Ashley’s Awakening Part 5 – Epilogue (Finale)

“Why are you making me go to law school? I don’t want to be a lawyer.”

“Honey please, we know what’s best for you. You’ll love being a lawyer. There’s no future in being an office manager or some corporate stooge.”

“It should be my choice what I want to do with my life, Mom.”

“Not when we are paying for it, kiddo. Do as we say, and you won’t have to worry about student debt. That should be a business decision you can understand.”

“I hate this! Let me be my own person!’ Ashley stormed out of the room. Fights like these were a daily occurrence now. Ashley pushing for her own life and choice, and her parents fighting to hang on to their control of her. They tried bargaining that if she went to law school, she could live in a dorm, but it would have to be a women’s only dorm with a curfew. Ashley was not having any of that.

The end of the school year was quickly approaching, and Ashley still hadn’t decided what she wanted to do. She had been accepted into both school programs; she got acceptances to everywhere she applied. The deadline was in a couple of weeks as well as graduation. Ashley had exams as well, but she didn’t really worry about those too much, she studied when she was home and knew the material flawlessly. Nikki was not in the same boat, she had to study relentlessly for her good grades. Nikki got accepted into a community college to become a Veterinary Technician.

The two girls had barely spent any time together since the night of prom two weeks ago. Any of her other friends she had were no help, they just said to do what her parents wanted without even thinking about it. No good argument other than money.

Nikki knew the whole story, the lack of independence, and the control on her that their money would possess. It was a bargain she didn’t think she could sign on to. She now has tasted freedom and drank independence; she was not ready to lose that again. But she also couldn’t afford school on her own. Sure, she could get a job and file for student loans but that would put her in debt for decades.

Then there was Scott and Rick. She was still doing work for them, filing forms, organizing trips, and now buying supplies like lights and wardrobe. They always offered to pay her, but she always refused out of pride. They were her friends and she just wanted to help them out because they helped her discover herself. The only curious thing was Scott asking for permission to show more of her pictures to someone, she just didn’t know who or why. She had agreed, mainly because she trusted them, but she wondered what was going on with that.

She only was able to interact with both of them online recently, mainly to help with their work. They were back on the road for another photoshoot in Los Angeles, and then another in New York. They seemed to be more in demand of late, which she was happy for. They were both very talented photographers and knew how to get what they wanted from their subjects.

Just as Ashley was starting to calm down, her parents entered her room.

“Don’t you dare storm off like that young lady. We are finishing our conversation,” her father said.

“What’s left to discuss, you’ve chosen my life for me. Up until this year, I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I’ve barely had a life, outside of cheerleading, and that’s only because you used to be one.” Ashley was quite mad now.

“We’ve done everything we can to make sure you have the best life possible,” replied her mom, “I’d have killed for the things you have when I was your age.”

“But that’s you, what you want. I don’t what those things. You still see me as a little girl but I’m not. I’m an adult deciding my future, and it is MY future.”

“If you accept the business program, you won’t see a dime from us in support.” Her father barked.

“That’s fine with me. If I have to sell my body on the streets, I’ll do it just to be free of both of you.” Ashley said, grabbing her purse and pushing past them.

“Where do you think you’re going, Missy?”

“Anywhere I damned well please, Mother.” Ashley walked down the stairs and out the door. She didn’t really know what to do now. She had to go somewhere so she headed for Nikki’s.


After she rang the doorbell, Nikki answered quickly, “What the hell is going on? Your mom called me saying you took off; said you were being irrational. That I should call her if you showed up.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t take it anymore. They weren’t listening to me; they just want me to their 8-year-old girl and obey their every command. I can’t do it anymore. I won’t let them run my future like they ran my last 18 years.”

“Sounds like you finally snapped,” Nikki said, giving her friend a hug and leading her to her room, “So what are you going to do?”

“I’ve decided to accept the invitation to the business program. Mom and Dad won’t pay anything, so I’ll have to get a loan or something. I don’t want any of their money anymore. I’ll get a job flipping burgers, cleaning toilets, or stripping, I don’t care but they can’t control me anymore.”

