Aspiring actress – Chelsea’s story part 3 decision time

Chelsea was stunned she couldn’t believe how this man had taken over her apartment, the offer of a lifetime on her table for the price of making a video, what did he mean by all those present? Was he expecting his assistant to join in. Surely she wouldn’t be working for him at her age in a sexual way, she could only be barely 18, not that Chelsea was much older but she would never have done anything like that at her age! Also she had never even thought about anything sexual with a woman, what would that be like? She was pretty afterall. Oh no that tingling was happening again, she looked out the window to try and regain control, that only reminded her Rob was still out there, uggggh Rob, making videos had not been a good thing for her.

She must have been stood there, heart pounding, for too long. Micheal’s patience wearing thin he motioned to Keira, putting his cup of tea down, when did he get that?

“What a shame, Keira, looks like we have our decision though, grab the files. I do hate to waste a pill”

Keia moved towards the contracts,

“Wait,” Chelsea came back to life, she walked to the table with the contracts on, picking up the pen with her trembling hand, she starred at the words on the page but they weren’t registering in her mind. The only distinguishing difference her mind could focus on was the cheque attached to the right one. With one last glance to the outside world she lowered the pen and signed, sealing her fate. There was no going back now.

She turned back round to face Micheal,

“Well?” He asked, motioning is hands in a lifting movement as he sat back on the sofa.

Chelsea took a deep breath, grabbing the hood with both hands she pulled it up over her head, dropping it to the floor, her pert breasts now on display to Micheal and Keira. She didn’t know why but she expected a compliment or acknowledgement of some sort from Micheal. Instead he looked her up and down, a motion for her to spin, which she complied with and then looked to Keira.

“Can you sort those out for me dear,” he pointed at Chelsea’s breasts and Keira moved towards the second larger case.

Chelsea was feeling embarrassed now, standing in just her baggy shorts in front of this man, old enough to be her grandpa, he hadnt even given her the slightest clue as to if he found her sexy, just asked Keira to sort her tits out. What was wrong with them the way they were? She was however to scared and nervous to ask, such was his presence. She stood there like a naughty school girl, he wasn’t even paying her attention, he had picked his phone back up.

Keira had taken some instrument from the case and was now in her kitchen. She couldn’t see what she was doing and that made her more nervous. The feeling of been made to stand here, no attention was worse than been used like a fuck toy. What had she gotten herself into.

Meanwhile Rob was outside still, he had opened his phone hoping to see some action from the laptop cam but noone was in the bedroom, he could here movement on the wall behind him where the kitchen was situated, maybe he could catch a glance inside the window. He crept around peering slowly trying to see what was going on, he couldn’t see anything at first, but as he crept further he was able to see his sister standing, in just her shorts, back towards the window, her ass looked amazing even in these baggy old things, he thought. She wasnt moving though, he dared to peek further, wtf there was a guy old enough to be their grandad sat on the sofa, facing her but not paying any attention to the naked beauty in front of him, he saw movement in the corner of his eye, coming from the kitchen, he quickly retreated. Wtf was going on in there he wondered. His mind racing, he wanted to see more badly. Yet he couldn’t risk been seen, would his sis really fuck a guy that old, surely not.

Keira returned to the table with her washing up bowl full of items she had collected, she picked up the signed contract and placed it back into the 1st case then dropped that case off with Micheal.

“Ready when you are sir,” she said calmly to him as she dropped the case next to him.

“OK, let’s get started” he stood up and walked over to Chelsea and once more walked around her, brushing her hair with his hand over her shoulder.

“Begin” he said, Chelsea didn’t know if he meant her, but as she went to move she felt Keira take her hands, applying a wrist restraint to each wrist which were chained together.

“Where do you want her sir,” she spoke like she was delivering a parcel to him not a person, Chelsea was starting to panic.

“Over here please, facing the couch to start please” he pointed towards the window,

“The railing above this door should hold”

Keira put one hand on Chelsea’s hip the other holding her binds and guided her backwards, she then threw the long chain up over the rail and down the other side, the chain banged between the window and the top of her ass as it swung freely.

