Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch.12

Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch. 12

I walked into the office with a spring in my step, humming an old Motown tune. My receptionist looked up surprised. I took a few awkward dance steps, then a really horrible spin. I ended up facing her with both fingers pointing out. “OH! Sugar pie honey bunch! You know that I love you!” I sang loudly and badly off key.

“Does this count as sexual harassment?” Amy asked me laughing.

“Oh you wish! You had your chance! You chose door number two remember?” A lifetime ago we had been a couple, now she was married to my best friend.

“What can I say… He’s a better dancer than you!” We looked at each other seriously for a moment, then both burst out laughing. The thought of Brian on the dance floor made me seem like Fred Astaire!

“So what has you so happy today?” She asked when we finally settled down.

“Why shouldn’t I be happy? It’s a beautiful day, all our jobs are running smoothly and the bills are getting paid.” I left out that in a couple of hours I would be seeing my niece Kaylee. Fridays were always the best day of the week for me, and I was counting down the minutes.

“Well it’s always nice to see you happy! Speaking of bills… The paychecks are on your desk, ready to be signed. There are three or four bills with checks made out, just sign them and seal the envelopes and they are ready to mail.” She went on with a few more things that I needed to take care of. Without her, I would be lost. “And the bank deposit is all ready to go, If you want, I can take it at lunch.”

“Tell you what. I’ll go sign the checks, and head to the job site and give them to the guys. As of yesterday we were well ahead of schedule, so I’m going to tell Brian to cut the guys loose early. You lock up at lunch, and drop off the deposit, then take the rest of the afternoon off. Sound like a plan?”

“You won’t find an argument here Boss!” Amy looked thrilled with the idea of a half day. “So do you have any plans this weekend?”

I thought of spending time with my girlfriend after a long hard week and smiled. “Nope! Just a relaxing, do nothing type of weekend.”

Amy gave a big grin. “Good! So you have no excuse not to come over and have dinner with us tomorrow.”

I thought it sounded like a great idea. “Sure! But, you know I have Kaylee for the weekend.”

“OH she’s always welcome! It will be great to see her.”

“Then it’s a date! I’ll bring the booze and a side dish.” I turned to head into my office when Amy stopped me.

“Hey Ben?” When I turned back around, Amy had a look on her face that I couldn’t quite read. “If there is ANYONE else you’d like to bring, please feel free.”

“OK.” I replied, a little puzzled. I walked into my office. Now what did she mean by that?


Driving down the last mile to Brian and Amy’s, I looked over at my Beautiful Niece Kaylee. She was wearing a yellow, flower print sun dress, and her hair was down, blowing back in the wind from her open topped Jeep. She caught me looking, and blew me a kiss. “Keep your eyes on the road Baby! If you crash my Jeep, I’ll castrate you!”

“You are such a romantic sweetheart!” I laughed.

“I love you with all my heart! But I worked HARD for this car!”

Brian and Amy walked out onto the porch after we pulled into the driveway. They were a very mismatched couple.

Although I have no proof, I’m pretty sure that Brian is half bear. He just looks like something you would find in the woods. Huge shoulders and arms, attached to a barrel chest, were covered in dark red hair. A long, bushy beard obscured the lower half of his face, except where his big white grin showed through. Then his head, where one would expect to see hair, was shaved clean. When smiling, he was everyone’s favorite guy, but when he scowled, even the bravest of men stepped back.

Amy on the other hand, would fit in to any sophisticated setting. Even in cargo shorts and a black tank top, she looked ready to attend an art exhibit, or movie premier. She had short dark hair, very pretty face, and a killer figure. At 42, the same age as Brian and I, she looked closer in age to Kaylee. She complained about still being asked for I.D. when she bought a bottle of wine, and really didn’t believe she looked any better than the rest of us.

Despite their differences, they were one of the most happy couples I had ever met. Throughout the years I have often found myself envious of their relationship.

We walked up the path. Me carrying an expensive bottle of Irish whiskey, Kaylee with a dish of potato salad that she had insisted on making herself. Brian threw his arms around me, and clapped me on the back, almost hard enough to knock the wind out of me. Amy gave Kaylee a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m so glad you guys could come! We’ve been trying to do this for ages.” Amy replied gracefully. We switched positions. Amy gave me a small hug and a kiss, as Brian proceeded to torment Kaylee.

