An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia – Chapters 4-5

Chapter Four: Olivia’s Request

The week went by fast. Telework can be very busy especially when you are answering questions for the new guy in South Korea. Bob was the new lucky guy selected to replace me. I remember the calls I made when I was the new replacement. We were also developing a new wireless security system that needed a lot of document and technical reviews. I did not get a lot of time to spend with Robin or Olivia. To make matters worse, I had not had time to find my own female companionship. Five fingered willie was the best I could do.

It was Thursday evening when Olivia called me. She wanted me to have dinner with her since her mom was going to be out of town Friday night because she had an early Saturday meeting and did not want to leave at 2:00 AM and drive four hours. I told her I would be over at 6:00 and would bring pizza for dinner. Robin was at work and when Olivia called her about the arrangement Robin sent me a text thanking me.

Work was finally done on Friday. I showered. Working at home means I don’t have to shower each morning. So, this morning I did not shower since I was not planning to go out during the day. It was nice being shaved and clean with a light touch of aftershave. I headed over to get pizza and then on to Robin’s house. I did not bother knocking but walked into the house. Olivia had left the door unlocked. With the pizza and drinks, it was easier for me than using my house key.

Olivia bounced to the door, hugging me and almost making me drop the pizza. “Hey. Give me a chance to put things down. The pizza almost dropped.”

“Sorry. I was just so excited to see you. I have missed seeing you every day. How was work?”

“Settle down. Work is fine. I just wish Bob would lay off on the questions. And, Mr. Johnson is after me to finish up a plan for wireless security protocols. Just the normal stuff called work. Some day you will find out about it.”

“So, mom left for her meeting. She is going with her boss, Charles. Mom says it like ‘Chawrels’ with some kind of accent.”

“I hope they have fun.”

“I think mom likes him, really likes him.”

“Has she said so?”

“No. But from the way she talks about him she sounds like my friend Julie. Julie talks about Branden the same gooey eyed way.”

“What do you think about it? Do you mind if your mom dates?”

Olivia thought about it for a bit. I don’t think she had really thought about her mom dating.

“Well, I suppose she should. She is still young. I guess it is alright.”

“Hey, you can double date.” I joked.

“Ewe.” Olivia hit me.

“I guess not. We need to eat the pizza while it is hot. Did you want to watch a movie?”

Olivia hesitated a little, then she said, “Well, I found a movie I want to watch with you but you might not want to watch it with me.”

“What is the title?” Olivia hesitated and then whispered, “Two Virgins Lost.”

I had not heard that title before. So, I said, “I have not heard that title before but if you want to watch it that is fine.”

She put the movie In the DVD player and sat by me. She hit the play button and it started with the usual don’t pirate the movie or the FBI will come after you. Then the title started and it looked like two teenagers were in love. I figured it was another Romeo and Juliet type movie. Just what a girl wants to watch. I would play along.

We ate our pizza and the two teens were out on a picnic in a field somewhere. The scenery was nice. It looked like a good place to have a picnic. They were doing what most people and particularly lovers would do, hold hands, stare into each other’s eyes and enjoy the scenery. Then the unexpected occurred. The girl reached over and pulled the boys shorts down allowing his penis to flop out.

I had a heart attack. “Olivia, close your eyes. We can’t watch this.” I grab the remote and stopped the movie.

“But you said you would watch it with me,” She implored.

“I did not know it had sex in it. Your mom would kill me if I let you watch it.”

“I have had sex education! I know how it works!”

“I still can’t watch this with you.”

“I know you have seen naked people. I know you masturbate to porn.”

“What?” I am just not comprehending. Olivia has never said anything like that before. “Okay, let’s talk this over.”

Olivia looked at me with sorrowful eyes. “I wanted to learn more about sex so I would know how to handle boys. I thought this would be a good way to learn and you could help teach me about what happens.”

“I thought you took sex education.”

“I did, but they don’t really teach anything useful.”

“Why don’t you ask your mom?”