“You know you can’t just run away from them though; you have to live somewhere till you start college.”

“I know, I just needed to get out of there for a while. I would move out if I could afford it, but I can’t even afford the schooling that got me in this fight.”

“How much do you have saved?” Nikki asked.

“Not much, my parents wouldn’t let me work and control my bank account, so none.” Ashley thought for a second, “Well, there is the $3000 in cash I have left from Rick and Scott hidden in my room.”

“You know they’d pay you for the work you do around the studio. They’ve offered it numerous times.”

“I know, truthfully, I never even asked what they were offering. At the time I didn’t need to worry about making $10 an hour or whatever for filing stuff.”

“Well, I know you don’t want to, but maybe have that conversation with them. I’m sure they’d help you out, you know they love you.”

“I know, that’s one of the reasons I always said no. We’re friends who also happen to have sex, and I don’t want to complicate it any more than it already is.” Ashley stopped, and evaluated her current position, “I guess I’ll see about what they would pay, I’m going to need a job or five. What about you?”

“My parents are helping me with some of my costs but I’m going to have to get a job this summer. Maybe a pet store or something, I’ll have to see what I can find.”

The two girls chatted for over an hour, talking about what their next year was going to be like. It would be difficult since they were going to different schools, but at least they were in the same city. Just a few buses or a cab ride away, and they could hang out. But still, the mood was slightly somber at that realization. They agreed that they would try to find a place to live together in second year once they both tried living in campus residence for a year. It was important to try to meet new people too, and that was a way to do that.

But Ashley was going to miss seeing Nikki and, in that moment, she reached out to her friend and pulled her in for a kiss. Nikki, liking where this was going, and wrapped her arms around Ashley and kissed her hard back. Hands started sliding onto each other’s asses, then up to their young tits over their clothes. Ashley, getting bold, moved her hand down into Nikki’s shorts, underneath her panties and through her red bush, finding it’s target in her wet slit.

Nikki moaned at the feeling of a hand stroking up and down her cunt and spread her legs to allow better access to all she had to share. Nikki also followed suit, dipping her hand into Ashley’s pussy. Both girls were rubbing each other’s pussies, fingers rubbing clits and dipping into tight passages.

Their mouths were hungry for each other, tongue running against each other. Hands firmly inside each other’s clothes. They were both turned on by this impromptu moment. Ashley placed two fingers inside Nikki’s hole and curled her fingers, massaging a little bump a couple of inches inside. Nikki’s legs nearly gave out from the pleasure, as she came all over Ashley’s hand, soaking it and her panties. Once she recovered, Nikki tried to do the same, using two fingers to find that magic spot inside her friend.

Suddenly, Ashley’s phone rang, breaking the moment. She figured it was just her mom trying to call her again, but it was Scott. They never called her; it was text or messages in their chat. Ashley picked up the phone.

“Hello Scott, what’s up?”

“Ashley, good, you answered. Can you come down to the studio today? Like right away?”

“What? Why? What’s going on, is everything ok?” Ashley looked at Nikki, who mouthed ‘what’s going on?’, Ashley simply shrugged a puzzled look on her face.

“Everything is fine, but there’s something big we need you here as soon as possible. Can you get free?”

“Yes, I’m at Nikki’s right now. I had a fight with my parents, and they don’t know where I am already.”

“Ok, Nikki is welcome to come too, if she wants. She’s always welcome but we need you here, pronto.”

“Alright, I’ll call a cab and be there as soon as possible. Bye.” Ashley hung up the phone, Nikki looked bewildered. Ashley tried to explain whatever that phone call was but didn’t really know herself. Nikki didn’t really have any plans for the day, so she agreed to go with her. Ashley attempted to log into her Uber account, but it looked like her parents blocked it. Luckily, after the initial incident, Ashley kept cash in her purse for just such and occasion. She called a cab and soon the two girls were heading back to the city to see Rick and Scott.


