The emperor jerked awake for the second time not sure of where he was Alatem helped him to his feet. “What happened?” he inquired.
Ali was surprised that the device had worked as well as it had, “You passed out I guess it was all the excitement of the past 4 days what with the assassinations and finding out that uncle was behind all the attempts.”
For some reason the Emperor thought he was missing something. Knowing his daughter he was, as sneaky as she was. Charles watched from a distance watching his power levels this shimmer shield he’d gotten from the last time he’d been forward was going to be a god send, too bad it didn’t last long. He knew with the Emperor’s memory slightly wiped and reprogramed he had a lot better chance now to complete the mission. Damn each time they stopped one another popped up shit! Was the man hated that much?
Charles moved out of the hall to another room, was just about to leave when Alatem’s mother walked in startled only a moment she quickly closed the doors locking them.
“So, you are the one that my daughter is in love with,” holding up a hand to quiet him she continued, “I can see why she does, yes you are perfect for her as I assume she is for you.” Reaching out she took his arm and led him away deeper into the room to a nearby wall, pressing 3 points near a picture the wall opened, “In quickly!” She advised. Following him she closed the door and lit a candle to reveal a small room with a table and chairs.
“Sit sir, I want to personally thank you for all our lives,” again she held up a hand to quiet him, “I know you are here to help our family, I am on your side seeing Alatem as happy as she is, is worth everything that we’ve been through. Now then, I know you are more than a little curious about the law no royal being touched but any but a royal.” Sighing she took a big breath, “It started 100 years ago well before Alatem was born, you see others of the royal family though not directly in line for the throne had many…. trysts, you might say these indiscretions produced many offspring that were uh, simple and deformed many royals thinking they were unable to have normal children stopped trying and the royal line almost died out The Emperor my father in-law thought different and tested many of the royals, finding that the royal blood line was pure but many of the uh… others the royals like to diddle with weren’t.”
Charles nodded his head this made alot of sense to ban even touching? “Why the no touching rule Impress? Was he afraid that the women from both castes were going to get impregnated just through touch?” Charles said a little incredulous.
She smiled she liked this man, intelligent as well as handsome, “It is Mita please, and as for the touching he decided that if the lower caste was afraid to touch the royals than it would be the supreme deterrent to them having children, though it isn’t that simple that’s the deterrent of it.” Charles nodded again this made a lot more sense now but how was he to get past this?
“Ok, so if a non-royal got a royal pregnant what would happen?” Charles asked though he was afraid he already knew the answer.
Sighing and taking a deep breath Mita thought a moment then answered, “the penalty would be most severe. Usually a long drawn out as painful death as possible and in the case of a royal getting pregnant by a non-royal then…,” Mita’s mouth suddenly dropped agape, “I thought that she had put on a little weight! She is isn’t she? You are the father are you not?”
“Yes,” Charles answered proudly, “it happened when we were looking for an ancient time slip machine in my….,” Charles stopped short not sure just how much to tell Alatem’s mother though he was close to trusting her he still wasn’t sure she wouldn’t turn him in at a moments notice.
“Ah! I see you ARE from the future as I suspected,” holding up her hand again to quiet him she went on, “you are obviously an extremely brilliant man, that in it’s self drives your chances up 50% saving all our lives at least another 25% but the rules state that you have to be tested before you can be made a royal.”
Charles eyes grew wide that was all? Hell bring on the tests!
“Now don’t think it is all that simple, you have to prove you are royal material, undergo physical tests that can push a man to the brink. Also all this has to be done publicly,” Mita watched as Charles face dropped.
Whispering Charles said, “I can’t do that it’s impossible even with me being removed from time there are too many repercussions.” Mita could see the pain and agony that Charles was going through, feeling for him she knew that there was nothing that she could do for him.
“Why is that? If you’re removed from time as I understand it, no mention of you in the past could change the future,” Mita said now perplexed about the situation. Sighing Charles wasn’t sure how he could explain the whole time paradox of repeat changes.
“It’s not the being mentioned it’s the paradox of time correction and dilation.” Charles could see by the confused look on the empress face that she wasn’t understanding what he was talking about. Sighing Charles tried to wrap his own head around it in such a way that she might understand it. “Ok, although I have been removed from time I am still connected to it, everything I do affects everything past and future, I can only effect the past once publicly after that I have to be hidden, you’ve heard the theory two like objects can not oocupy the same space at the same time. It’s somewhat like that if I were to run into my self the resulting destruction could destroy all time and space and personally I am not ready to go yet.”
Mita shook her head almost getting the whole idea, “I would be so proud to call you son, you are beyond brilliant, so nothing public or you might not be able to time slip I see.”
“Yes, that plus the fact I have met many of the royals of this time and I have to say that many are no better than common killers,” Charles said almost afraid of how she might act.
Sighing she nodded, “Yes, what you’ve said is very true, unfortunately too many of the royals are becoming power hungry and only want the power.”