Still not acknowledging Chelsea he turned to Keira,

“I think 2 of the 20s should suffice to start.”

She hurried back to the second case removing what looked like 2 flat packed containers, she went to the sink out of view and Chelsea heard the tap running. Confused she went to speak, as she opened her mouth she was cut off.

“Sush now, be a good girl and the worst will soon be over and you can spend all that money I am giving you” he smiled as he held her face between his hand.

“I recommend you raise your hands now above your head or it might hurt”

At least he doesn’t want to hurt me she thought, maybe bondage play was his thing tied up and sucking cock wouldn’t be too bad, desperately trying to kid herself that this was normal. She lifted her arms, the chain slipped further down now slapping her ass.

Keira had returned holding 1 of the containers in both hands, it was full of water and was now clearly heavy, there was a clip on the end, Chelsea finally understood, Keira moved behind her reaching as high as she could she clipped the container to the chain, holding Chelsea’s arms in the air, it wasnt painful but it offered support, the second container was soon added. Chelsea was now struggling to move her arms, she didn’t have enough strength to pull the containers below her head, she was stuck.

Micheal had retreated to the sofa watching now as Chelsea struggled to get fully comfortable. Her legs still free to move she was fidgeting around alot.

“Shes wiggling to much Sir, shall I restrain further,” Keira asked the question like a well trained employee who had done this hundreds of times before, a nod of the head came from Micheal.

Again Keira visited the case, this time  a contraption that looked like a metal rod with 2 restraints either side, she went to apply them just above Chelsea’s knee when Micheal stopped her.

“Wait, those will need removing first, looking at Chelsea’s shorts.

Keira nodded and within a flash Chelsea felt her hands pulling the last bit of fabric away from her body, she was encouraged to step out one foot at a time, she now stood there fully naked. The first restraint was added to her left leg, the young blonde then pulling at her Right leg to separate them, once Chelsea had spread her legs wide enough only just wider than shoulder width, the second was added, the restraint was comfortable, it was nicely padded but Chelsea noticed an adjustment button in the middle, it looked like it could double in length of extention.

Keira stood back, Chelsea was stuck spread naked in her apartment window facing her director, he looked up glanced at the perfectly trimmed landing strip that she had maintained, he liked what he saw but for badness he turned to Keira,

“Deal with that at the same time please”

Chelsea went fully red in the face this old man was picking faults with her body and having her fixed! It was too late to object she was stuck anyway, she didn’t have the strength to move now. Keira returned again, this time with a towel, cream and razor, she dipped her hand in some warm water and rubbed the cream in her hands, then she reached out covering all of Chelsea’s pussy, it was already smooth but she covered it anyway, including the little landing strip.

The sensation of her most intimate parts been touched by another woman woke up Chelsea’s body, she did well not to groan as Keira’s hands caressed her, as the blade was carefully run across her lips and little mound her legs began to wobble. Micheal was paying attention too he liked to see how his projects reacted to female contact. Keira looked up and smiled at Chelsea, it was the most comfortable she had felt since this had started. It wasn’t long before her pussy completely bald and quite obviously wet.

Rob had been quietly sneaking across the window again he had watched as the young blonde had knelt down between his sisters legs and shaved her inner lips, he couldn’t see her front but he guessed the landing strip he liked had now gone, what he did get a view of was his sisters ass and pussy lips as she arched her back forwards as she was caressed.

Keira gave her clit a quick lick and kiss before running her tongue down her juicy wet slit, it sent electricity through Chelsea’s body. She moaned at the touch. Her nipples now fully erect. She was now almost ready for Micheal.

“She tastes sweet sir,” Keira said running her finger across her wet inner lips, dipping a forefinger into her honey. She the rose and offered her finger to her boss who casually sucked it clean, keeping eye contact on Chelsea. God this was hot she thought.

“Get the last step complete quickly please, this pill is taking effect,” he directed Keira.