The girls arrived at the studio about thirty minutes later. There were several vehicles parked in front and people going in and out of the building. Ashley figured they must have been doing a photoshoot for a client, so they quietly entered and stayed in the back. There were about ten people there, some were sitting and watching, a tablet in their hands. They were probably evaluating the pictures as they were shot. There were hair and makeup professionals by the dressing tables fixing up a model for their turn. Rick was by the stage, taking pictures of two women in short black dresses. Ashley guessed it was a clothing photoshoot by the way he positioned them.

Nikki saw Scott on the other side of the room and drew Ashley’s attention towards him. They approached but stayed out of the main cacophony around them. When they neared, they saw Scott was talking to a man on his phone who seemed upset about something. An exasperated Scott saw them and brightened up a bit.

“Hello ladies, sorry we didn’t think you’d get here so fast. Just give us another twenty or thirty minutes,” Scott told them before resuming his discussion with the man. “No, I’m sorry, I just don’t have those release forms. I can’t make them appear out of nowhere.”

“Well, we need them to be signed off today.” Said the man.

Ashley jumped in “Which releases are you looking for?”

“For DiPietro’s clothing line shooting today, Ash.” Scott replied.

“Who the hell is this?” asked the man, suddenly aware of Ashley and Nikki’s presence.

“I’m Ashley, DiPietro? Yes, of course. They are in your incoming work folder; I completed them last week. Just need the signatures and date. I’ll get them for you.” Ashley left, Nikki in tow, to get onto Scott’s computer. She logged in and dug around his computer until she found their shared folder. She found the form, printed it off, in triplicate, and returned to the two men.

“Is she your secretary or something?” The man asked, rudely.

“No, she’s our part time business manager. Thanks, Ashley.”

“No problem, Scott.” Ashley walked away grinning. Business manager? She liked the sound of that.

Ashley ended up being required a few times to fetch missing paperwork or complete forms. Nikki pitched in too, running to the printer and scanning signed forms. It was interesting to watch a real session. Lots of moving parts happening around them. Lights, fans, clothing changes, quick setups, and Scott and Rick changing up with each model. They did it for breaks and to get feedback from the representative of the advertising agency, and the designer’s team, in this case, DiPietro himself and his assistant.

Ashley could see now why they asked for her help those months ago, a lot needed to be worked out in advance for these shoots to go smoothly. The shoot slowed down, and people began packing up. Rick and Scott were done shooting and were talking to the DiPietro and the lady rep from the ad agency. Rick waves the girls over to join them.

DiPietro looked confused “Who are they? They didn’t wear my styles today.”

“No, Mr. DiPietro. This is our business manager, Ashley, and her friend Nikki. They were helping sort out some paperwork for us,” replied Scott. Rick looked a little confused having missed the interactions earlier.

“Business manager? She looks like she could do more,” pointing to Ashley. “Get her style 6C!” His assistant looked Ashley up and down, then disappeared into the racks of clothes.

“No, no, no…. Mr. DiPietro, Ashley is going to college. She isn’t a model.” Answered Scott.

A voice suddenly joined the conversation. “Yet…” it belonged to the advertising rep, “I want to see how she does.”

“Ashley? This is your call.” Rick said. The assistant arrived with the clothes. It was the little black dress from earlier. Ashley looked at everyone, looked at the dress, and nodded. She took it and headed to the back to change. Nikki followed.

“What the hell is going on here, Ash?”

“I don’t have a clue, but this dress is beautiful, and they picked the perfect size. It’s just a couple of pictures, what harm is there in that?” She remembered thinking those words here before. She laughed to herself. Ashley stripped down to just her pink panties. Nikki helped her carefully put on the black dress, to keep from damaging the fine fabric. Next were the black stiletto heels and matching bag. Ashley closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and walked back to the waiting group.

Ashley looked stunning. Scott had her move into the lighting and began his work. Ashley had gotten pretty used to taking directions from Rick and Scott, so she just did what she was told and improvised the rest. Turn here, move there, hand goes here, leg there, turn smile, serious, and all that stuff. It was still fun but a little scary with new people watching her. She could see DiPietro, Rick, and that lady talking. They were looking at the photos as they got to the tablet, pointing, and commenting. She still didn’t know what was going on or why they were asked to come here.