“BUG!” It was a name he had called her since she started to crawl. “How’s my favorite rug rat?” One huge hand came down atop her head and tussled her hair.

Kaylee handed her dish off to Amy and threw her arms around the big man. She looked absolutely tiny wrapped in his huge embrace. Giggling she said. “I’d be better if you would stop messing up my hair every time you see me.”

Brian looked confused, and ran his hand over his bare head. “Doesn’t seem to bother me???”

We all laughed. Then he grabbed the bottle from my hand, examining it. “Woman!” He barked. “Hide this away on the top shelf! We’ll serve him the cheap stuff and save this for our important guests!”

He put his arm around his wife and we all walked into the house.


We sat and visited around the picnic table, as Brian put the finishing touches on his BBQ ribs. Good conversation, good beer, and the relaxed, good times that come from years of friendship. Each of us was telling stories about friends, or work, or school, with many smiles, and laughs.

When dinner was ready, Brian and I dug in like a couple of animals. While the women, much more sophisticated creatures, used things like manners, napkins, and utensils. Us guys managed a few grunts as the girls talked.

“Kaylee! This is the best potato salad I have ever had!”

“Thank you! I have been getting cooking lessons from my mom.”

“I have got to get this recipe from you! Honey isn’t this good?” Amy asked.

*Errrggghhh! slobber, belch, incoherent grunts, disgusting noises.*. Like I said… ANIMALS!

When we had finally quenched our primal appetites, the conversation resumed. Kaylee got up to get herself some more tea.

Brian looked up. “Hey Bug, grab me another beer!”

“No problem!” Kaylee looked over at me “How about you BABE? Want another beer?”

My heart stopped dead in my chest. I knew from the look on her face that she didn’t even realize what she had just said. I looked over at Brian, using his dinner roll to sop up the remnants off his plate, and knew it had gone right over his head.

However… Amy was looking at me like she was examining me through a microscope. Trying hard not to react strangely, I just responded, “Sure, thanks”.

Brian leaned back and groaned. “OH Man! That was good.”

“Yes it was. Those ribs were perfect!” I glanced over at Amy, who was still staring at me intently. “Was that a homemade rub?”

Brian started to brag about his recipe, Kaylee came out and handed us our beers, and through it all Amy’s eyes never left my face. I looked down at my plate, looked over at the grill, even checked my watch. Every time I looked up, those eyes were still studying me.

I started to grab the dirty plates off the table, just to have something to do. When I stood up, Brian had started to tell a funny story about some roofers we worked with. I figured I could skip off to the kitchen and collect my thoughts.

I put the pile of dishes into the sink, and turned around. I almost screamed! Amy was standing there behind me, not two feet away. She wouldn’t stop staring at me! “How long has this been going on Ben?”

I gave my best smile, and tried to look confused. “How long has what been going on?”

“Don’t play me Benny!” She didn’t look mad, just determined. “A girl never calls a man “Babe” by mistake. Especially not her uncle!”

“I can see the way she looks at you!” She went on. “That girl is head over heals for you. Now if it was just that, I would let it pass as a young girl’s crush, but I see the way you look at her too.”

Her gaze never left my face. “For months now, Brian and I have been wondering about what it is that is making you so happy. He said if there was a woman, he would know about it. I told him a woman is the only thing that could explain your happiness. So don’t you lie to me!” Her hand grabbed onto my forearm. “How long have you been sleeping with your niece?”

I wanted to deny it, but I knew the secret was out. I met her stare and took a deep breath. “Last month was our three year anniversary.” I watched her mentally do the math, and I steeled myself for the explosion that I knew was about to happen. To my surprise, it never came.

“Three years? Keeping a secret like that for three years??? That had to be hell for you.”

I looked into her eyes, and didn’t see the hate and disgust that I had been expecting. “Well it was a pretty big secret to hold.” I said. I lowered my head, and felt tears come to my eyes. “I didn’t ask for this. It just happened.”

I looked back up into Amy’s eyes. “I’m amazed that you are taking this so well.”

“Don’t get me wrong! I am completely freaked about this! I think it’s weird as hell!” She must have seen the pain in my eyes, because she took me by the hand. “I look at Kaylee, and she is as happy as I’ve ever seen her. So are you! If this was as bad as it seems, I can’t see you two being this happy.”