Chelsea’s stare had moved to Micheal’s crotch where she could see the effects of the pill clearly in his trousers. It had distracted her to the point that it wasn’t until the cold ice was being applied to her already erect nipples, it felt great she had never played with ice before. Keira whispered into her ear,

“Close your eyes,”

Chelsea did just that, the ice from her left nipple removed and she felt it hit her clit, the pleasure was running through her body, but it was short lived, suddenly a sharp stabbing pain went straight through her left nipple, her eyes shot open just in time to see the same fate happen to her right nipple, she screamed in pain. She watched as 2 rings were pushed through each of her newly pierced nipples. Ice was reapplied relieving some of pain, replacing it with numbness.

Micheal stood, removing his shirt speaking to her as her did.

“I’m sorry about that darling, but I guess you could call it getting my monies worth, this next part is going to hurt alot more than i wanted it too but if you keep the piercings open it will be a lot more comfortable, maybe even enjoyable, next time.”

The tears were running down Chelsea’s face, she never wanted nipple piercings what right did this guy have to do that. It was supposed to be a quick BJ to get this role not this! She looked up at him anger in her face amongst the pain.

“What,” he said, ” Did you really think I would give you the world for a quick fumble in your apartment? I have women who will give me that any time, take Keira here,” he looked at her, she had just finished connecting a further chain to her new nipple rings as she released the weight of the chain caused Chelsea further pain. She winced.

“Yes sir,” Keira stood up waiting his command.

“How long have you worked for me” he asked

“3 years sir, I started at 15 as an apprentice for you.” She replied

He continued, “is there anything you wouldn’t do for me if I commanded?”

“No sir”

“And why is that?”

“On my 16th birthday you cleared all my family debt and bought me a new car, also you increased my wage to a level I could only ever dream of before”

He smiled, “Keira, have I ever asked any thing directly sexual of you”

“No sir,” she replied, “you always respected that I had a long term boyfriend and I always helped you prepare your willing clients like this”

“Thats right, how is Joe by the way”

“He is really good thankyou sir, I think he’s planning on asking me to marry him this weekend.” She gleamed as she spoke about him.

He looked directly at Chelsea and spoke.

“Keira, take off your blouse and bra please, then get on your knees and release my cock from these trousers and into your mouth”

Chelsea’s head went into overdrive,

“No, don’t do that to her” she pleaded.

“This is power he said, the thrill is in creating powerful women for the future who I have already broken.”

Chelsea watched as reluctantly, Keira’s lace bra hit the floor and she bent down in front of him. She released his cock and let it enter her mouth he groaned then stood her back up.

“See Chelsea, I have it all already, im giving you stardom, you are giving me your body, its what you signed up for. This is your last chance to pull out, leave with nothing if you want?”

Chelsea looked up at the old man, his cock standing to attention glistening in the sunlight, it must have been 7 inches but not as thick as Rob’s, and the young blonde standing next to him her breast now exposed to, slightly fuller that Chelsea’s but she obviously tanned topless, no lines, no piercings. She looked sad though now, no doubt been asked to preform on Micheal had been a shock for her, but one she was prepared to do. It must have hurt her after she was just speaking of her future fiance, how cruel this man could be, yet he gave her everything, was it his right?

“I’m ok”, she spoke softly, it was enough for Micheal though to continue.

“Great news, that my girl, Keira, you really are quite beautiful, I’d like you to stay like that please, and finish off quickly with the nipple weights, I then need her turned around please.”

Keira rushed into action, doing her best to  hold back her own tears, she got the small weights out of the case and fit them to the bottom of the chains on Chelsea’s nipples, the pain echoed through her body, it felt like the new rings would rip out under the weight. Before she knew it, Keira was holding her hips shuffling her feet in a circle, the weights were swaying and Keira’s own breasts were brushing against Chelsea’s nipples, she squirmed.

Finally she was presented to the window, her legs parted the weight of the water keeping her arms raised, she stood almost upright fully exposed. For the first time she realised just how exposed to the overlooking apartments she was. It appeared that was Micheal’s plan.