Finally, after 15 minutes, DiPietro said it was enough. She left the stage and joined Scott, Nikki and the rest. “That was wonderful Miss Ashley,” said DiPietro, “Thank you. Unfortunately, I must go now. I hope to see you again soon.” He said goodbye to everyone else and was quickly out the door, his assistant sprinting behind him.

“So, why did I just do that?” she asked.

“That really was great Ashley,” Rick said, giving her a hug. “He’s interested in working with you in the future. I have his card.”

“Really? Wow, that’s insane. Is that why you called me here? To meet him?”

“No, we didn’t expect any of that to happen actually,” said Scott, “We wanted you to meet…”

“Me,” the rep spoke up again “My name is Anya Burke, my firm constructs advertising campaigns for various high-end brands. Fashion, athletics, fragrances, and jewelry. I saw your picture in the gallery here a while ago and inquired about who you were. I’d never seen you before on the circuit or at auditions. Rick and Scott said they discovered you and that you worked for them.”

“She was the one asking to see more of your test photos,” Scott interjected.

“Yes, I wanted to see what you could offer. I was impressed already by what I was shown, so I asked them to get you down here to meet you. The little shoot with DiPietro was a just a coincidence, but he sees what I see. Natural charisma. You didn’t even need the hair and make-up artists. You put on a dress and owned that camera. How much modelling have you done, really?”

“None, well except for Scott and Rick, to test out the lighting, lenses, or other equipment.” Nikki suppressed a laugh at that last one. “My parents don’t even know about any of this.”

“How old are you?”

“18, I start college here in the fall. Business program.”

“18, eh? Well, you are old enough to do whatever you want, and college is expensive. We pay $1000 per session, and if the client has you be the primary focus of the campaign, there’s a $10,000 bonus. That should help with books.”

“I… uh… wow, are you serious? Who would do the photos?” Ashley was curious.

“Well, we work with a lot of photographers but, since you must stay in town most of the year, probably Rick and Scott. I’ve already taken the liberty of showing a few clients some of your work. I have three lined up already, if you want to sign up with us.” Mrs. Burke concluded.

“Who are they?”

“I can’t give you specific brands until you sign, but I can say one is an elegant dress line, one is high-end athletic clothing, and the other is lingerie. Do you have a problem with nudity? There are pay bonuses for it.”

“I don’t, as long as that isn’t the primary focus.”

“Ok, so would you like to sign with us?”

“Think about this Ashley,” Rick said.

“No pressure,” added Scott.

Nikki just hugged her and nodded, in affirmative.

“Ok, send me the contract and I’ll read it over.”

“Perfect, well I’ll be heading out then. It was great to meet you, Ashley, and Nikki. I’ll send the details to you shortly. Rick, Scott, great work as always today. I’ll let you know about the next shoot.”

Ashley and Anya exchanged information before Anya left. Ashley was still in shock over everything that just happened. “So, what the hell just happened?” Ashley asked, still wearing the black dress.

“Well, I think you just became a professional model,” replied Scott, “and DiPietro wants you too. Well done.”

“My parents will lose their minds when they find out. They’re already not going to help me with school. They’ll probably kick me out on the street.”

“Then you find a place to live till school starts in the fall.” Said Rick, “just someplace temporary until you can move into a dorm.”

“I don’t have the enough money to pay for a place to live. I only have about $3000 right now and that needs to go to school.”

“Well…. that’s not entirely true. You have the money you earned working for us.” Said Scott.

“I’ve never asked for money for that.”

“Doesn’t mean we weren’t paying you. You seemed pretty adamant about not accepting the pay, so we just put the money in a separate account just for you. Here, look.” Scott pulled out the computer and logged into a bank account, revealing $20,000 in it.

“What the hell? There’s no way I earned that doing your paperwork.”

“No, that would be about $5000. The rest was your percentage of the extra work we were able to book because you were helping us.” Answered Scott.

“Yes, you freed us from all the paperwork and billing allowed us to be booked for more gigs. Those trips to New York and Los Angeles wouldn’t have happened without you, so we decided to give you a cut of the profits.” Rick added, “We hope you’ll stay on with us while you are in school, managing our affairs. It’s only a quick bus ride from campus and you can work whatever hours you can handle.”

Ashley looked at both of them with tears in her eyes. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have them as friends. “Yes, of course I’ll keep helping you. I’ll need both of you to help me with this modeling thing. Plus, if I’m free from my parents and in the city, I’ll be able to be in the studio more often to get things organized. Nikki, how much time do we have before we need to get back to your place?”

“About two hours, why?” Nikki looked at her friend with suspicion, guessing what she had in mind. Ashley’s grin and wink back confirmed it. Nikki moved behind Ashley to help her out of DiPietro’s little black dress. A couple of ribbons and buttons later, it slid off Ashley’s shoulders and onto the floor. She stood there in nothing but a small pair of pink panties and black stilettos.


Ashley looked at the growing bulges in the pants of the two men, they knew they were going to have some fun today. She felt a pair of soft hands wrap around her from behind, caressing her pert breasts. It was Nikki, she had also stripped to her underwear and moved herself right up against Ashley’s body. Nikki rubbed and tweaked her friend’s breasts and nipples, teasing and arousing Ashley, making her pussy wet. Nikki then slid her hands down her hips, hooked her fingers into her panties and pulled them down before pulling off her own.

Rick and Scott watched the display in front of them and decided to join in. They quickly removed their clothes, erect penises pointing towards the two young girls. Ashley got down on her knees in front of Rick and Nikki knelt in front of Scott. Both girls exchanged a quick kiss before taking their ***********ed cocks into their mouths. Ashley bobbed her head back and forth, taking the whole thing into her mouth. Nikki watched and then attempted to do the same thing. She managed to get most of it in there but just couldn’t open her throat enough. Neither guy was complaining.

After a few minutes, Ashley could feel Rick getting close and backed off. She had other plans, Nikki did as well so she followed suit. They all walked over to the bed in the props area where the girls laid downside by side, their legs spread open. Rick and Scott got the hint and buried their faces into their young pussies. Their tongues dipping and diving into and around the folds of pink juicy girl flesh. Ashley put her hands on Rick’s head to guide his tongue to where she wanted it. He hit the good spots which caused her to cry out in a large orgasm, then look over to Nikki.

Nikki was fucking Scott’s face against her pussy. The sound of slurping and licking was audible in the room. Nikki was moaning but seemed unable to get off, so Ashley leaned over and started sucking on the girl’s tiny nipples. She moved back and forth between the two little nubs while bringing her fingers down to rub her clitoris. While Scott continued to lap at Nikki’s hole, Ashley pushed his head down a bit further so that he’d also lick Nikki’s pink rosebud anus. A couple of licks brought the small girl into the throws of a juicy orgasm, soaking Scott’s face.

“Wow, that was great! Now I need you to fuck me, Rick.” Ashley called out.

“I want you to fuck me too Scott, but I want something special today. I want you to be the first in my ass.” Said Nikki, surprising everyone.

“Are you sure Nikki?” asked Scott.

“Yes, I loved your tongue in there and I saw Ashley enjoy it. I want to try it.” Said the determined redhead.

“Alright. Rick, could you get the lube? How do you want to do this, Nikki?” Scott asked.

“I don’t know, Ashley?”

“Why don’t you lie down and put your legs behind your head. That way you are wide open, and you can watch it enter you.” Ashley replied.

Nikki nodded and got into that position, Scott took the lube from Rick and spread it over the small redhead’s tiny pink anus. She was so tight that he had a hard time sliding a single finger inside of her to lube it up. He then put some lube on this dick before placing the head at her small backdoor. Rick and Ashley decided to hold off their own pleasure and watch the show.

“Are you sure about this Nikki?” asked Scott.

“Yes, I want it, Scott.”

Scott started to apply pressure to the head of his cock against her tight ring but didn’t have much luck opening her up. He stopped for a few seconds before increasing the pressure, he could feel it starting to give. Nikki had a look of discomfort on her face but was not planning on stopping. After a few slow moments, Scott was able to get the head of his cock into the tight girl’s rectum. He pulled out just a little bit before pushing another inch into her. His cock felt like it was being crushed by the tightness of her channel.

