Becoming Daddy’s Toy- Chapter 1

Amelia Wilson stretched as she awoke, smiling as she felt the sun shining through her window and falling on her bare skin. She looked down at her young body, the sheet clinging to her breasts as she sat up. It still felt strange to sleep in the nude, but she was officially an adult now and she felt she should. Also, her mother had come to her a week before, telling her that she should start doing this.

At first, Amelia found it strange that her mother, Ellen, would give her such advice. However, as the week progressed, her mother began to advise her on more things, some more personal. For starters, even though her mother knew that Amelia was still a virgin, Ellen had insisted that she start taking birth control. Amelia had found it embarrassing, but her mother was very persuasive. “You never know what might happen, now that you’re a woman”, Ellen said. “You might be with a man and want to go all the way and then you’ll be glad you were prepared.”

Then, to further Amelia’s embarrassment, her mother had told her that she should start shaving her vagina smooth. When Amelia asked why, her mother had told her that most men preferred a pussy to be bare and smooth. There had been a strange smile on Ellen’s face when she gave her daughter these instructions and Amelia got the strange feeling that her mother was preparing her for something, although she had no idea what that could be.

Now, as Amelia got out of bed, she looked up and down her body in her full length mirror. She had auburn hair that fell in waves down her back, which she usually wore in a ponytail or braid. She was a bit on the short side, barely five feet tall, but the benefit was that she also had a rather slender build. She only weighed ninety-five pounds, which she was proud of. With her petite frame, her perky tits were no bigger than a B cup, her nipples constantly poking out against the fabric of her t-shirts. Her eyes moved down past her flat stomach to the completely smooth mound above her slit. It still felt strange not to see any hair there, but she trusted her mother’s advice implicitly.

As she looked herself over, Amelia wondered why her mother seemed to think that she suddenly needed all of this advice. Sure, she was now an adult, at least legally, and there were several guys she had had crushes on. A few of the guys on the various sports teams at her school and more than a few of the teachers. But, thus far, no one had ever returned her attentions. “Maybe I’m being too subtle when I like someone”, she thought, her thoughts turning to her friends.

Every one of her girl friends seemed to have more experience with guys, some of them even having had sex. And they all acted more boldly when they wanted a guy, making sure that they were the center of his attention. “Of course”, she thought, “there are other reasons that guys prefer them.” Out of all of her friends, Amelia was easily the shortest and most petite, which didn’t bother her for the most part. The thing that did bother her was that that meant all of her friends had bigger boobs and bigger butts than she did. And, since her mother had an almost identical body to Amelia, she didn’t hold out much hope to grow any more.

“Why would any guy ever pick me, when I’m offering so little”, she wondered. Just at that moment, there was a knock on her bedroom door and her mother opened the door and stepped inside. “Mom”, Amelia said with an exaggerated sigh, blood rushing to her cheeks as she grabbed the sheet from the bed to cover her nude body. “Relax, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before”, Ellen said as she stepped close to her daughter. “Besides, I wanted to wish my daughter a happy birthday.” Ellen stepped closer and kissed her daughter’s cheek, then stepped back and smiled at her.

“Now, have you picked out an outfit yet”, she asked and Amelia shook her head. “I just barely woke up”, she said and Ellen nodded. “Good. Then I’ll help you. Your daddy is making your birthday breakfast and we don’t want to keep him waiting.” As Ellen went to her daughter’s dresser and began going through her clothes, Amelia thought about her father.

Philip Wilson was an important business man and he always seemed to command respect, no matter where he was. For one thing, he had a rather imposing body, standing just over six feet tall and weighing two hundred and fifty pounds, most of that muscle, with very little fat on him. His dark brown hair was kept short and stylish and his hazel eyes seemed to pierce right into your very thoughts. If Amelia was honest with herself, she had alway had a small crush on her daddy, as most girls do. But, as she grew up, she realized that those feeling were just childhood fantasy and so shifted her attention to other men.

“These should look good on you”, Ellen said, breaking Amelia from her thoughts. Amelia looked and saw that her mother had laid out an outfit that she didn’t recognize. The pleated skirt would barely cover her ass and the tank top, which looked as if it would be very tight, would show off a considerable amount of her midriff. Beside these, her mother had laid out a pink, lacy thong, which Amelia knew she had never seen before.

“I bought you some new, more grown-up clothes”, her mother said, smiling at the shocked look on Amelia’s face. “Consider it one of your birthday presents.” Amelia walked over and looked at the clothes, then up at her mother. “Thanks”, she said, “But there’s no way daddy will let me wear something like this.” Philip had always been very strict with his daughter, making sure she covered her body and that her friends weren’t bad influences.