He stood behind her, now naked himself, his wrinkled body reflected slightly in the window so Chelsea could see him aswell as her potential audience, his hard cock brushing against her thigh, as his hands rolled up her side. He too took time to trace his fingers across her tattoo, everyone seemed to enjoy that. His fingers slightly wrinkled also added to the tickling sensation on her body. She was becoming aroused again turned on by how defenseless she was.

He whispered in her ear, “Tell me what you see out there”

She didn’t understand what she meant,

“Erm, apartments, sky, I don’t know what you mean?”

“Look into the apartments, be specific tell me out loud who could see you if they looked over, tell me what they would think” he continued to trace her body, his hands tickling the side of her breasts.

Chelsea had never thought exhibitionism could be so hot, her body seemed to have forgotten the pain in her nipples, she stared across into the apartments opposite starting at top floor, she had never spent much time looking out there before but now every detail felt sexy somehow.

“Across the top floor 2 of the 3 apartments seem dark and possibly empty but the end apartment, I see a TV flickering, someone must be in, a shadow moving in the kitchen window, it looks like a man, maybe 30ish its hard to see him clearly, he’s busy rushing around, he has no idea if he looked down he would see my nipples been extended my legs spread while you tickled my body making me squirm,” Micheal’s hand pulled her hair back and to the side exposing her neck where he suckled his other hand stroking across her stomach.

She continued,

“A woman a couple of floors down is doing her ironing aimlessly looking out of her window, it looks like her teenage kids are playing a computer game in the front room, what a show they would be getting, I wonder if she ever let herself be tied up like this,”

Micheal pulled her hips back forcing her body to bend, her arms pulling tight on the weights to allow her body to bend more, she couldn’t hold that for long she thought, she felt her self turn 90 degrees, Micheal was now facing her he pulled down her wrist restraints taking some of the weight to allow her to bend more, she knew what he wanted. Chelsea opened her mouth wide to let the old man slide his hard purple headed cock inside, her tongue darted over his tip, her eye caught the reflection of a camera from the balcony, Ffs Rob you idiot you’re gonna get caught.

Rob had got braver and braver as the exhibition inside had continued, he had now decided the best way to watch was to record with his phone camera, after seeing the young girl strip and take the old guys cock he thought the sex show must have been about to start, he was over the moon when the old timer had put Chelsea right in the window facing him, and this BJ was epic. His sister might be mad at him but this was grade A material for later. He hadnt considered the glare of the lens, he was no expert at recording this way. Despite Chelsea’s attempt to make eye contact, which he thought was for the camera, he had failed to realise Keira was still on the room and the camera had caused the sunlight to hit her eyes twice, she knew someone was there.

She went over to Micheal, who was enjoying face fucking Chelsea now, interrupting his flow.

“What is it,” he said almost impatiently pushing his cock deep into Chelsea’s throat.

“Sorry Sir, I think someone is on the balcony recording” she looked at him apologetically.

“What! I thought I told you to do a sweep! My number 1 rule is to make sure noone is about. You know that!” Micheal was furious he pulled his cock out and violently slapped Chelsea round the face with it.

“Start talking and you better not lie, is this some sort of trap, who the fuck is recording me.” His anger was very real, but also a hint of concern at his age a confrontation with a boyfriend was not going to end well.

Chelsea spoke,

” I’m sorry its my brother, he wasn’t supposed to be here but you arrived, I thought we would be in bedroom so he could creep out while you gave me my audition,”

“Why the fuck would your brother wanna record you getting fucked!” he was not buying this bullshit story.

Chelsea swallowed hard, she needed this job and had come this far, she wouldn’t lose it now.

“My younger brother has a crush, he has been spying on me for the last 2 years trying to see me naked or masturbating, I just think its cos he has noone himself. Please he’s harmless, ill make him delete the vid, just carry on and have your way with me please….sir” she hoped the sir would get his attention.