We sat there in silence for a moment. “Ben… I’ve known you long enough to know that you are one of the good guys. You would never do anything to harm someone you love.” She took both of my hands in hers. “I can’t say I understand it, but it’s not my place to judge. If the universe brought you two together, then I won’t say it’s wrong.”

“You have no idea what that means to me.” I said.

She looked at me sadly. “But Ben… You have to tell Brian.”

“I can’t! He would be furious!” I started to sweat just thinking about it. I wasn’t worried about the physical repercussions. Throughout the years Brian and I have had our fair share of battles. Cuts and bruises always heal. “What if he hates me?”

“Brian loves you more than anyone in the world! The two of you have been best friends since grade school. You are the brother that he never had. He will probably be disappointed, but I don’t think he could ever hate you.” I wondered if she knew him as well as I did.

“If you don’t, I will.” She said.

I looked at her in shock, though I didn’t blame her. She squeezed my hand. “That’s not a threat Ben, I just know I can’t keep something this big from him. I know it would be better coming from you.”

After a couple of breaths, I looked into her eyes. “OK. But Amy…” I tried to sound like it wouldn’t happen, but underneath I knew it might be true. “If Brian gets physical, please, get Kaylee out of there!”

I saw understanding in her eyes, and it didn’t make me feel any better. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let her see that.”

She turned and grabbed two glasses from the cupboard, then handed me the bottle of Irish. She gave a small snort of laughter. “You know, we were hoping that you would invite your new girlfriend for dinner tonight.” She gave me an awkward smile. “Well, I guess you did!”


When we came out, Brian was waving his arms above his head, and Kaylee was laughing so hard she had tears running down her cheeks. Must have been one hell of a story.

I set the glasses down and poured a double shot into each. Brian looked at his greedily. “Ahhh! God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world! Cheers!”

We raised our glasses, then took a drink. Before I could back down, I spoke. “So Amy tells me that my love life has been the topic of conversation around here lately.”

Brian looked up and smiled from inside his red beard. “Are we going to finally hear about this mystery woman of yours?”

With my heart hammering in my chest, I went on. “Yes Brian, there is someone very special in my life, and I am in love.” He was eying me expectantly. I reached over and placed my hand on top of my niece’s. “It’s Kaylee.”

I heard Kaylee gasp, and she looked at me in shock. Her eyes were as wide as silver dollars, and her mouth was hanging wide open. Brian on the other hand was roaring laughter. It took him a moment to realize he was the only one. He looked around the table as his laughter faded away.

“Wait,” he said as his look turned dark. “Seriously?” He looked at the two of us, and we both nodded slightly. He then turned to Amy who gave a small shrug.

“Don’t look at me, I just figured it out tonight.”

The way his hand curled around his glass made me afraid it would break. His eyes met mine, and brotherly love was not what I was seeing. It got very quiet.

His head shook slowly back and forth. “That’s fucked up, Bro!”

“Brian!” Amy snapped at him. I held up my hand.

“It’s OK. That probably would have been my response too.” I said.

He brought his glass up and drained it. Then he grabbed the bottle and poured another round. He looked me in the eye and pointed a finger at Kaylee. “That is your sisters kid!” He was clearly barely able to control his emotions. “Have you lost your damn mind? What the hell are you possibly thinking?”

“It wasn’t something that either of us meant to happen. It just did.” Kaylee’s hand turned over and her fingers entwined with mine. The little squeeze she gave me was the encouragement I needed. “Yeah! I knew we shouldn’t be together, but I fell in love. I didn’t plan on it, it just happened.”

He was still shaking his head. “Damn it Benny! She’s just a little kid!”

Amy placed her hand on his arm. “You need to look again Honey. Kaylee has grown into a beautiful young woman.” I will be forever grateful for her support at that tense moment.

Brian looked over at Kaylee, and slowly gave her an appraising look. I could see the confusion in his eyes when the beauty in front of him didn’t match the little girl in his mind. He reached up and rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then he grabbed his glass and downed the amber liquid. “What a mess.” he whispered.

“How the hell did this start?” He demanded, looking at Kaylee.

I spoke up, but he pointed sharply at me. “NO! I don’t want to hear you right now. I want her to tell me.”

Kaylee was blushing, but she met his stare. “It was my idea. He never molested me! It was my choice. There was no force, no coercion, he didn’t talk me into it. I asked him to kiss me, and I have never regretted it since.”