A moment later his wrist comp began to beep faintly, telling the empress he had to go she nodded Charles blinked out, leaving the empress alone with her thoughts. Little did she know that there were a small pair of child like eyes that had been watching her in amazement the realization as the blocked memories flooded her mind. Quietly she left the back of the room she called her play room to look for her sister, she knew that she had been with their father but wasn’t sure now. Ali breathed a sigh of relief wiping all these memories was starting to wear her out, first her sister then her father at least his would stay permanent till the machine could reverse it. Her wrist comp softly beeped alerting her to the fact that Charles was back on board the ship, pressing a button after she made sure she was alone she too blinked and was gone. Melina blinked hard what was her sister? an alien? she knew almost everything that was secret in the palace but this was something new she had to look into. Backing away she turn and started to run when she nearly collided with her father.
Oh darn! now what Ah! she knew! “Whoa little one where are you off to?” her father asked.
“Oh hi papa, I thought I saw Alatem go this way I wanted to show her my new dress I was thinking of having seam stress to make!” The little girl acted as excited as she could hoping to convince her father.
“Ah! Another new dress, and what pray tell is the occasion this time? Your birthday? no, that’s months away. A ball coming up? no, I don’t recall any. Your Mother’s or my birthday, no we’ve already had ours.” Melina was starting to panic what if papa guessed she’d never be able to keep it a secret she couldn’t lie to her father the only person she loved as much as her mama.
“No papa, I just want to look as pretty as I can for you and mama.” Melina said hoping it would fool her father, gee but the man had a way of ferreting out the truth from her, it was bad enough that her sister didn’t tryst her.
Giving her a huge smile he hugged her fiercely, “thank you for that little Mel, ah if only your sister was more like you,” shaking his head he moved on to finish up the day.
Aboard the ship Charles was pacing around the control room how could he have been so damn stupid! Still muttering to his self moments later when Alatem arrived he drew a hard stare from her.
“Charles? What’s wrong?” she asked the perplexed look on his face starting to worry her.
“It’s your mother,” Charles blurted out.
“My mother? ” Ali said then a sudden look of horror, “How did she find out? what does she know?”
“Apparently a hell of a lot more than we at first thought, she also saw me the last time. She knows that you are in love with me and I you,” Charles said, Alatem’s eyes opened wide her mother knew she love…., Charles loved her?!! He’d never spoken the words as neither had she. Ali’s heart began to beat faster he loved her! A huge smile crossed her face, then was quickly hidden, he’d spoken out of anger and could possibly not remember later on.
Speaking up Alatem asked, “so what are you going to do? we can’t erase mother!”
“at the present I have no such intention, she is a very sly woman who is apparently on our side,
Charles went on to describe in detail all that had transpired in his meeting with her mother. Surprised again yes, she also could see how sly her mother was, damn it! What were they going to do? They’d already met almost all the criteria there were only a few left but Alatem knew that Charles would never submit to those.
Sighing Charles sat looking over the newest data that cici was displaying, the next attempt was soon. Cursing under his breath he checked and rechecked the data, this caused another string of colorful words that had even Alatem blushing.
“Ally, cici we only have 3 hours to get a plan in operation, dam it I should have known they’d try something like this!” Charles said as he punched the wall next to him.
“What are they going to try?” Alatem asked, a concerned look now on her face.
“I believe that they think that if they kill each member of the family separate, then they’d have a greater chance of success, they would too if we didn’t have the two fastest and smartest AI’s ever made,” Charles stated.
“Oh baby, if you weren’t already Alatem’s I’d stun you and keep you here with me you sexy beast, purrrrrr!”
Ally said only slightly annoying Charles this time.
An hour later both AI’s finally had an answer, “analysis complete, in order to carry out this task to it’s completion you will need to be in 2 locations within 2 minutes of each other firing 2 homing bullets at the first, and 4 at the second in opposite directions within 30 seconds of each set. This timing has to be exact if you are off even a millisecond the plan will fail or you might have to get in the bullets way a moment to refire.” Both Ally and cici chimed in. Damn it Charles spent one of the two hours trying to increase the power, speed and targeting of 8 bullets.
“All calculations completed, increase in power 20%, calculating speed, there has been a 15% increase in speed. Calculating targeting, only a 5% increase though this will increase sensitivity another 12.5% odds of mission success have risen from a paltry 45% to 65%. Charles might I suggest readjusting the phase lock to .05 instead of a mere .10?” Both AI”S chimed in.
For 20 more minutes Charles worked feverishly to increase the bullets lock on and execution abilities. Finally finished he waited while Ally then cici examined them.
“Analyzing new adjustments, phase lock at 0.51 substantial sensitivity achieved, success rate has risen from 65% to 80%. New adjustment will allow for mis-timing and exactness will not favor in to the equation much further.
Charles breathed a sigh of relief they were finally ready, suited up Charles made to leave Alatem kissed him and watched the readings as he beamed to the first location. Something was bugging Charles if the emperor’s brother was in jail then who was leading the assault? Shaking his head he cleared his thoughts, they were after the empress Mita first. Charles waited for another 25 minutes before the assassins made their appearance another 5 and then to save the emperor. At the appointed time the 2 killers moved in to strike, Mita heard 2 slight coughs and dove to the ground narrowly being missed by a knife the killer had thrown, looking up she saw Charles bow, then he blinked out. The emperor was touring the grounds inspecting the troops with his younger daughter Melina. They’d been out most of the morning Melina immensely enjoying the time with her father as he had been so busy lately that there hadn’t been enough time. They’d just moved past the last column of men when the assassins made their move, 2 short coughing sounds had the emperor and Melina diving to the ground.