He pointed at Keira,

“Gag her and then go out there and bring him in, let’s see if this slut is telling the truth. THEN we will deal with your failings”

Keira pulled a ball gag from the case and applied it tightly to Chelsea’s mouth, she went to grab her top to go outside to which Michael got very annoyed.

“Did I tell you to change? No I didn’t, I told you to sweep which you are obviously incapable of. Get out there now!”

Rob had realised the show had stopped and had retreated to hiding further round the corner again, he couldn’t hear anything so didn’t realise the game was up. Then he heard the door open, he got ready to fight afterall he could take an old guy, he lept round the corner grabbing his would be attacker pinning them to the wall with his hand on their chest and pulling his over hand back to strike.

Keira shrieked in terror trying to raise her hands to protect her face. Rob thankfully realised it was the blonde girl and stopped himself from hitting her, his hand remained on her chest for a lot longer than it should have before her apologetically withdrew it.

Keira looked terrified but managed to speak ” could you step inside please sir my boss would like a word, no violence please.”

Rob nodded and followed her in, mouthing sorry to his sister as he was directed past her. Chelsea was repositioned facing the window again, still bent over, Rob couldn’t help but check out her ass.

Micheal spoke, “This young lady has some intresting stories about why you were out there but is like to hear your reason before I decide whether to rip up the very lucrative contract she signed. If your stories don’t match the contract is gone, if you attack me its gone, are we clear.”

Rob felt this man’s presence to, he was so confident even though he would surely lose a fight with Rob he could stand there bold as brass naked and still rock hard.

Rob started, ” Erm the truth is im her brother and I was staying here, I just never had time to get out before you arrived today”

“Good so far” Micheal said, ” Why would u want to record your sister giving me a bj, is there something wrong with you?”

Rob didn’t like been spoken to like that, he lept to his sisters and his own defence.

” My sister is beautiful and I love her very much, there is nothing wrong with me I am a normal guy who happened to get horny seeing a beautiful woman preform oral sex”

Micheal laughed at him he picked up his phone and went through the videos on there, other than the one he had just taken all were of Chelsea in her room, including the bedpost mounting, thankfully, for both of them, last nights was only on his home computer as he hadnt been home to upload yet. Micheal turned up the volume of Chelsea riding the bed post, the part where she cum and squirted everywhere.

She didn’t need to see the vid she recognised her own voice and new the time it had taken place, she continued to look outwards, her pussy was tingling from the memory. Micheal had passed Keira the phone and now she was watching it in awe, how did she fit that inside.

“Delete the vid of me Keira, you think you can do that?” She nodded. “And pack up this isn’t working for me.

Chelsea started bucking and squirming but no noise would come out. Rob spoke up for her instead.

“Please sir, don’t punish my sister for my actions, she will do anything for this opportunity, hell I will do anything to please.”

Micheal paused, he had to admit it would be a waste to leave without fucking Chelsea now, she had been a very willing slut so far even if she had tried to show some attitude at times. His assistant had truly pissed him off by failing to search the apartment properly and this young lad would clearly do anything for his sister. He must be able to use this to his advantage. He pondered for a while then turned to Rob.

“Anything is a strong word son,” he said “You seem to have some talent in spycams after watching your vids on your phone which I may be able to use, however, if I’m to let your sis here honour her contract you are both gonna have to submit to my will here today. I’m sure you might even enjoy some of it, but be warned you will be expected to dish out some of the punishment I have planned for these 2.” He smirked as he finished. The words struck fear into Keira, who knew Micheals sadistic side, Chelsea still tied up was more stuck on the fact he had said Rob was going to be involved, surely not her brother again and in front of people! What could she do though.

Micheal continued, “nodding won’t do here either son, if you both agree I wanna see you strip off, then remove that gag from your sisters mouth, if she willingly sucks on your cock we have a deal, any resistance and I’m gone”

Rob had already dropped his pants before Micheal had finished speaking, far to eager, it made Micheal laugh,

“Man you do have the hots for your sister” he chuckled. “I hope your sis is as excited to see you.”

