My fingers were doing the one-two as I had a look around the bedroom door -my bedroom door- to see my lovely princess with her legs spread for some random dude. I was busy with my wanking when I felt stace come up the stairs behind me, she said in my ear “Do you want me wank your little dick off while she’s cheating on you?” and before I knew it just her finger and thumb had made me dribble again! She was fair with me though: If I payed for her to get a taxi home then she wouldn’t tell Laura about anything that had happened and she wouldn’t upload the camera footage of me tossing myself off…

This brings us back to what happened earlier on tonight and my little dicklet is still up! We went out again tonight but I had the most amazing night in my life! Laura knows everything about me and my fantasies, she knows it because she just needs to suggest going with another lad and my dick is hard as a rock! Tonight though she finished me off and gave me something that’ll keep me wanking off and blowing me load until the day I die! We were upstairs, outside on a rear smoking balcony talking and having a fag when a dude came over to us… The same dude that had been nailing her that night at mine! She was laughing and giggling and he was being a proper prick, I wanted to hit him and have done with the whole thing like it was a momentary glitch or experiment! They were getting a little close and touching more than before when I heard the lad shout over the music “Can I fuck you again?” Laura’s eyes flicked quickly to me and she knew that I heard what he said. She turned properly to me then and said “Babe can I have some taxi money to go back mine?” My legs turned finally into jelly and I weakly croaked “What for?”
She said with a sly little giggle: “Want watch and have a wank babe?” Warm slime started pouring into my boxers once again, I was cumming in my trousers in front of dozens of people while my girlfriend put her hand down my fronts and give me a little rub to finish off… I couldn’t stay in that place after squirting me pants full in front of that many people so I went out the front way and got in a taxi with them. The back seat of the taxi was like a dodgy porno! They were all over eachother, snogging like no tomorrow but laura had my dick out and was wanking me off while they kissed in front of me. When we got back here they went straight at it on my bed, I was watching them from my seat, she looked at me a few times… She winked, smiled, blew me a kiss and giggled as I was sitting here trying to wank off but I didn’t shoot me load until she made a point of looking at me and saying “Oh fuck babe he’s just cum up me!” They are asleep in my bed now and I’m going to upload this before wanking my little dick again before they wake up!