Am I turning into a serial killer or savior? Pat two

I’m hoping I did a bit better job than my last attempt. I think my writing is “bad” at the start but gets better as it goes on. Let me remind you this is on a phone so auto correct is king and when I read it again to look for mistakes for some reason I can’t see any. Don’t have a proof reader to help me out with this problem. It will probably be awhile till I write the next part of I ever do so if you like it please be patient and I’m trying to up the quality of my writing but I’ll be the first to admit it’s not very “good” for most people. always welcome helpful comments and please enjoy.

Ever since I shattered that guys collar bone I’ve been trying to get that same rush over and over again with no results. Ive tried skydiving, bungee jumping, rock climbing and a half dozen other things that are suppose to give you a rush but they all seem to fall short. It finally got to the point to where it was affecting my job.


Oh fuck, radio radio radio there it is. “From the look of things it’s game over Tom.” SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! GET YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT FOR FUCK SAKE YOU CANT LOSE IT AT WORK!!!!

“ok john you have never been this shit at reffing since you started doing this job so what the hell is the deal man?”

“I dont know what it is because its not like im stressed or anything it just seems like my heads in a different place and i cant concentrate for some reason.”

“Well get it together cause I dont want one of my best refs going off the deep end on me all right.”

“ill take care of it and get my head in the game by next week one way or another.”

Just a simple nod was his reply and thats all that was needed. I soon found out when you know what you need and cant get it your job becomes really difficult. So by the time we had to clean up and get out of there i was starting to become a little unglued at that point. The high point was that it took us so long by the time i got home it would be getting dark and time for a nice long walk.

It didnt happen the first few nights but finally I got “lucky” and once again heard the satisfying sound of a cry for help. I got there so quick it kinda surprised me a great deal. Luckily they didnt hear me so i was able to asses the situation properly.

What I saw was (to my eyes) was one of the ten wonders of the world, a Miracle, the messiah or God himself telling me the meaning of life. I was finally getting what I craved and longed for. Pure, justified violence. She gets saved, I get my fix and my life will hopefully get back to normal.

I quick glance told me all I needed to know. It was you average dead end alleyway. Garbage, drugs and everything in the middle “nicely” put on both sides. But thank the heavens there were two of them. The scruffy hoodie wearing “gangster” dumbass type. The girl would have been cuter if she wasn’t terrified or had mud in random places. Not like it really mattered because what did matter is one had a gun the other a knife.

“This is going be so much fun!” That one sentence was what truly told me that I was becoming rationally unhinged. I wasn’t going to go on a random murder spree like others probably would though because that’s just stupid. “I’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

What I failed to realize until it was to late that I was already walking to them. When I finally realized it that heavenly thrill came back in full force. One step turned into two. Three turned into four. Four into a jog! Five into a run! And what happened next was the most beautiful sight I’ve seen to date. Blade in hand I didn’t simply slice the man with the guns throat. I put weight into the hit and dug in as far I could, watching as his blood sprayed out of his body bathed in the moonlight.

I wished the other mans death would be just as beautiful as the first. But alas, I wanted to rip my blade from the guys throat so I could see what it would look like and see if it was just as gorgeous as the first spray of his blood. The man with the knife was just going to have to have an eye destroyed and his skull caved in. Maybe not as beautiful, but it got the job done.

“Ha. Haha. Hahahahaha!” I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to. I just kept laughing as I walked to the first guy and ripped my blade from his throat. This wasn’t the kind of laugh an insane person would do. No this laugh conveyed pure joy. And it kept going till I got our of the alley. Thankfully I didn’t crash like the first time. More like I walked home with a spring in my step.

“Fun fun for everyone blood sprayed out with the man with the gun! Fun fun can’t you see a skull caved in done with brutal glee.” Singing passed the time till I got home and went to bed, refreshed and feeling like I could take on the world.

Naturally once I woke up and turned on the news was talking about it like I just shot the president. “Oh well, as long as I’m not caught I don’t really give a shit. Besides they totally deserved to die. But I should probably think of some rules when I go do that. No rest for the wicked it seems.”