“She is always busy and with dad gone I did not want to bother her.”

“So, what do you want to know?”

“I will ask as we watch the movie.”

“I am not sure this is a good idea, but I will help. But, don’t tell your mom, she’d have a fit.”

I restarted the video. I was not sure what was going to happen but maybe I could help Olivia with understanding.

The girl wrapped her hands around the boy’s dick and started stroking it up and down getting it harder. The guy was uncircumcised. As the girl’s hands went up and down on his shaft the foreskin would cover the glans and then uncover it. She was doing a good job and the boy was moaning with pleasure. I looked at Olivia and she was in a trance, just staring at the guy’s hard cock. Then the girl moved so she was close to his cock and started to lick the top of his dick. She moved her tongue in circular motions around his glans and he was really moaning. He started jerking a little and lifting his butt up in rhythm with her stroking. I knew he was going to cum. I watched Olivia as the guy started squirting cum. It went several inches and landed on his shirt and pants. When that happened Olivia said, “Oh my.” She looked at me and asked, “Does that happen every time?” I replied, “Most of the time.”

We went back to watching the movie. The boy helped the girl remove her shorts and panties. She had a nicely groomed pussy. Her pubic hair was close cropped and neatly trimmed. She had nice meaty lips. I liked what I saw. The boy asked the girl to sit over his face and he ate her pussy. She was moaning quickly and started to shake as he continued to lick her pussy and clit. Her eyes rolled back and she started breathing heavily. Her orgasm was just about there. She said, “don’t stop. Keep licking my pussy. Keep licking. Fuck, I’m cumming.” The girl’s juices were all over the boy’s face.

Olivia looked at me and asked, “Does that happen every time?”

I replied. “No, girls don’t always cum. It depends on a lot of things.”

“Like what?”

“Well, like how much she likes the guy, how well he helps excite her, and a bunch of mental things.”

Thankfully the rest of the movie was more of the same but in different places. They never had intercourse. But we had our own problem.

I realized that I had gotten aroused. I tried to hide it but my hard cock was not cooperating and Olivia noticed it. “It looks like you enjoyed the movie, Uncle Mark.” I hate being embarrassed. But I could not deny the obvious. “I guess I am.” “Are you going to take care of it?” “No.” I was not about to tell my niece that I was going to masturbate. But, I was horny and needed to release the stress. Then she said, “Do you want me to do it for you?”

My heart stopped. What did she say? Did she really say that? I would love to have her delicate hands wrapped around my cock. I would love to see her breasts and pussy up close and lick her pussy, tasting her juices. I would love to fuck her pussy. I would love to enjoy her young body showing her how to fuck for hours. I would, but she is my niece. And my sister would kill me.

Breath. Breath and calmly reply. Hell yes, you can do it for me. No. Not that reply. “Olivia, no, you can’t help me. Your mom would kill both of us.”

“I was just asking.”

I had all of the excitement I could stand. I told Olivia to go to bed and we could talk more tomorrow. I headed to the usual spare room to spend the night. Robin had previously mentioned that she wanted me to watch Olivia but did not want Olivia to complain about the babysitter. I went in the room and opened my computer. I stripped out of my clothes and made sure the door was locked. Then I found my favorite cam girl’s site and looked through the models stopping on ones that were interesting. I spent time with a red head model that was playing with her pussy. She was nicely brazilianed…no hair whatsoever. That pink slit was beautiful. I was absentmindedly stroking my dick. I watched for a while and then moved on in search of more pretty girls. I think some of the stranger girls are cute. Purple hair, interesting makeup. It would be interesting to fuck such a girl. I got tired of that and opened a movie for serious fucking. I like watching girls being fucked especially seeing their pussy filled with a cock. I imagine my cock in their pussy sliding in and out of a warm and moist oven perfectly fitted to my dick. The feeling is magical. I was really getting into it and was so horny watching the movie with Olivia that I wanted to cum so badly. I could feel my dick tighten up and the cum was boiling. Then I had the first pre-cum leakage that gave me more lubrication and that set me off with a massive ejaculation that squirted onto my keyboard and the floor. That felt so good. I heard a noise and looked up and saw a red dot for an instant. Then it was gone.