“Your father understands that you’re an adult now”, Ellen said. “He knows that he has to loosen the reigns a little.” “If you say so”, Amelia said, still doubtful. “What are you waiting for”, Ellen said. “Try them on.” Amelia hesitated, not wanting to be naked in front of her mother, but Ellen showed no sign of leaving. Finally, Amelia gave in and dropped the sheet that she still held around her body.

As she began to get dressed, slightly embarrassed because of her mother’s presence, Amelia found that she liked the way the clothes made her feel. Once she had the whole outfit on, she looked in the mirror once more. Never before had she ever used the word “sexy” when thinking about her own body, but now she felt that no other word would fit. She didn’t look cute or beautiful or adorable, she looked sexy. And it seemed that her mother agreed.

“You’re definitely going to turn a few heads, looking that good”, Ellen said, giving a small laugh as Amelia blushed again. As her mother left the room, Amelia looked herself up and down once more, happy with what she saw. Then she turned and, following her mother, headed downstairs, where she could already smell the pancakes cooking. Just before she stepped into the open, where she knew her father would be able to see her, Amelia took a deep breath. She suspected that he would make her change her clothes, but she was hopeful after what her mother had said.

As she stepped into the kitchen, Amelia saw her father turn and look at her, his eyes going up and down her body. “Good morning, princess”, he said and walked over and kissed her cheek. “You look very beautiful”, he said, before turning back to the stove and continuing the cooking. Amelia was shocked by this response, even though it was what she had been hoping for. Realizing that her father did indeed see her as an adult now made her smile as she sat at the table.

Before long, Philip sat a plate of pancakes in front of his daughter and one in front of his wife, before sitting down himself with his own breakfast. “So, I see your mother has already given you one of your presents”, he said, indicating the outfit she was wearing. “Yes, daddy”, Amelia said. “Thank you for letting me wear it.” “You don’t have to thank me for that”, Philip said. “You’re an adult now, so you are going to be allowed to wear more revealing clothing, if you wish. And, since you’re an adult now, I can give you my gift.”

Amelia wondered what kind of present required her to be an adult to receive it, but Philip continued. “Now that you’re an adult, you are going to be taking part in more adult activities. The main one is that, from this moment forth, you are going to begin your training to become my toy.” Amelia nearly choked on her food as she looked at her father, sure that she had misheard him. But the strange look on his face, his eyes lit with a fire she had never seen before, assured her that he had indeed said those words.

“What do you mean, daddy”, she asked, finally managing to swallow the bit of pancake she had been chewing. “What I mean is that, now that you are of legal age, it is time that you begin your training in how to please me, in every way I can think of.” Amelia’s eyes widened as her mind raced to every dark scenario that she could imagine, although she had so little experience in the sexual realm that she couldn’t perceive the depths of her father’s desire. She turned her head toward her mother, her eyes filled with questions.

“You aren’t imagining things, baby”, Ellen said. “This is what I’ve been preparing you for. It’s a tradition in our family. Before I married your father, I was my own daddy’s toy and, from the moment I had my own daughter, I knew she would be her daddy’s toy one day.” “But, isn’t it wrong for you to do things with me”, Amelia asked, looking at her father. “Only fools think so”, Philip replied. “Any man who has a daughter lusts after her at one point or another. I’m simply not denying myself the pleasure of that which I’ve spent eighteen years cultivating.”

Amelia looked down at her plate, her mind filled with confusing thoughts, but one thought broke through. She had always been obedient to her father, never questioning his authority. And, if she obeyed him now, she could also fulfill the fantasies that she had given up on long ago. Finally she nodded and looked up. “Alright, so how do we begin?”

Philip smiled, pleased to see that she wouldn’t offer resistance, a good sign for the beginning of what was to come. “To start with, I think it’s time that I see that which has been covered up for so long. Stand in front of me and take your clothes off.” Amelia’s cheeks burned red and she found herself unable to move, although not out of fear that she would have to expose herself to her father. Rather, she feared that he would find her small breasts and tiny ass a disappointment and that he would change his mind, rejecting her. “Amelia”, her father said in a serious tone, snapping her out of her thoughts and causing her to look at him. “I dislike having to repeat myself, so I’m only going to say this once. Disobedience of any kind will be met with swift, stern punishment; willing obedience will be rewarded.”

His words couldn’t have been clearer, so Amelia pushed her thoughts aside. She stood and, taking a breath for confidence, pushed the skirt down over her slender legs and onto the floor. For a moment, her cheeks burned at being so exposed, standing in front of her father in just a thong and a tank top that barely covered anything, but then she saw the look in her father’s eyes. It was lust, pure and simple, the same look a wolf or other beast gets when it’s about to devour a meal that it has been anticipating for a long time. Feeling emboldened by this knowledge, she grabbed the hem of the tank top and pull it up and over her head, exposing her young breasts to her father.