“I don’t get it! Why? There has to be boys your own age! Why do you want to be with this old dog?”

“Because I love him.”

“Not good enough!” He yelled. “I need something better than that!”

Kaylee’s palm was sweating in mine, and I could feel her start to tremble. I had had enough. I wasn’t going to sit here while he hounded her anymore.


Brian slammed both hands down hard, and I was sure he was going to come across the table. Amy stood up, and was coming around to Kaylee. I was braced for what was probably going to be one hell of an ugly fight.

“Stop it.” Kaylee said. She didn’t even raise her voice, in fact, she had remained fairly calm. Showing a maturity well beyond her years, she brought the situation under control.

She grabbed my chin and locked her eyes on mine. “What are you doing? It’s Brian! He’s just looking out for me, just like you would expect him to.” She reached across the table and put her small hand over his huge one. “And I love you for that!” She told him. “But really, everything is fine.” I saw the anger wash away at her gentle words.

“I love him for the same reasons YOU do. You two have been friends your whole lives. You know better than anyone how great he is. He makes me laugh. He’s kind. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for me. I love the talks we share, and the time we spend together. He would walk through fire for any of us, and you know that. Are there boys my age I could date? Sure. But why should I when I have this wonderful guy right here? If you want the best for me, then tell me, how could I do better than him?”

I was in awe! And I think that Brian was too. He still looked confused, but the anger seemed to be gone. He ran his fingers through his beard and sighed.

“Kiss him.”

Kaylee didn’t hesitate. She turned and planted a kiss on my lips. I was thrown off guard, and didn’t know what was going on.

“Not like that!” He demanded. “Like you mean it!”

“Brian, what the hell are…”

Before I could finish, Kaylee’s lips were on mine. Her tongue darted into my mouth and her hands were in my hair. For a second I lost track of where I was, and my whole world was this kiss. Then I opened my eyes and Kaylee was smiling back at me.

“What the hell was that supposed to prove?” I sputtered.

Amy was smiling over at Kaylee, and gave her a nod of approval. Brian was reaching for the bottle again. “I had to know that this wasn’t some sick prank. Now I know.”

He tilted the bottle towards my glass and I covered it with my hand. “I think I’ve had enough.”

He gave me a hard look. “I’m still not entirely sure I’m not going to break your freakin neck… If I say we are drinking, that means we are drinking.” I removed my hand, and I saw a small grin start to reappear on his face.

“Come on Kaylee.” Amy said. “Help me with the pie, and let these guys have a few minutes.”

The girls cleaned the remaining dishes off the table. When Kaylee leaned over, I saw Brian’s gaze drift to the front of her dress, and he looked surprised. When the girls were far enough away he looked at me in shock.

“TITS!” He whispered. “When the hell did she get tits?”

I laughed, feeling drained from the earlier stress. “It’s been awhile now.” I don’t know what possessed me to say it, but I couldn’t help myself. “You should see her ass.”

He raised one shaggy eyebrow at me, then looked up as the girls were walking in the house.

“Damn me to hell! I think I’d like that.”

I raised my glass to his, and took a deep drink. “It wasn’t an offer man.” We both chuckled.

We sat in silence for a while, unsure on where to go from here. Eventually, Brian sighed. He drank even more whiskey and looked at me. “Hell Benny! Are you sure about this? It just seems pretty screwed to me.”

I took another swig of my own drink, definitely feeling the effects of the booze. “No, I’m not.” I answered truthfully. “I just know that I love her. I’ve questioned myself about it so many times, I don’t know what to think anymore. I guess it just is what it is. You know… Kaylee has never doubted it. She is happy, and I don’t think I’m hurting her. Isn’t that enough?”

Brian filled our glasses yet again. “Alright. It’s going to take some getting used to, but I’ll trust you on this. Don’t fuck it up.” He looked at me shaking his head for the millionth time tonight. “When the hell did she grow up?”


A couple of hours later, Brian and Amy walked us out to to the front porch. OK… Truth be told, Amy and Kaylee led us drunks out to the front porch. Brian and I fell into a drunken hug, and I saw Amy hug Kaylee and whisper in her ear. Kaylee smiled hugely at Amy and said “I won’t!”

Brian walked over to Kaylee and reached out to ruffle her hair. He stopped just a little short. “I guess I better not do that anymore.” He said.

