Bella’s Journey by

Bella loved being pregnant. She also loved having full and milky breasts.

Bella had quickly realized after her first pregnancy that she was happiest when she was pregnant, and her breasts were full of milk. When her body was in this condition she felt amazing. Not only did she feel incredibly beautiful and sexy, but she also felt extremely sensual as well.

Bella simply adored all the wonderful sensations she felt coursing through her body whenever she was seeded with a child deep inside her womb, and her breasts were full and flowing with sweet milk just waiting to be latched onto by a hungry mouth.

This is why Bella had chosen to live her life as a professional wet nurse and surrogate for the past 10 years because it enabled her to make a comfortable living doing what she did best…making babies and breastfeeding.

During Bella’s first pregnancy, her milk had come in by the sixth month, and she had simply kept her milk flowing in between her other pregnancies with the customers that came to her for wet nursing services. In fact, Bella never had any issues with not making enough milk, simply because her customers kept her busy 7 days a week. And since she was either breastfeeding or pumping every 3 to 4 hours, she tended to make too much milk instead of the other way around.

When Bella first happened upon her current career path, she would have never guessed just how different her life could have changed in 10 years, or just how content she would be now. It all started with her first pregnancy 10 years ago. After she was 6 months into her pregnancy, she knew without a doubt what her purpose in life was from now on.

This is why that within the past 10 years, Bella had remained pregnant through approximately 8 of those years. Her body was literally made for making babies because she was that fertile, and she experienced zero side effects while she was carrying a baby. When it came time for her to deliver, since she experienced such short periods of labor she had very little pain, and so she had been giving birth with the help of a midwife for the past 6 years.

This was a win-win for Bella because her midwife could keep on eye on her during her many pregnancies, as well as the baby she was carrying, and she could also assist Bella in finding surrogate parents for the children she gave birth to since she had no desire to keep the children and raise them as her own. Bella had felt guilty about this decision initially, but then she realized just how many loving couples were looking to adopt, and then she quickly realized just how much she was helping these couples out by giving them a child of their very own.

In addition, because it took little effort for Bella to be seeded, she would literally conceive on her first attempt most times. And because Bella truly enjoyed having sex, this was another positive in her eyes, because she got to enjoy conception all the way to a baby’s birth, and she was able to remain sexually active throughout almost all of her pregnancy. She would then take approximately 2 weeks off after a baby was born, and then she found that she was ready to have sex again since she had an extremely high sex drive.

Bella found that she literally craved sex all the time, and because breastfeeding and being pregnant made her quite horny, she found herself in a constant state of arousal most days. This is why Bella had sex daily, and even still had to masturbate at times because she would still find herself extremely aroused after certain customers.
Bella was picky with who she accepted as an ongoing customer if they preferred to drink straight from her breast. Because of this, she had a potential customer checked out thoroughly before accepting them as a regular nurser, and she would only accept those individuals who were healthy and who would agree to nursing multiple times a week. Bella preferred a hungry mouth over a breast pump anytime simply because a mouth felt so much better, and it helped her keep her milk supply up on an ongoing basis.

Over the years, Bella had also made a point of having a steady number of healthy men on her client list, so that if she needed someone to breed her, she would already have a number of healthy candidates to choose from. This is the direction Bella usually went when she felt it was time for her become pregnant again. She would mention this possibility at the beginning of their relationship when they were only coming to her for wet nursing services, and then she would revisit this topic when she was ready to be impregnated again.

Bella never had any difficulty finding a man willing to impregnate her. Her requirements were simple. If she chose them, they would have to be willing to try multiple times if needed over a week long period until she was seeded with his child. He would then have to sign away all rights to the child because Bella did not want to deal with a complicated situation.

In exchange for his services, Bella would offer him free wet nursing services throughout her pregnancy, and she would also allow him the opportunity to become her lover while she carried his child to term. This arrangement had always worked out well for Bella, and since she was such a sexual woman, this arrangement allowed her to stay sexually satisfied during her pregnancy in a very safe way.