“Stop”, Philip said suddenly and doubt once again flooded Amelia’s mind. “Now that he’s seen how small my tits are, he’s changing his mind”, she thought. However, Philip stood and walked over to his daughter, towering over her and making her feel very small. He pushed away her arms that she had raised to cover her breasts and then grabbed her left breast and gave it a firm squeeze.

A soft moan escaped Amelia’s mouth as her father massaged her tit for a few moments, then moved to the other one. “Such perfect breasts”, he said, then spun her around to face her mother. “Doesn’t our daughter have perfect breasts”, he said, standing behind Amelia, and Ellen nodded. She stood from her chair and walked over; then, bending just a little, took one of Amelia’s nipples into her mouth. She sucked on it for a few seconds, then bit firmly before releasing. Amelia squealed a little as pleasure and surprise flooded her mind.

Then Ellen surprised her daughter even further by reaching a hand down and rubbing the front of her thong. “She’s very wet”, Ellen said to her husband and Amelia couldn’t deny it. The sudden desire that her father was showing, along with the stimulation of her tits, had made her pussy begin to gush like a waterfall. Her cheeks burned a more pronounced shade of crimson than ever before as she felt her father’s hand grasp her chin firmly.

He turned her head back until she could look directly into his eyes. “Of course she is”, he said. “She takes after her mother, after all. And now she’s going to get to enjoy being daddy’s slutty toy.” Then Philip leaned in and his lips pressed against his daughter’s. 

Amelia kissed back passionately, her body acting on instinct as she felt her father’s tongue slip between her lips and dance with her own. She couldn’t stop a loud moan from escaping as her father began taking possession of her, showing her that she belonged to him. Suddenly she felt fingers inside the hem of her thong and she pulled away from her father and looked down.

Kneeling in front of Amelia, her mother slowly slid the soaking wet thong down her legs, tossing it on the floor. Then Ellen leaned forward and inhaled the scent of her daughter’s sex, her face lit with excitement. “She smells so good, sir; almost good enough to eat”, Ellen said and Philip let out a small growl. “Perhaps I should find out for myself”, he said and Amelia felt him put a hand on her shoulder and then turn her around to face him. Then she felt his strong hands grip her waist and lift her off of the floor, with no apparent effort. Amelia felt her pussy clench and nearly orgasmed as he set her on the table, handling her body with ease.

Philip’s eyes traveled down his daughter’s naked body until he saw her wet slit, juices leaking out and beginning to pool on the table underneath her ass. She looked at her father and saw him bend over until his face was inches from her cunt, then heard him inhale and moan. That was too much for Amelia to take and she let out a cry as a powerful orgasm tore through her like a tidal wave.

She had only masturbated a few times in her life, so, while those orgasms had been good, she had never experienced anything like this before. It felt as if her entire being were exploding over and over again; as if she were caught in a current of pleasure that was so overwhelming that it threatened to tear her into little pieces. Her back arched and her cries became louder as juices erupted from her pussy, spraying her daddy in the face.

Philip licked his lips, savoring the flavor of his daughter, and smiled and he watched her caught up in the pure bliss of being desired. He turned to his wife and nodded, motioning toward his daughter’s gushing slit. “You can clean that up, if you want”, he said. The words had barely left his lips before Ellen dived in between her daughter’s legs, her tongue lapping up the juices that were just barely beginning to slow down.

Another, even sharper, burst of pleasure shot through Amelia as she felt her mother’s tongue on her cunt. She had never thought about being with another woman, although she had friends who had experienced that. Now she knew that she was missing out as Ellen expertly ran her tongue up and down her daughter’s gash, then began sliding it in and out.

Amelia tried to look down and watch her mother, but she was suddenly aware that her father was standing near her, directly above her head. She looked up and could clearly see the erection inside his pants, the material creating quite an impressive tent. “While your mother enjoys her meal”, he said, a smile on his face that Amelia didn’t recognize, “I’m going to begin breaking you in.” That sounded a little scary to Amelia, but she didn’t want to back out, especially if being her daddy’s toy meant more orgasms like the one she had just experienced.

“Yes, daddy”, she said and she was surprised by how submissive her own voice sounded. Without another word, Philip grabbed his daughter’s waist and pulled her toward him, until her head hung off of the table. She felt her mother crawl onto the table and continue eating her cunt as she watched her father unbutton and then unzip his pants.

As he pulled the zipper down, a large cock, which was already fully erect, sprung out. Amelia gasped as she beheld the instrument that had created her. It had to be ten inches long and as thick as a can of soda. “How in the world did mom ever fit that monster inside her”, she wondered as her eyes traveled down the shaft to her father’s balls, swollen with his cum.