Rob walked around to face his sis, he removed the gag, she gave him an angry glance but offered no resistance she opened her lips allowing her brother to push his cock into her mouth, she let him enjoy the first couple of seconds, then as he withdrew she bit down on his head, he yelped.

“Fuck sis WTF”

Micheal laughed, “haha, gotta expect some payback for sticking your cock down her throat son.” He took hold of her hair and pulled back, ” ever try that on me and ill remove your teeth though, clear” his voice clear, it was no idol threat.

He moved Rob out of the way, slipping his cock back into chelsea’s mouth, she bobbed her head on his shaft, working her tongue as she did, the weights on her nipples were swaying, no longer causing pain, but a bit of pleasure. She could feel her pussy responding. The warmth in her pussy lips unmistakable.

Micheal continued to be serviced by his willing prey, his wrinkled body standing proud against the window, securing the weights behind him so Chelsea could bend easier. His attention turned to Keira, she was sitting on the couch still topless, she had evidence of dried tears running down her face. She was ashamed, how could she face Joe later, what would happen to her now she failed Micheal, she needed this job still and the lifestyle she had become accustomed too. Yes she had helped prepare girls for Micheal in her time working for him, yes she had watched him use them, took part in preparing his girls. Never though did she think she would ever be stripped or herself violated. Hell Micheal had been round to her and Joe’s house on many occasions, he was like a second, older, dad to them both.

“Keira,” he said calmly, “you know I’m gonna have to sack you for your failures today, I can’t tolerate failure as you know.” His hand dropped to Chelseas head as she expertly sacked causing him to gasp.

“Please Micheal,” she pleaded, “You know how much I need this job, what can I do to make this right, her hands in a prayer shape, she dropped to her knees, tears starting again, begging Micheal for forgiveness.

Micheal turned to Rob, “Son, Keira here, was just telling me and your sis before how she was expecting a marriage proposal off Joe, course your sis here was being very niave, so to show her my power I had Keira strip and suck my cock a bit. Thats why she’s a bit upset” he stopped talking his hips were bucking faster, Chelsea was moving her head at a faster pace to, dribble was falling to the floor, a groan escaped from Micheals lips, his cock erupted, he pushed his hips forward chocking Chelsea, forcing her to swallow the shots that followed down her throat.

“Fuck, she is good” he bragged. He withdrew his cock patting Chelsea on the head, Chelsea gasped for air, the weights Micheal was supporting released raised her back to standing legs spread, looking back out of the window.

“I need some recovery time, but you son, I want you to find out just how far little Keira will go to save her job. I want to see your sadistic side, use the info I have given you, prove to me your worth keeping around.”

With that he sat down, his last words

“Use the case”

Rob stood there taking in the room, he first walked over to Chelsea her face flush with dribble and cum down her cheeks,

“Are you ok,” he asked, She nodded a loud cough obviously for his attention echoed through the room.

“Don’t disappoint me boy” Micheal hissed.

Chelsea nodded approval to her brother, he had to try and impress this man too for his sisters sake. Maybe this would be his redemption. He approached the case, there was an array of toys and chains inside, some he had no idea of there use, others he had seen in some extreme videos online. He looked over to Keira, she looked back at him almost pleadingly. Rob definitely found her attractive, he had found himself checking out her breasts at every opportunity since grabbing them on the balcony. Now she would do anything he said to keep Micheal happy? Surely not. He decided to test his theory.

“Erm stand up please,” Keira, looked up at him, she didn’t move.

Great he thought, he was not going to impress anyone. He couldn’t let his sis down, he said with a sterner voice.

“I said, stand up, now”

The young girl was taken aback by his order, she slowly stood up facing him, her back to Micheal. Her face was defiant still. Rob was getting mad, how dare she not go along with this now, did she want to ruin Chelsea’s career aswell as her own?

He grew into the role of intimidator, he got right up close to her, looking down at her, his nose almost touching hers, he spoke calmly now.