Nikki, her legs over her head, could watch each inch slowly disappear into her ass. It hurt, she couldn’t hide that, but Ashley could do it so she could too. After a few minutes, Nikki saw the last inch vanish inside her. She felt full, like she had to take a huge shit, but it wasn’t painful anymore. Scott leaned down and kissed Nikki on the lips before pulling partially out and then back into her. Nikki moaned, which was a positive for him to continue. He started to thrust into her ass quicker, pulling out more before plunging back in. She was hot and tight as anything he’d ever had before. He knew he wouldn’t last long.

Ashley watched her two friends beside her. She could tell that Scott was already breathing heavy and wouldn’t last much longer and she wanted Nikki to have a good cum with him. So, Ashley reached down and inserted her fingers into her cunt and rubbed along where she could feel Scott’s cock moving inside. This brought a moan from Nikki, surprised at the new invading digits. Ashley rubbed along that inner wall until she also remembered Nikki’s G-spot from earlier in the day. She twisted her fingers around and found that little bump again, applying pressure.

Nikki felt Ashley’s fingers like lightning bolts across her whole body. She lifted up and came hard all over Scott and Ashley’s hand. Her orgasm caused Nikki’s insides to grip down hard on Scott’s prick, almost to the point of pain, but it brough him off and he slammed deep inside her bowels, releasing his seed inside her. Nikki could feel him cum in her ass, she loved the warm, wet feeling in her colon. I wasn’t quite as good as in her pussy, but it was good in a different way.

Nikki lowered her legs from behind her head while Scott pulled his cock from her battered hole. Ashley looked at his cock, covered in cum and lube, and sucked it into her mouth to clean it off. She could taste the cum and knew she tasted her friend’s ass. It didn’t bother her though; it wasn’t an unpleasant taste. When she finished cleaning Scott’s cock, she moved in and lapped at the cum leaking from Nikki’s ass.

Rick watched Ashley bend over to eat out her friend’s ass, he was hard and horny. He could see that Ashley’s high heels pushed her ass out, displaying both holes available to him. He walked up behind her, lined himself up, and slammed hard into her tight, wet pussy. A loud groan was heard as he bottomed out in the girl before pulling out and thrusting again. He knew Ashley loved getting fucked hard and deep, and he was happy to give it to her.

Ashley moaned at the feeling of Rick’s cock penetrating her. She knew he couldn’t pass her up in the position she was in, bent over her friend, eating the cum from her ass. She loved how hard he entered her though, very forceful. As he thrust into her, she pushed back, enjoying the feeling inside her pussy.

“Fuck me hard, Rick!” she said, pulling her tongue from Nikki’s anus. Rick just started fucking her faster, pounding and thrusting as hard as he could.


Rick slapped Ashley’s right ass cheek hard. Ashley groaned in pleasure at the burning sensation on her flesh. Rick grabbed Ashley by her long brown hair and pushed her face into Nikki’s pussy and asshole. He held her there for a several thrusts before yanking her head back with her hair.

“You like it rough, Ash?” Rick barked, getting into it.

“Oh God, yes! Use my pussy Rick! Use me anyway you want!” Ashley replied.

“Oh, I will, my darling.” Rick pushed her head back down and fucked her as hard as he could. Sweat was pouring off his head, while Ashley’s juices ran down his legs. Both Ashley and Rick were close to cumming, the quick pace of this animalistic mating leading to a fast climax. Rick came first, shooting his cum deep inside her young cunt. The feeling of being cummed in caused Ashley to cum after. Her knees became weak, and she nearly fell over. Rick held firm inside her, making sure he put all his sperm inside her before he pulled out, a small stream of white jizz dripped from her pussy.

“Oh boy, working with you two regularly is going to be fun.” Ashley said, out of breath.

“Oh, believe me, we are looking forward to having you around more often.” Said an out of breath Rick.

“We’re looking forward to just having you around too, not just play time.” Added Scott. That got a good laugh out of everyone in the room. They all took a little breather and had some snacks from the kitchen.