“Your mother will soon start teaching you how to suck my dick properly”, Philip said, “But right now, before I go to work, I just want to enjoy your mouth. Form an ‘O’ with your lips and make sure you curl your top lip around your teeth.” Amelia did as she was told, readying herself to take her father’s dick into her mouth. Philip held his shaft and put it against his daughter’s lips, then pushed forward.

Amelia moaned as the first several inches of her father’s dick passed between her lips and touched her tongue. Her brain flooded with endorphins as her father began sliding his dick in and out, his shaft going further into her mouth with each forward thrust. It felt perfect to her, as if this were what she was meant to do, letting her father use her to pleasure himself.

As for Philip, he was in heaven; yes, his wife was incredibly sexy and she had brought other submissive women into their sex life over the years. But nothing had ever compared to being in the mouth of his barely legal daughter. If he didn’t have to work today, he would have enjoyed each of her holes then and there. The thought of that made him thrust forward harder than he intended, resulting in Amelia gagging as the first two inches of his dick tried to invade her throat.

Tears welled in Amelia’s eyes as her gag reflex kicked in, trying to stop her daddy’s cock from going down her throat. She started to panic as she began to feel like she couldn’t breathe. “Calm down and breathe through your nose”, she suddenly heard her mother whisper and her eyes darted to the right. Ellen was kneeling next to her daughter’s head, her face wet with Amelia’s juices. “Just breathe through your nose and relax”, she whispered again.

Amelia did her best, forcing her panicking mind to calm down as she focused on inhaling and exhaling through her nostrils, rather than her throat. “Good slut”, she heard her father say and she saw him pat her mother’s head. She had never heard her father talk that way before, but today was revealing all kinds of new things about her parents.

Philip resumed his thrusting in and out of his daughter’s mouth, not entering her throat again. With each forward thrust, he could feel his orgasm building larger, stronger, until it felt as if he would burst. Ellen could see the familiar look on his face that signaled that he was nearing orgasm. She leaned forward and whispered in her daughter’s ear once more.

“Your daddy is about to cum; it will be a salty taste, but very delicious. When he does, don’t swallow; instead, hold it in your mouth, then crawl off of the table and kneel next to me. Open your mouth wide and show your daddy what a good girl you are. Then, when he says you may, you swallow it.” Amelia listened carefully, hoping that it would be as good as her mother said.

Suddenly Philip groaned and Amelia felt his cock twitch inside her mouth and a hot, salty substance splashed against the roof of her mouth and landed on her tongue. Ecstasy flooded her being as she tasted her daddy’s seed, the same seed that had created her. It was the most amazing taste in the world and she genuinely wondered why any woman would ever spit it out. Indeed, she was fighting her urge to swallow it and keep the delicious treat inside her stomach. But she remembered what her mother said, so she held it in her mouth.

She felt spurt after spurt of cum shoot into her mouth until it felt like it would leak out around her daddy’s cock. Finally, he withdrew his shaft from her mouth and she quickly sealed her lips, trapping the delicious semen inside. Then, continuing to follow her mother’s advice, she quickly slid off of the table and knelt beside her mother. “Such beautiful sluts”, she heard her father say, his eyes filled with pride and happiness.

As her father stepped closer to her, Amelia opened her mouth, showing him the large pool of cum. “What a good, obedient daughter I have”, he said and caressed her cheek. “You are going to make a very good toy for daddy.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead, then stood erect once more. “You may swallow”, he said and Amelia did. She felt like she would have another orgasm as the hot, salty cum poured down her throat. She could feel it warming her belly, filling her stomach in a way that food never had.

“May we clean you now, sir”, Ellen asked and Philip nodded. Motioning to her daughter, Ellen began licking one side of her husband’s semi-erect dick. Amelia quickly followed suit, savoring the drops of cum left on her daddy’s shaft. Philip moaned loudly as he watched his sexy wife and daughter lickinh every inch of his shaft clean. It was with deep regret that he stepped back as they finished.

“Good girls”, he said and stroked each head a few times, before putting his dick away and zipping up his pants. “Now”, he said, turning to Amelia, “I’ve called your school, so they know you won’t be there today. Instead, your mother is going to spend the day preparing you for this evening.” “What’s going to happen this evening”, Amelia asked, her mind filled with images she had never thought of before. “I’m going to continue enjoying my new toy”, he answered, before turning to his wife.

He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed her a credit card. “Make sure she’s ready for anything I may want to do”, he said and then kissed each of them on the forehead. “Yes sir”, Ellen said as she watched her husband turn, grab his briefcase, and leave the house. Then she turned to her daughter. “Alright”, she said, looking at the mess that had been made when Philip put Amelia on the table. “First, we get cleaned up and then your preparation continues.”

To be continued…