Kaylee looked like she was about to cry. She raised her eyes up, and in a soft, trembling voice she said. “Nothing changed. I’m still your Bug.”

I watched as my friends face crumpled, and I knew that everything was going to work out. He leaned down and pulled Kaylee off her feet into a bear hug. “Of course you are darling’.”

He set her back down, and messed her hair up with a vengeance. Kaylee laughed and swatted at his hands.

We walked to the Jeep and Kaylee jumped behind the wheel, while I managed to climb in without falling over. We pulled out, and I just shook my head. “Well that was an interesting evening.”

I looked over and Kaylee looked as happy as can be. “I had sooo much fun!”

I couldn’t even begin to see the fun in it. “THAT is your idea of fun?”

“Not all of it!” She admitted. “Amy wants us to be friends! Well she didn’t say it like that, but she said we should go to lunch soon, and spend a Saturday shopping. She talked to me like an adult, not a little kid. I thought that was cool, you know.”

With all the stress, I was glad that she had had some time with Amy. “I think that’s cool too. What did she say before we left?”

With both hands on the wheel, and looking forward, I could still see her smile. “She said you were a great guy. Then she told me that if I was REALLY sure about this, I shouldn’t let anything stand in our way.”

I was still in shock over the way that Amy handled all of this.

“That’s not the main reason why it was so much fun though.” She reached over and squeezed my knee. “It was seeing that you are not ashamed of me.”

“Of course I’m not ashamed of you!!! Why would you think that?”

“I know why it’s a secret, it’s kind of a huge deal! But, you’ve never told anyone about us. I have Brittni to talk to, you don’t have anyone. I thought maybe you were embarrassed by me.”

I started to laugh. She couldn’t be more wrong. “Sweetheart, if I could, I would tell everyone about you. Look at you! You are gorgeous, smart, caring. I won the cosmic lottery when you chose to be with me.” I tilted my head up and screamed through the open top. “I LOVE YOU KAYLEE!!!”

“Stop it you drunken fool!” But she seemed pleased. “You don’t have to scream it to everyone.” Her smile faded, and she looked serious. “I know what you risked tonight… You and Brian almost fought… But you stood up for us. For that, I love you even more.” She looked over at me for a second. “I thought that was awesome!”

We walked into the house a little later. Kaylee set her purse on the counter, then turned and attacked. I was grateful for the door behind me, as it was all that was keeping us from falling on the floor. She was kissing me all over my face and neck. “I love you so much Babe. Let’s get upstairs so I can show you!”

While the thought was pleasant, I really didn’t think it was an option. “Sweetheart” I said a little embarrassed. “I’ve had way too much to drink. I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to…”

She had an evil grin on her face that said her mind was already made up. Her hand grabbed my belt buckle, and she started to slowly walk backwards, kissing and pulling me along.

“Let’s get you up-stairs. You can just lie back in bed, and I’ll do all the work. I’ll bet you that we find out you aren’t as drunk as you think you are!”

When we got to our room, Kaylee sat me on the edge of the bed. When I tried to take off my shoes she slapped my hand. “No! I said tonight it’s all me!” She took off my shoes and removed my socks. She got on her knees and kissed me while she bunched up the base of my shirt. “Arms up.” She giggled.

After my shirt hit the floor, Kaylee went back to kissing me. Her lips trailed over my lips, to my neck, then my ear. Her fingertips were running over my chest, lightly pinching and teasing my nipples.

I was enjoying it to no end, but was still not rising to the occasion. Undeterred, Kaylee kissed her way down my chest. When she reached my belt she looked up into my eyes, smiling seductively. She unbuckled my shorts and slid them off my legs. Her nails ran back up my thighs and she kissed my still soft prick playfully.

She stood up, and gave me a wink. She didn’t seem the least bit upset that things didn’t seem to be going her way. Kaylee walked over to the dresser and put one of my favorite C.D.’s in the stereo. With the music playing softly she turned back around. Her eyes closed and she started to sway with the music.

Damn, she was beautiful! Her hand came up slowly and pulled on the ribbon tied at the front. While still moving to the music, she lowered the top of her dress, revealing her firm, perfect breasts. The nipples were rigid, little pink points atop her small well formed mounds. Her head rocked from side to side as one hand came up and lightly ran her fingertips over her chest.