“Take of your skirt”

His command was said with force, Keira glanced over her shoulder to Micheal, looking for some support. Rob slapped her face, then holding her face he told her.

‘Don’t think he will help you, remember he wants to fire you, if you want any chance of keeping your job you will do whatever I tell you and when I tell you, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!”

Micheal smiled in his chair, this kid had potential he thought, he watched, as did Rob, Keira dropped her black skirt, now standing in her skin coloured stockings, and the little white lace thong, her ass looked fantastic, she really was beautiful. Rob couldn’t believe Micheal had never taken advantage of this girl.

Micheal too admired Keira’s body, it was the first time he had seen her in a sexual way, he had always seen her as a daughter, in his own twisted way. He had regretted forcing her to suck his cock earlier, that had been out of character for him but he had needed to convince Chelsea of his power. All that sentiment had disappeared when she had failed him, now she was just another slut for him to enjoy.

Rob circled Keira, he slapped her ass giving it a good grab the second time. He was enjoying this now. Take them off, he said pulling on the waist band. The young girl now shaking considered her options, she could leave now, her tits exposed but that was all. She would have no job and she’d have to explain to Joe why she no longer had a job. Or she could follow this boys instruction, he was just a horny teenager afterall, he would prob fuck her but Joe would never find out, he had just as much chance of finding out she sucked Micheal afterall. Plus she realised, she loved her job and lifestyle more than anything, maybe more than Joe. She took a deep breath thumbs inside each side and bent down the fabric following down her legs, she stepped out, now in just her stockings. Robs eyes came back up her legs to the top of her stockings and beyond, her pussy perfectly shaven, just like she had prepared Chelsea’s earlier. The biggest suprise on this 18 year old beauty, was even better, at the centre of the hood of her exposed clit, a single bar, yes she had taken the risk of having it pierced. Rob had read that the risk was high with this, it could either increase the sensitivity so every touch was like an orgasm or completely numb it so clitoral stimulation would no longer work. He had her spin round to show Micheal his find. He pulled her close rubbing his hard cock between her ass cheeks as he did.

Micheal licked his lips in appreciation, it was quite the suprise, he was impressed to, but more impressed with Robs next move, he had her spread her legs slightly  enough for 2 things, 1 Robs hard cock to sit between her legs running parrellel to her slit the head showing itself to Micheal, the 2nd it allowed enough room for Rob to reach around the young blondes body and rub her pierced little nub, if he wished. For now he was teasing her nipples, she had closed her eyes trying not to respond.

Chelsea couldn’t see anything that was happening only hear the voices, she could picture what was happening though, hearing her brother be so forceful and powerful with this young girl was turning her on aswell, or was it the constant throbbing sensation in her nipples. She heard her brother use the same line he had used on her, her juices immediately started flowing.

“Whatever you do, don’t cum without my permission, or you will be punished” he spoke directly into Keira’s ear still holding her close.

Her eyes shot open meeting Micheal’s stare, the cock between her legs was pulsating as the small movements he made jolted her body, she could see Micheals cock hardening again as he watched, Robs right hand left her breast and stoked down her body finally resting on her thighs, of which he grabbed hard forcing his cock to rub across her slit, the head knocking her clit, she moaned biting her lip, by the second stoke Rob’s cock was covered in her juices, she was soaking already. She expected to be fucked there and then. Rob had other ideas, as she rocked her hips back his hand came up her thigh, hitting her clit, the circular motion on her already wet pussy was too much, she moaned loudly, begging to be fucked.

Rob smiled, “I told you no cuming” and stepped away from the girl. She was disappointed but also worried, she had only seen self control like this the older man, Micheal was equally impressed.

Rob had gone to the case and now returned with some items, firstly he knelt in front of Keira kissing her clit and sucking gently on the bar, she hummed, then quickly he unscrewed it, putting in a replacement ring, Keira new what was coming next and begged him not to.

