Babygirl meeting her Daddy

She walked down the aisle of the airplane. Her anxiety of flying really took hold. She could feel her hands getting sweaty as she pulled her carry on. At her seat she lowered the handle and lifted the case and with some effort she got the bag into the overhead.

She slid to her window seat. she pushed the end of her cream colored flower sundress down back around her knees. She wore a blue jean jacket because she knew the plane would be cold. Hanging around her neck is a golden necklace with shapes of flowers and leaves. Her long flowing hair was braided into one large braid with a brown ribbon tied at the end. Her brown knee high boots completed her super cute outfit.

She sat with her hands on her lap and took long deep breaths, holding it before she let them out just like Daddy taught her. It was one of the exercises she used to combat her anxiousness. Another idea they had was for her to take an edible before she got on the plane. Which see did, but it still has not kicked in yet.

After her tenth deep breath she removed the headphones from her backpack and bent over, pushing it under the seat in front of her. She opened the case and put the left side and then the right side in. Opening her phone she went to the file that he sent to her. Pressing play, she hears his voice. This started to calm her. He made this file for her to listen to on the three hour flight from Denver to Seattle. This mix of his voice telling her calming things or sexy things with different music she hoped will help her.

She put a blindfold over her eyes and let herself drift. The mix made her mind relax and she started to feel better. Before she knew it the plane was landing and she felt better and so excited. She hurried when it was her turn to pull her carry on down and made her way quickly down the aisle and out the plane.

She made her way to the restroom and freshened up. Make sure her hair is right. Retrying her ribbon. Reapplying her makeup. Taking a breath mint from her bag. She smiled and was ready to meet her Daddy for real.

She walked down the concourse pulling her bag behind her. Her backpack over her shoulders. Following the signs to baggage claim and then the exit. She came around a corner and there he was. Standing there not more than fifteen feet from her.

She stopped, taking him in. She thought how yummy he looked in shorts and tee shirt. His sexy legs are in full view. His silver hair brushed to the side. Their eyes met and her heart raced. Without a word she knew he owned her. She knew that from the months and months of chats and play, but seeing him she just knew she was his.

She told herself she was going to be cool when they met. Then he smiled. That smile which he tells her he knows what she is thinking and it is ok. She was still frozen in place as he started to walk to her. Three quick paces and he closed a third of the distance. She smiled, leaving her bag, she ran a few steps to him and jumped into his arms.

His strong arms wrapped around her. Picking her off the ground. She thought she never wanted this feeling to end. He heard her tight to him, holding her off the ground a bit. When he put her down, he let her go but didn’t let her escape him. He leaned in and kissed her lips. Not the hot sexy kiss that burned the whole room, but like the perfect kiss from the Princess Bride. Her knees were weak as he pulled back from the kiss.

She fumbled back to get her bag, but he was already grabbing it in his left hand. In his right hand he took hers. His large strong hands taking hers. “You want to blow this popsicle stand, Babygirl,” he questioned.

“Yes Daddy, let’s get out of here.” So he led her to the car. He chatted the whole time as her shyness overcame her. Telling her about the places they were going to go. Some of the restaurants he found to try. At the elevator of the parking garage the doors pinged open. They stepped in and she turned to press the button, “which floor Daddy?”

“Top.” She pressed the button and the doors closed. As they did she could feel him stepping into her personal space. He grabbed at her wrist and turned her around with one motion. Taking that hand and moving it over her head. His other hand took hers free one and put it with her pinned one. Both hands now pinned over her head with only one of his strong ones.

For the briefest of seconds he looked down at her. Then he pounced. His kiss was hard!! Full of passion. Full of want. She knew his need and gave into it. Their lips touched and it was like a million tiny stars exploded. Her body felt those tingles as his tongue parted her lips and met hers. Where their first kiss was perfect for all time, this one made her knees weak, her body flush and gave up all control to him.

Like he knew, he took control. His free hand found its way up her skirt. His fingers found her exposed pussy. He started to rub and her moans came quickly after that.

Then the elevator buzzed as they reached their level. It was all in a span of maybe ten seconds, but damn did time stop for her. He let their embrace go. His hands releasing hers and his fingers coming out of her skirt. “Good girl,” he said with a smile. “No panties on your flight. I know that was hard for you,” he continued as he brought his wet fingers to her lips. She started sucking them. “But doing that gives you the power you need to face that fear. Letting you have to think about something else.”

She heard the words, but the meaning was lost to her at the moment. She would think back later on it and understand his true meaning. Right now, she is hot and horny. Her mind is not thinking clearly on anything more than jumping her Daddy. Then the doors opened. He smiled at her, took her hand in his left and grabbed her bag in his right.

They walked halfway down the parking garage, but she felt more like she was floating. He stopped at a tricked out lime green Jeep Wrangler. He opened the passenger side door and helped her up into the seat and then closed the door. Opening the back, he put her suitcase next to his.

“Are you ready Babygirl,” he questioned. “It’s about a two- and half-hour ride. I have water for us, but I can stop to get you something else. A different drink or a snack?” He started the Jeep, putting it in drive and pulling out of the parking structure.

“No Daddy,” she said in her shy voice. “I just want to be here with you.”