I was in a trance watching her. The song ended, and her eyes remained closed. When the next song started, she let the dress fall farther down. It was a slow sensual dance, and it was amazing! Every move of her hips caused the dress to slide farther and farther, till with one twitch, it fell to the floor. My niece danced in front of me wearing nothing but a small yellow and blue thong.

Her swaying hips looked delicious, the small bit of fabric the only thing covering her muffin. Kaylee turned around continuing her unhurried dance. Her tight, round ass was incredible. I stared as it moved to the music. Her thumbs came up and hooked into the waist, and she shimmied them down her hips. When she bent over to remove them I was graced with a nice view of her treasures beneath.

When the second song ended, she turned around, finally opening her eyes. She looked at me with such a sensual look that I wanted to jump up and grab her. When her eyes flicked downward, a grin spread across her face.

In a sexy playful voice she said. “I told you so.” I was a little shocked to find myself laying there with a full erection. “Looks like I win the bet!” She sashayed to the bed, and giggled. “Can I collect my prize now?”

Kaylee crawled into bed on top of me. Her crotch came down on top of mine, and her hips started to move. I was surprised at how wet she was already. She looked deep into my eyes. “I have been wanting to do this since you told Brian you loved me. I know Amy had something to do with it, but it was still you who told him. It meant a lot to me, and I want you to know how much I love you too!”

She took me in her hand and guided me into her waiting hole. “Ohhhh Yes!” Her hips lowered all the way down till she was on my lap. The warmth and tightness brought a shiver from me. Knees at my sides, and hands on my chest, she slid forward. When she moved back down , she rotated her hips in a circular motion. Then she was raising back up again.

“Sweetheart that feels amazing!” I gasped out. She covered my lips with hers and moaned softly into my mouth. Her tongue was dancing against mine, retreating to suck my lip into her mouth, then starting again all over. All the while her hips were doing their very own dance against mine. She was not just raising up and down, but rolling her hips front to back, side to side, and squeezing with her thighs, to create feelings and sensations that were driving me crazy!

She gave me one last passionate kiss, then rose up on her knees. Her movements increased in speed, and I just looked up at her in wonder. She was gorgeous! With her eyes closed, she was biting on her lower lip. Her breath was speeding up, and there were little whines coming from her throat. The way she was riding me, had her small breasts bouncing. Her sparkling green eyes opened and looked down at me. She reached down and grabbed my wrists, bringing my hands up to her chest. I squeezed both, feeling the twin points of her nipples pressing against my palms.

“Oh Baby I love you!” She gasped breathlessly. She was bouncing up and down furiously. My own hips were thrusting up to meet her movements now, and I felt my orgasm approaching. “I love you! I love you! I LOVE YouuuuOhhhhAhhhhh!”

Her muscles tightened, and her knees clamped against me. She fell down onto me, while I raised up into her again. My hips came off the bed and I felt my whole body quiver. I exploded inside of her. I kept pressing into her, each time releasing more and more. My hands moved quickly to her waist to steady her. We were both twitching and shaking. Till finally, she came to rest laying on my rapidly pounding chest. The room was spinning. A combination of too much booze and great sex, had me worried about my consciousness.

Kaylee laid on top of me with little moans, almost like a cat’s purr. She kept tightening and relaxing, still moving against me. “Sweetheart, you are about to make me pass out! I’m too old for all this!” I chuckled.

She leaned up and kissed me. Then she looked at me again with her beautiful green eyes. “Hmmmm. The way I see it, is that with your experience, and my youth, we average out to the perfect couple.”

I laughed, enjoying the vibrations it caused with me still inside of her. “Experience huh? Is that a nice way of saying how old I am?”

“Maybe.” She giggled. “But I love you just the way you are!”

We snuggled for a bit, then I gently rolled her off of me. Side by side she looked into my eyes. “Uncle Benny? Do you think in twenty years we will still be as happy as Brian and Amy?”

I started to say something about “no guarantees”, or “things could always change”. But when I looked into her face, she seemed so happy, so I shut my mouth. Neither of us was stupid, we both knew that in a relationship as screwed up as ours, there were going to be problems and hardships. Instead I just gave her a smile.

“Nope.” I kissed her right on the tip of the nose. “We will be even Happier!”

I just hoped that it wasn’t a lie.

To be continued: