an unexpected afternoon Ch 2

Chapter 3


As the morning sun was coming in through the patio doors I slowly woke on the couch alone.

Worried that my newly reforming friendship with Mark was totally screwed I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready to leave in case Mark was pissed at me. As I came out of the bathroom Mark said he had breakfast ready for us. Maybe some good will come out of last night.

SO I went to the kitchen and sat down drinking my o.j. as I don’t drink coffee. A very awkward silence ensued until I tried telling Mark that I was sorry I went after him like that.

He chuckled a little saying that I had given him the best blowjob he had ever had in his life and was only a little surprised.

To say I was stunned was an understatement. I asked him why he wasn’t upset or kicking me out?

He smiled and asked me if I remembered any of our drunk and stoned conversations in our 20’s and I really couldn’t as we had a lot of those times and such.

Well, he said, that one night shortly before he moved back to New York when we were both drunk and totally stoned I admitted to thinking I was bisexual and really wanted to suck his cock after seeing one of our double date 1 night stands but was afraid someone might find out and brand me as gay in the late 1980s… not to mention lose him as a friend. He had never forgot and always wondered in the back of his mind if I would really do it or not given the chance. He got his answer I guess.

I said, well, what now?

Now, he said, we eat breakfast and get ready to watch some more football and see how the day goes……

We make small talk during breakfast just talking about our families, kids, work, etc for the next hour or two just becoming friends again. As kickoff for the first game is about ready to happen we move into the living room and as we go to sit on the couch Shaggy jumps up and lays down between us. We start commenting on the game as it goes on and I start rubbing Shaggy’s chest and belly without even thinking of it. Mark is petting his head since it is in his lap already. My team got a touchdown so I more vigorously scratch Shaggy’s belly while turning my attention back to the game to see the next drive I keep absent mindedly as he moves to put his belly up and splay legged.

I feel a drop of wet on my hand and looked at it noticing how close my hand is to his slowly hardening and unsheathing cock. It was then that I noticed Mark watching me and I quickly pulled my hand away. Doing so gets Shaggy to whine a little at me.

Mark laughed and said that he thought Shaggy was enjoying me as much as I was enjoying what I my “petting” of him and that I should continue. When I put my hand back on his belly Shaggy moved a little more into Marks lap so that my hand was on his dick. Well, well, what else could I do but to start sliding my hand up and down his shaft. At this point I lock eyes with Mark and ask him if he is okay with what is all about to happen?

He said that the night before he was a little bothered when I told him to let Shaggy keep fucking me but this morning he was fine with it if I was…. but I was not to expect him to have Shaggy or me fuck him. I assured him that I was totally okay with that as I decided I was truly bi and wanted to take on the role of that as a total bottom with them. He asked me to clarify that statement. I told him that to me being a total bottom was akin to be a woman in a straight sex relationship, i.e. that I was the one to give the blowjobs, and the one to receive while getting fucked. This made him smile and laugh a little as he said that is what he was hoping I would say.

So with all that out of the way and Shaggy’s cock almost half way out I slid off the couch onto my knees and slowly slide Shaggy’s cock into my mouth. I get a few inches in and he tries to start humping my mouth. Worried he would make me gag or worse I use my right arm to hold his hind legs tight to the couch. With him like this I am able to start sucking more in and then without pause I bobbing my head back and forth fully giving in to blowing his red hot cock. I reach my left hand over and slide it up Marks leg to grab his hardening cock through the slit in his boxers.

Mark slides his ass farther to edge of the cushion to make it easier for me to jack his whole cock instead of just the head. In doing so Shaggys head moved and I was basically jacking Mark off into his dogs mouth with his drool as lube for me. On the other end Shaggy was growing bigger and harder every moment as i sucked, licked, and suck him a whole lot more… up and down and back again. Shaggy was trying harder and harder to hump my mouth and I was beginning to think that I had to release either Marks cock or his hind legs to grab his knot and keep him from gagging me if he got it tied into my mouth.