“Ok then Babygirl. That will be nice.” He pressed play on his phone and the Local Natives came on over the speakers. The sun was low in front of them as the day started to give away into evening. In her face was the biggest smile. She wondered if it would ever fade. She leaned over and let her head rest on his shoulder.

The city behind them. The towns start to disappear as they drive to the coast. He keeps talking and she loves every word. Every story. She laughs at them one time tearing up cause I’m the shenanigans he pulled in college or just too amusing. She felt more and more comfortable. It went from him talking eighty percent of the time to fifty/fifty and then at one point she talked for ten minutes straight.

When she realized this, she got self-conscious and apologized. But she looked over to his smiling face as he drove and knew it didn’t matter.

“I have a question for you Babygirl. Did you wear your plug on the plane ride,” he asked out of nowhere.

She got nervous. Her head dropped and she answered,” no.”

“Was it too much? I had a feeling it may have been a little much on the plane. Did you put it in before you met me? Stop at the restroom and put it in?”

She slapped her hand to her forehead. Why did she not think of that? “No Daddy, I did not.”

“Do you have it in your bag there,” pointing to her backpack at her feet. She nodded yes. His hand moved from the center console to her knee, and she felt magic on his touch overtake her. She down and unzipped the front pocket and removed it, showing him.

“Let’s put that bad boy in,” he said with a smile but she knew he meant business.

“But Daddy, I have no gel.” Hoping that may get her off the hook.

“You have a mouth right. Suck on it for a bit and get it all lubed up.” She paused for a moment, but then saw he was serious. Lifting her plug she started sucking on it.

“Fuck Babygirl. You look so sexy sucking on that. Let me help you get ready for it. Bent over on my lap.”

Not really understanding what he wanted, she did just what felt natural. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she got on her knees on her seat facing him. Her head was almost in his lap. Ass high in the air.

He pulled her sun dress up and ran his hand over her perfectly round ass. A light spank of each cheek and then his finger worked around her rim. He stopped and pulled his hand away. Then he was back, his fingers nice and wet. He must have sucked on them. Just as that thought came into existence, he pushed in his first finger.

She moaned into her full mouth of plug. Her ass opened for him so easily. His finger only went to the first knuckle, but then he started to move it around. Opening her. This is sending her over the edge. Her left hand worked the plug in and out of her mouth and built up the saliva on it.

With her free hand, she starts to message his cock on the outside of his pants. This got his attention, as he stopped moving his finger. That just made her massage him through his pants. She could feel his bulge getting bigger by the second. He regained his composure pretty quickly. Working his finger in bigger circles, widening her. He then slid a second finger in her, opening her wider.

“I think your ass is ready for the plug, “he said as he gently removed his fingers.

“Yes Daddy,” she mumbled with her mouth full.

“Hand me your plug, my sexy slut. Beg me to put it in your needy ass. Begged me like your life depended on it.”

She pulled the plug from her mouth and handed it over her shoulder. “Please Daddy, please fill up your slut’s ass. Please make me feel that plug push open. Your Babygirl needs to let her slut out.” The whole time she was begging she was working on freeing his cock.

He pushed it in. It slid past her rim with no issues. Settling nicely in her tight ass. Once it was in, his hand came hard down across her juicy ass. Ten each for each ass cheek. Give her time in between. This stopped her from releasing his cock, but she was still determined to free it.

The road went from a smooth highway to a bumpy two lane one, but the playtime was not over. His strong fingers worked over her ass cheeks and to her pussy lips. She made more moaning noises as her pussy fired. My god did she love his fingers playing with her.

She finally got his cock free and let her wet lips slid around his thick mushroom head. He was fucking delicious. She has been dreaming of taking his manhood in her mouth and pleasing him. She would not have thought the first time would be in the car to the hotel, but she would take it.

Then her body started to react to the magic of his fingers. “Oh fuck,” she moaned and mumbled. “Daddy can your slut cum.”

“I can’t understand you with your mouth full of my cock,” he said so proudly. She pulled her head off just enough to ask again. “I’m not sure.” She moaned in disappointment. “Yes, you may cum my cum bunny.” She has come for him, but this was different. Cumming for him on video did nothing to the real thing. Feeling his touch. The warmth from this body. How much more she needed him.

Her orgasm was amazing. Body froze and then started shaking. She just could not control it. She yelled so loud. Her waves of pleasure started to subside. She felt so damn good. “That was the sexiest thing I have ever heard my cum bunny.” His words washed over her. Merging with her pleasure and making her feel amazing.

At that point she remembered his cock she was working on. She took it back in her mouth and started sucking and stroking his cock. This time with more gusto. “Fuck girl,” it being his turn to moan. “Yes, damn girl suck it. Fuck don’t stop.” He let out a primal growl. “Yes, slut taking, oh fuck,” he screamed. His free hand grabbed the back of her head. He screamed, moaned and let his orgasm explode into her waiting mouth.

She was caught off guard but not surprised. She took every drop happily. When he was complete, she pushed up from his lap and kissed his lips seductively. She broke off the embrace and laid back down on his lap. “Can Daddy wake me when we get there?” His hand resting on her head, playing with her hair. Nothing can be better.