“It was ok for you to do this to my sis,” he smirked. He applied a low level weight to a chain, he could already tell how sensitive her clit was and he wanted to enjoy that, not damage her. With her weight in place he instructed her to walk around the room.

Each step sent pulsations through her body as she walked past Micheal he slapped her ass making her jump, the weight on her clit made her groan she almost fell to her knees while the 2 men laughed. She eventually finished her parade and stood back in front of Rob,

“On your knees now,”

She was happy to comply, it took the weight off her clit, automatically she put the stiff head of Robs cock into her mouth.

Rob let her suck, it felt good to have a second girls lips around his cock, however he soon withdrew, and turned her head towards his sister.

Chelsea had stood quietly in her restraints for some time now, turned on, but also happy not to be the centre of attention, she was sure the young man in the apartment across from had seen her, but as there was a woman in the apartment, he was having to be discreet as to when he could have a good look, without been caught.

The sudden contact caught her off guard. 2 soft hands gently caressed her inner thighs, raising up then turning gripping both her ass cheeks, then bliss, a warm soft tongue pushed her swollen pink lips open, it ran across the hole, upwards across the skin leading to her ass stopping just short then trying to push deeper inside. Chelseas body automatically tried to push her ass back more, to give better access to the tongue that was invading her, however the weight holding her arms raised combined with the weight rocking on her nipples had zapped the energy from her, she couldn’t lift it any further. Suddenly Rob came into view, she had wrongly assumed it was him licking her pussy so enthusiastically, confused she watched as he removed one of the weights allowing her arms to drop, she could now push back easier, her hands against the window for support, she was happy this way, clearly though Rob was not, he removed the lighter weight from the chain pulling her nipples, quickly attaching the heavy weight he had just removed, but also shortening the chain.

“I suggest you bend more or those rings will rip out” he wasn’t joking he held the weight in his hands but slowly lowered, once tort Chelsea’s nipples extended even further, the pain ripped through her, she bent further, pulling her hands down forcing the other weight higher, lower and lower he went with the weight until it finally rested on the floor. Chelsea’s head was now lower than her knees her arms slightly above her head still the way her legs were spread meant now the only support really holding her up were the hands of Keira, who now Chelsea could see clearly, on her knees, her tongue now with full access to her sex, lapping away at her clit and now leaking pussy. She didn’t think oral sex could be this hot, but she was soo wrong. She didn’t know if Keira had experience of doing this or not but she was certainly hitting the right spots, she closed her eyes and began to enjoy the soft touches and flicking of her tongue. They shot open when she heard a slap, followed by the groan of the young blonde, the groan of pain actually caused further vibrations on her pussy making her moan in pleasure. Again the slap followed by the groan. She looked through her legs and behind the beautiful blonde, her perfectly round breasts now catching leakage from a mix of Chelsea’s juices and saliva. She could see Rob, he had a wooden rod in his hand, no a paddle, omg she thought as she watched the flexing wood land again on what must have been Keira’s ass. Again and again, the pain must have been unbearable for her, but Chelsea’s body wanted more without realising the next strike was greeted by a muffled “No” from Keira, Chelsea however screamed,

“Fuck yes, harder please make me cum”

Rob taunted Keira,

“You want it to stop, make her cum you heard her” with that he struck again.

Keira stretched Chelsea’s ass cheeks as wide as she good and drove her tongue into her wet hole, her nose tickling against the forbidden little bud of her asshole, again she was struck, her head slipped down the soaking pussy she was devouring, the jolt had moved her tongue over chelsea’s clit, her nose now poking at her wet little hole, her body was infused with Chelsea’s sweet sexual aroma. The tongue on Chelsea’s clit sent her over the edge, she began to shake and Rob sensed she was starting to cum, he delivered a final strike but this time it was Chelsea’s ass that received the blow, it drove her wild, she instinctively tried to stand up causing her nipples to stretch further, all these sensations made her explode, cum leaked out of her pussy as she screamed in pleasure, the majority Keira could not lick up in time, her chest had created a funnel for her lovers juices, they ran down her body over her own clit.