More and more of his precum kept flooding into my mouth and I was barely able to swallow it so far. As he was getting more frantic I felt Mark swelling and getting ready blow his load so was Shaggy needing to cum. I decided to quickly move my right arm and grab his knot and squeeze it so he would cum without tieing into my mouth. MISTAKE! As I did so he pumped hard slamming his cock deep down my throat and getting his baseball sized knot inside my mouth. At this point there was no stopping him from cumming straight down my throat!

I heard Mark gasp and felt his cock twitch and jerk and his cum just flew out while my hand was in overdrive jacking him. Luckily as I start gagging with need for a breath Shaggy finished and was able to pull back out. My whole mouth started aching immediately from being stretched like it had. I turned my head and saw that every drop of Mark’s cum had flown directly into Shaggy’s mouth.

I let go of Mark’s cock so I can stand up to go use the bathroom.

When I get back into the living room I notice that the game is already over and my team won. Which was the same as I was feeling about myself. Shaggy was off on his bed cleaning himself and I offer to grab us a couple of sodas.

I sat back down right next to Mark and asked him if he was okay. He responded by saying that was the craziest, sexiest and most arousing thing he has ever done, but thoroughly enjoyed it. AT which point I told him that we needed to train Shaggy to ONLY try fucking on command. I asked how easily trained he was and Mark said it only took one or two attempts at a command to get him to understand. He informed me that Shaggy was very good with many different commands such as: Stop, No, Out, lay down, quiet and so on. So with this I hoped we could control him and his animalistic urges.

Okay time for lunch and then some training after.

I told him we needed to teach him “lick” so he only did it when commanded as well as “mount” so he would only do that also when commanded.

After lunch when Shaggy came back in from the yard we started his training with me in position and Mark holding onto his collar. When he saw me he lurched to try and get at me, but being told to stop and then letting him loose he tried again and again he was stopped. Finally Mark commanded him to lick and let him start licking my hole down to my balls. After a few minutes he pulled him back saying stop and told him to sit and he immediately did just that. I was impressed! I commanded “lick” and he jumped at me trying to stick his entire tongue deep into my ass … omg it felt so good.

I told Mark between moans and my own panting that I needed him to tech the Mount command and he had Shaggy Stop and stay…. he just stopped but didn’t move away .. panting all over my ass and balls. I was so fucking horny to get fucked that I almost begged him to mount me. Mark then ordered Shaggy to mount me and helped lift him onto me and that was all it took for him to mount me and start stabbing at my hole. After a moment, he found his prize and slid right into my wanting man-hole. He starting fucking me deep with his growing and hardening cock. At this point Mark commanded him to stop and he actually did so… then commanded him down and he quickly dismounted me leaving me feeling empty and even hornier.

Luckily for my sake we had talked about this and after only a few seconds Mark let go of the collar but Shaggy stayed until I commanded Shaggy Mount and mount he did! He slammed into me all the way to his knot and starting fucking me harder and harder until his knot was slapping against my hole starting to slip in and out really fast. After a few minutes of this he had grown large enough to tie me with him and he just kept at it going deeper and deeper into me. When he started flooding my guts with his seed he didn’t stop moving even. Another 5 minutes goes by and I still feel his cum pulsing hotly into me but he has stopped moving at least.

While I am still tied with Shaggy mark sits down beside me jacking off so I turn my head and start sucking his cock into my mouth and he starts moaning that he is going to cum. I don’t let up and just keep bobbing up and down suck his cum down my throat. As he is finishing up Shaggy pops out of me and I instictively order him to lick and as all his cum is sliding back out of me his licking is not letting a drop go to waste. When I felt empty I ordered him to stop and go lay down, which he did.

I look up at Mark and find him smiling. I smile back asking if he is enjoying himself? He answers back with: You can come over and suck me anytime I want!

I close one hand around his half hard cock and start massaging his balls and say that we need to train Shaggy some more. I tell Mark that Shaggy needs to learn that ONLY when commanded to lick or mount is he to do so. That way he doesn’t do it to him or any lady he brings home for fun.