“How much longer do we get to enjoy your company, girls?” asked Scott, who was starting to recover.

“About an hour before we have to head back, why, something you want?” teased Ashley.

“Yeah, I want a piece of you this time.”

“You can have any piece of me you want, Scott.”

“Nikki are you ready for another round?” asked Rick, stroking his hardening cock.

“My ass is pretty sore, I’m not sure how much I can take right now.”

“No worries, Nikki. Would you like to help us fuck Ashley?” asked Rick.

“Of course, but how?” Nikki was interested, and it also got Ashley’s attention.

“Well, after your last visit, Scott and I bought you two a couple of toys to play with.” Rick walked over to a cupboard and pulled out a box. He carried it over to the table and let the girls open it up. Ashley popped opened the top and both girls gazed inside to see a long, green, double-sided dildo, a belt, a small vibrator, and a large black dildo.

“If you are interested, take your pick.”

Nikki picked up the belt and realized it the black dildo attached to it. She then ran her hand over the small vibrator before picking out the double-sided dildo.

“Might as well have a bit of fun too.” Said Nikki, before winking at Ashley.

Ashley was led to the foot of the bed. She was excited to see how all this was going to go. Nikki got on the bed first and Ashley climbed on top of her. The two girls started to make out, hands rubbing on each others’ tits; working each other up. Nikki then grabbed one side of the dildo and slipped it into her own wet box. The one end was thick and stretched her small pussy out, burying the length of long dong as deep into herself as possible. She found the material very flexible and was about to place the other end into Ashley’s pussy when she saw Scott approach.

Scott got behind Ashley and thrust into her dripping pussy, it was still coated in Rick’s cum from earlier. He just wanted to get it really wet before he stuffed it into her tight, pink asshole. He had the bottle of lube in his hand and rubbed it along and into Ashley’s anus while fucking her tight pussy. When he was ready, he pulled out of her juicy hole and pressed it against her rosebud, slowly entering her anal cavity. Nikki saw her chance and slid the other end of the dildo up into Ashley’s vagina.

Ashley was loving the attention she was getting, feeling both Scott and Nikki split her apart was fantastic. Something was missing though, or someone. She looked around the room and saw Rick just watching the sexy scene before him. Ashley caught his eye and gave a come and join motion with her hand, Rick smiled and nodded. He walked over and stood in front of Ashley, watching her gyrating her hips, taking it from both holes.

Ashley, using one free hand to keep herself up, took hold of Rick’s hard erection and pulled him into her mouth. She now had all three of her holes filled, it felt incredible. She loved the feeling of being so full and the people she cared about getting pleasure from her. The feelings coming from her lower half, and the thought of being full caused her to have a small orgasm, but there were more to come.

Rick could feel Ashley shake in an orgasm as his cock slipped in and out of her delicious mouth. She was taking him quite deep, until he felt her adjust slightly and suddenly, he was into her throat. Rick’s balls were now dangling overtop of Nikki’s face. He could feel them against her nose, he wondered if she was ok with it until he felt her tongue snake out and lick his sack.

Nikki tasted Rick’s salty balls with her mouth, she didn’t know why she did it, but it just seemed right. She was holding the dildo between herself and Ashley as the two would grind it in and out of themselves. Ashley’s pussy juices were running down her hand after she had cum. She could feel Scott thrusting deep into her friend’s ass, his balls would slap against her hand holding the phallus. While it wasn’t as good as getting fucked herself, this new toy was definitely something they’d have to use again. Nikki could feel herself getting close.

Scott was enjoying the feeling of Ashley’s tight ass; it gripped his cock hard while still allowing him to get deep inside her. The groaning mass that was the four of them swayed and flowed from his pace. He set the tone of the proceedings. He moved his hand down between the two girls and rubbed whatever bits of pussy flesh he could find. He could feel the pubic hair of Nikki’s cunt and found her clit. After a could of seconds massaging the little nub, he heard her gasp in ecstasy. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could last, but he wanted to make sure the girls got off at least once each.