Most of Bella’s regular male customers relished the thought of making love with Bella because she was such a beautiful woman, so this was a perk that most of them hoped would be offered to them sooner rather than later. In fact, there was a waiting list to become one of Bella’s regular customers because her breasts had maintained a very healthy supply of sweet milk, and she had been in business for decade with no intention of stopping at anytime in the near future. The fact that she was gorgeous only added to her popularity.

Bella had started wet nursing others when she was only 19-years-old, so at the moment she was only 29-years-old. She was also one of those women who literally glowed when she was pregnant, so she was extremely attractive while she was carrying a baby, and even when she wasn’t pregnant. Bella stood 5’9 and she weighed around 120 pounds when she wasn’t pregnant. When she was carrying a child, she never gained more than 25 pounds, and she would quickly loose most of this weight when she delivered the baby. She was also one of those truly beautiful women who was curvy in all the right places without being overweight, and the fact that she was a natural redhead with creamy white skin and green eyes only added to her beauty.

On any given day, Bella had customers dropping by every 4 hours through the day and evening hours. She would allow them to stay between an hour and an hour and a half. This way if she needed to increase her milk supply to accommodate another customer, she would simply have them suckle on her after they had emptied both of her breasts. She never had any complaints when she requested this, simply because it ensured them a full 30 or 40 minutes of milk during their visits.

Bella had always had very full breasts, and they had increased quite a bit since she began wet nursing 10 years ago. She had been a 38DD when she first started, and she was now a very healthy 44G. Bella adored her breasts because they were so sensitive, and she found herself fondling them a lot when they weren’t being nursed on by a customer. Her pink nipples were quite large because of her chosen profession, and they remained erect most of the time whether she was nursing a hungry mouth or not. Because Bella took good care of herself, and her breasts were quite firm despite their healthy size, so Bella would often go without a bra whether she was at home or out in public.

Bella was naturist, so she felt completely comfortable in the nude. She wore as little as possible most days depending on the weather, and she would generally be nude while she was breastfeeding one of her customers. If the customer wanted to fondle and play with her other breast and nipple while they were nursing, Bella was fine with this. Any other touching had to be requested and agreed upon in advance, and were never an extra charge, but simply considered a one time perk at that moment in time.

This meant that she would sometimes allow a customer to finger her pussy while they were nursing, and she would even give a particular male customer a sensual hand job during their session. This was an ever changing situation, and a perk that none of Bella’s customers took for granted.

Bella knew that a few of her regular customers were interested in being her next stud because they had already mentioned their interest to her. Bella had given each of these particular customers a sensual hand job within the past month, as this was a good way for her to see their cock and determine just how long they could sustain an erection before shooting their load.

Bella made no apologies for what she liked. She loved to be fucked, and she wanted what she wanted deep inside her pussy when she was horny and wanting to be seeded. She loved both cut and uncut men, but she found that the uncut men could fit further into her cervix when they were thrusting deep inside her. This is why she would go with an uncut guy a lot of the time, but this wasn’t the only detail to consider. Bella needed to find the guy attractive in other ways, as she generally would have sex with them for extended periods of time until she was impregnated. After she was seeded she would want to fuck as often as possible, so this is why other things besides a man being cut or uncut would come into play.

At the moment, Bella was very close to making a decision on who would be given the opportunity to seed her next, but she wanted to see them both again one more time before making her final decision.

Bella looked at the clock and realized that her next appointment was due any moment. She also quickly realized that she was quite horny. Bella decided that since her next appointment was one of the two men she was trying to decide between, she would allow him to finger her while he was nursing. Because she loved masturbating his uncut cock, she would simply instruct him to disrobe before he began nursing. This way she could stroke him during their time together.

Bella smiled when she heard the doorbell ring because her pussy was already sopping wet, and she couldn’t wait to feel his fingers deep inside her while he empty her very full breasts.

It was at these moments that Bella realized that she was the luckiest woman in the whole world.

To Be Continued…