Not far behind them two men fell to the ground both screaming as the bullets exploded inside their bodies.
Melina was screaming remembering the last time she’d heard those sounds, the emperor looked at the men laying dead a mere 20 feet from him. Charles was trying to remain calm he only had 30 seconds to reload and fire, cursing under his breath he managed to get one shot off but the second misfired (damn it that’s what I get for hurrying).
“Ally I need new coordinates, second charge misfired,” Charles whispered even as he saw the troops start to advance.
“Compliance you have to fire as soon as you emerge so I can pull you out immediately or the first bullet will kill you as you will be in the path too close for it to avert it’s path in time.” Ally’s voice came from his com. Taking no chances Charles had reloaded both bullets, with that Ally flashed him out. His finger already squeezing the trigger Charles fired both then flashed out.
On board Alatem breathed a sigh of relief another nano-second and Charles would have been dead also, she was checking him all over as soon as he appeared, she was sure the bullet had grazed something she had him almost out of his clothes. Alatem’s breath was starting to pant slightly, Charles hard cock was already tenting his shorts damn it! She never had time to fuck his brains out now, this had to stop she’d been craving him all day.
Charles assured her he was alright as he ran to the sensor readings. He watched as the first bullet found it’s mark, the third had, had a power malfunction and fallen well short of the palace nursery. Charles was hoping the fourth could make it, the distance that they’d had to travel was far beyond any distance he’d ever gotten from these bullets. Holding his breath he watched as the fourth bullet finally made the palace the streaked into the nursery striking the second assassin but not exploding.
“Damn it! I’m never hurrying again!” Charles shouted.
“What’s wrong Charles?” Alatem asked.
“The second assassin is still alive though from what I see they won’t be much longer, I have to go!” Half dressed Charles flashed into the nursery, the first was dead at his feet, a younger man. The second an older woman was gasping and trying to reach the crib.
Grabbing her by her hair Charles snarled in her face, “Who are you?”
Laughing she spit at Charles then gurgled as the bullet finally found her heart and shredded it.
Knowing he didn’t have any time at he scanned the female corpse pressing a button on his comp, flashed out as the troops and nurse maids came running in. Melina and father were getting off the ground when Charles flashed out, the emperor pounded his fist on the ground. Again how many times was the mystery man going to save his life? Thinking a moment that light when he flashed out he could swear that was the royal MTM that his scientists had developed 20 years ago. That meant he was either a royal with access to the royal machine room or his daughter was helping him and he’d hazard a guess it was the latter. A moment later he got a call from the nursery a man and a woman had tried to kill the prince and…
“Yes, I know a tall plain looking man shot them both, thank you guard the prince extremely well.” Sighing he was about to head back to the palace when his wife called hysterical.
“They have tried again,” she told him.
“Yes, it seems that we all were targeted, including the prince. Tell me did a plain looking tall man shoot a strange weapon and kill the assassins? He asked
Surprised she hid a smile then turned serious, “you mean the same one that saved us at the proclamation and at the ball?”
Nodding the emperor was starting to get a headache, this was the fourth time something that had never happened before, yes he knew his daughter knew who this man was but you could torture that child, well young woman and never get anything from her.
Alatem was about to go crazy with lust for Charles, what the hell was going on? She’d heard that some mothers were a lot more horny when they were in their second trimester but this was ridiculous! Damn it! Where was he? If he didn’t get here soon she was going to go insane!
Charles was again breathing a sigh of relief, checking the time line it seemed that they’d only extended the empire to 25 years now damn a lot of freaky shit happened! Such as the introduction of cl… Alatem grabbed Charles and was practically dragging him to the bed in the corner, “Ali? You ok hon?”
“NO! I need that stiff cock in me NOW!” she shouted trying her best to rip his clothes off him to no avail.
Throwing her clothes as far from her as she could her foot tapped the floor as she impatiently waited for Charles to get Naked. Pushing him on the bed she crawled up on him and without any warning drove her pussy all the way down his shaft, with a satisfying grunt she sighed finally!
Alatem had cum at least 3 times over the course of the next 20 minutes when her mother called.
“Mother, ugh! I can’t oh yes, like that! Right now mother, Charles don’t you dare stop!”
“Alatem come as soon as you can,” her mother smiled at her pun, “I may have an idea to get Charles royal without the public display.”
Alatem almost stopped moving but Charles felt too damn good as he always did. Charles didn’t know what he did but he liked the welcome he’d gotten. Finally unable to hold back Charles groaned as he drove deeper and blasted his cum deep in Alatem, who was screaming through her fourth orgasm. Damn she thought first time Charles must be getting better, kissing him she rolled off and snuggled next to him falling asleep.