Ashley, the meat in this sex sandwich, felt the girl underneath her shudder in orgasm. Ashley was in a near constant state of cumming now, the feeling of cock in her ass, one in her mouth, and a rubber one in her pussy was too much. She was so squeezed between all of them that she couldn’t disengage and just felt electric sensations throughout her body. Everything was a blur of pleasure and near pain. She couldn’t even moan with a cock down her throat.

Nikki was recovering from her first orgasm; she kept her end of the dildo inside her and just kept thrusting onto it. She never fully came down from it, she just teetered on the brink of another one. As she readjusted her grip on the green tool between herself and her splayed open friend, her hand moved. It twisted the center of the dildo, turning on a vibrator inside the toy. This sent Nikki over the edge again, her mouth opened wide in a moan that was filled by the balls above her.

That cock belonged to Rick who was fucking Ashley’s mouth and throat. He used his hands to hold onto the young girl’s head as he thrust in and out of her drooling mouth. He made sure to pull out far enough that she could breathe before pushing back down into her throat. When he would pull out, she would slurp her tongue around his shaft, flicking the glands around his penis head. He finally knew he was about to cum, he pulled out one more time before shoving all the way down her throat, her nose buried in his hair.

Ashley felt the vibrator turn on and nearly screamed out onto the cock in her mouth, as it suddenly slammed deep into her throat. It began spurting time and time again right down her throat, into her stomach. She could barely breathe from everything happening to her. Her hair was soaked with sweat and her body shook and trembled. She squirted out of her pussy, soaking everything and everyone down from her. She started to black out as she felt a warmth spread through her ass.

Scott felt his legs and balls get soaked by Ashley’s spray. Her entire colon was spasming on his cock while her sphincter muscle clamped down and released repeatedly on his cock. He couldn’t hold back anymore and came a bucket load into the exhausted girl’s ass. It was one of the strongest orgasms in his life.


As the bliss wore off, each person disengaged from their ***********ed hole and carefully placed Ashley down onto the bed. Nikki was worried for her unconscious friend. She wasn’t sure what had happened but could tell by the soaked bed that must have been one hell of a good one.

“Ashley, are you ok? Wake up, Ash.” Nikki said, face against hers. She saw her lips and kissed her, hoping for that to wake her up. She could taste semen in her mouth. When she pulled back from the kiss, Ashley’s eyes were open. She smiled at her friend and pulled her in for another kiss.

“I’m ok, that was the most intense thing I’ve ever felt. Thank you, I love all of you so much.” Ashley said with a fatigued smile.

“I’m glad you’re ok, Ash. I don’t mean to ruin the mood, but it’s almost the time you both wanted to leave.” Said Rick.

“Shit, you’re right. We need to get cleaned up a little before we head home.” Ashley said, jumping up and heading towards the shower, her gaping asshole leaking cum onto the floor. Nikki followed and they both wiped themselves down with wet towels to reduce the amount of sex scent on themselves. They didn’t have enough time for a proper shower, they’d have to do that when they got back to Nikki’s place.

When everyone was presentable and clothed, it was time to say goodbye again. Ashley now knew it wouldn’t be long before she’d get to see them again. Knowing that she’d be a proper employee soon and possibly even a proper model too, excited her. Nikki also said her goodbyes, she wasn’t sure when she could return but knew this wasn’t the last time she’d be here. The cab arrived and the two girls waved goodbye.

Ashley stayed overnight with Nikki before finally going home to face her parents. It was an ugly conversation, but Ashley held true and declared that she was going to school for the business program. When her parents refused to pay for it, Ashley said she didn’t need their money anymore and that she’d pay for it herself. They laughed, thinking she’s never had a job in her life but that was countered with Ashley showing them the modeling contract.

They were shocked and outraged, demanding she refuse to sign, or she wouldn’t be welcome in their house. Ashley was already ahead of them. She had packed up the things she cared about and left to live with Nikki till she could find her own place till school. At their graduation, Ashley saw that her parents didn’t attend. While she was sad, she and Nikki did get a big round of applause from two men with their cameras out, flashing many pictures.