Chapter Five: The Swim Party

Olivia was turning eighteen on Tuesday. When your birthday falls in June you can have a lot of fun. Olivia wanted a pool party and of course I was invited as well as a dozen teen girls and boys. Robin said I was to be a chaperone. Having seen Olivia in various clothing ensembles, I knew this was going to be interesting with girls in various swim wear. I was not disappointed.

I took off on Tuesday so I could help with the final arrangements. Robin was running around going crazy. “Hey, Sis, let me help. I took the birthday banner and helped tack it to the wall. I then put up the various frilly decorations. I helped make punch and put tables up. Finally, we finished decorating and setting up. The guests would be arriving soon.

Olivia was so excited. She came down to welcome her guests. She had on a yellow bikini with matching flip flops. The bikini was reasonably modest in that the top covered her breasts mostly. And the bottom covered the bottom from both vantage points. The color fit well with her brown hair. And she had put her hair up for swimming.

“Olivia, you look very nice. I am sure the boys will appreciate the outfit.”

“Probably not, these are mostly from the robot club.”

“Oh. If they don’t then they need to be committed.”

It was nice that Robin had a pool. It was a nice size for fun activities like parties. The first of the guests arrived. The boys all looked a bit out of place. Their swim trunks may never have been used. And from the lack of tans, they probably did not spend time outdoors. So, I suspected they were the club boys. On the other hand, the girls were all wearing nice outfits. Most had a cover up on over their swim attire. Some of the girls appeared to be maturing with nice hips and curvy butts. Others were less so with slim hips and flat tops and butts. But, they were all cute. I figured it would not be so bad after all.

The afternoon party was a hit and many of the guests went home. However, three of Olivia’s friends stayed late to have a more private swim party. I had settled in the spare room since the boys were gone so I did not need to chaperone. Robin was cleaning up the kitchen and planning to relax. She said the girls get together often during the summer to swim. So, I was relaxing a bit.

I heard some laughter and whooping and hollering so thought I would peek out the curtains. It was dark out now that the sun had set but with the pool lights and the patio lights it made the area viewable even if a bit dim. I was caught off guard by what I saw. Four young teens running around naked. They were skinny dipping and generally having fun. I watched intently. It looked like Vickie had the biggest breasts. I could tell that only by the way they bounced. Maddie had small breasts. The other girl besides Olivia was about Olivia’s size but she was a few shades darker. Too bad the light was not better. As I looked I realized my dick was growing. Am I really horny for a bunch of teen girls? They were nice to see. This went on for about 45 minutes before they put back on their swim clothes and prepared to be picked up.

Shortly after the girls left Olivia knocked on my door. She was learning. I told her to come in. She bounced in and plopped down on the bed. “I wanted to thank you for helping today. I also wanted to thank you for my gift. The necklace was really nice and the money, too. I know you are tired and want to rest; I just wanted to thank you.”

“Olivia, I am glad your birthday turned out well. It looked like you and your friends had fun.”

“We did.”

“In the morning I am helping your mother and then will go home.”

“Maybe we can have breakfast together. Then Julie and I are going to shop for some summer outfits.”

“Okay, good night.” I was not wanting her to go but also needed her to go. Once she was safely gone I turned on my computer and started surfing my favorite porn sites. As I was surfing I stroked my cock and spent plenty of time enjoying the feeling. I imagined what it would feel like to have those teen girls stroking my dick and licking it. And then spending time licking their pussies until I fucked each one. I wondered what it would be like to fuck four virgins. It did not take long to spurt out four or five ropes. I absently looked up and saw a red dot that quickly vanished. I had not really thought about it but I need to ask Robin about it tomorrow. I cleaned up and went to bed thinking about those four naked girls running around.