He agrees but asks how I plan to do that. So I tell him to make sure he stays in his bed during all that happens next. At which point I immediately go down on his sucking him to an amazing hardness. During so I keep hearing him command Shaggy to “stay”, “lay down” “no”. Slowly his commands are said much less often so I bring my mouth off his cock and move around and tell Mark that it is his turn to fuck and breed me. He is shocked a little but gets off the couch and sidles up behind me and slowly slides in while watching and saying commands to make sure Shaggy doesn’t move.

I slowly come to the idea that Shaggy is great with his deep powerful fucking and all, but Mark has so much more stamina. He was behind me just fucking my ass almost as deep as Shaggy but being thicker it felt so good. It must have been almost 30 minutes later before he finally came inside me. Just the smell of sex in the house was incredible and I was so surprised when I looked over and Shaggy was just laying there not making a noise and watching us. As Mark slowly softened inside me and pulled out his breathing was ragged and I asked him if he was all right. He said he was good, really good as that was the first time he had ever gotten to ass fuck anyone and thought it might be addictive.

He sat on the couch to catch his breath and I noticed just how wet and slick his cock still was so I moved around and started cleaning him and between licks I told Shaggy to lick and he practically leaped off his bed and started rimming my ass with his whole tongue deep inside me hitting my prostate making me cum immediately. The combination of Shaggy’s cum, my ass and Marks cum on his cock was so intoxicating I didn’t hear Mark’s command of “Mount” until I felt Shaggy on my back again sliding his entire length right into my well used hole and start hammering me like he hadn’t done yet.

This whole time I am still bobbing up and down on Mark and unbelievably I got him to cum again and this time he grabbed the back of my head and held me down on him as he was deep in my throat just releasing away. At the same time Shaggy was able to tie in and was cumming what seemed like gallons. I was in heaven! He let go of my head and started scratching and rubbing Shaggy which got him jumping and pumping me again with his knot tied into me still it kept hitting my p-spot causing mini orgasms all over again. Amazingly it was also making Shaggy cum again in me.

It took more than 10 minutes before Shaggy’s knot shrunk enough and was able to pull out of me. During this time Mark had maneuvered himself up and went to the bathroom and cleaned up. He came back out as Shaggy was finishing up licking me and the floor clean. He told Shaggy to lay down and he did just that beside me because i had slid to the floor and was curled upon the blanket we had down as the tile floor was cold.

I was so spent I actually fell asleep right there. I must have been real tired because it was a few hours later when I slowly woke feeling a warmth on my face. As I cracked my eyes open all I saw was Shaggys balls right over my face and a pillow under my head and his cock dripping precum on my chin. Who was I to say no to a cock now….

As soon as I moved a bit to get a better angle on his cock, Mark laughing, said “Mount” and almost immediately he went from 0 to 50 getting harder and longer and causing me to deep throat his red hot and delicious cock. I tried to move my hands only to find that Shaggy had his front paws on them and so when his knot starting to grow I couldn’t stop him from tieing into my mouth making me gag. Then all of a sudden I felt him swell a bit more and his dick was spasming his seed right into my stomach without pause. Because he had came so much in the last 24 hours he didn’t have as much and was able to pull out before I passed out from lack of air, but it was close.

I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to clean up and change. As I took a shower my man-hole felt almost tore up but I was unable to keep from smiling. This was one of the best weekends of my life was all I could think.

After my shower and dressing I finally made my way out to talk with Mark.

I started with saying that I hope I didn’t shock him too much. He thought for a moment before he saying that he had hoped to get a blowjob is all but it turned out to be so much better than he could have imagined ever happening to him. I asked him if I could come back soon and laughing he just said that he already had a key out ready to give me so I could do just that!

I told him as I made my way to the door and go home that I would be doing exactly that and soon!


Please comment and let me know if you want more stories from me and if you want more chapters in this one.