A Pretty Elf in Qeynos, Part Sixteen

Arabella had managed to keep Falco in his shabby room all day by constantly keeping him horny and fucking. She did not want him disappearing before he got Sprockfuddle’s bo staff back and she dared not accompany him about in daylight. Every member of the Queen’s Guard would stop her and ask for her non-existent Proof of Citizenship.

So there she lay in Falco’s bed having fucked him three times to keep him from getting some crazy idea that he should go outside and get some food or something. As long as she spread her legs it was easy to keep him in bed and on top of her. Lousy horny men, she thought, they are so easy to control.

Falco had gotten over the shame of the Arasai’s belittling comment the last time he had window-fucked on top of Whats’er Name. He wanted to fuck in the window again so everyone could watch. “Look at Falco!” he imagined some of the women would say. “He has yet another girl! Look how she squirms in ecstasy under his amazing lovemaking! What a male! How I wish he would invite me up for a public fucking!”

But Arabella had vetoed the window-fuck. Not that she would not delight in an audience to watch her humiliation from being shagged in such an incompetent fashion but she did not wish to attract any wide-scale public attention from the authorities. They might question what a Dark Elf without proper paperwork was doing fucking one of their good citizens in a window in full view of passers-by.

As a compromise, she suggested they could fuck with the door to the hall open a crack. That way his neighbours could stop and peep like perverts as they walked down the hall. They would see his hard dick and know what a stallion he was, she said.

Falco liked that idea. Naked, With his cock hard in anticipation, he went over and opened the apartment door halfway. Anyone walking down the hall would see them having sex.

He walked back to the bed. His dick swung side to side as he approached Arabella lying there expectantly. He got back on top of of her tiny dark blue body and put it in. His cock felt so good in her tight wetness as they commenced to do it bare-assed with the door wickedly open. He stared into her beautiful almond eyes while they screwed.

All three fucks had been performed with that door open. Countless folks had walked by and seen them on the bed, grappling, writhing, moaning. No sheets covered their desperately entwined bodies.

Some hall users were disgusted, some were amused. A few lingered and voyeured for long minutes. Several men and one woman masturbated. All watched in silence as if afraid that to speak to them would break the magic spell that compelled them to fuck with the door open for all to see.

After the third bout, Falco was exhausted. He had just sucked Arabella’s left boob dry and, under the soothing effects of the motherly milk, just wanted to sleep. Thanks to Falco’s non-existant bed talents Arabella had not even cum once and wanted a fourth fuck from him in hopes that maybe this time he would get her off. “Are you ready to do it again?” she demanded, frustrated at his pathetic inability to make her cum.

Though tired, Falco was proud to think that this bitch seemed to never be able to get enough of his cock. “Just give me fifteen minutes, Arabella” he answered sleepily “then you’ll get some more of what you’re needing.”

He fastened his mouth on her right nipple and closed his eyes for a well-earned nap. Arabella caressed him gently and listened to him snore. In his sleep he suckled like a babe. Her breast contracted and milk squirted into his mouth.

His cum dripped out of her as she lay there soaking his sheets. He always shot so much of the sticky stuff it almost made up for all the idiotic flopping around he did to produce it. She decided to let him sleep. She would wake him up later and get him hard. It was a few hours before it was dark enough that they could sneak over to Thorsona’s townhouse, anyway.

Bored, Arabella found a long, light brown hair amongst the bedclothes. She examined it, sure it was Llisanya’s. The revelation that she was screwing Llisanya’s man in the very bed that Llisanya used was arousing. She resisted the urge to shake Falco awake and boast about how she had stolen him away from his Half Elf whore. More wisely, she decided to let him snooze while she reviewed tonight’s plan to make sure she had not overlooked something.

The plan was straightforward, as all good plans ought to be. They needed to wait in the dark outside Thorsona’s home until she went out to Fish’s to grab some dinner. Arabella would keep watch outside while Falco went in to steal back the bo staff and whatnot. If anyone came back early she would have her magic spell Call of the Hero to teleport Falco out of Thorsona’s townhouse and back by her side in a split second. What could go wrong?

Once she got the bo staff back she only needed to figure out how to get rid of Falco; unlike in Neriak one could not go around murdering annoying males after their usefulness was over. She missed how things worked in Neriak. You could tempt a handsome Dark Elf male to your bed and when he was done he left quickly enough…for his own safety. She feared Falco might want to hang around and be a pest and it would be so difficult in Qeynos to get rid of a victim’s body.

Eventually, Falco got an erection in his sleep. Arabella poked him in the ribs when she felt it against her thigh . “Falco?” she cooed “Wake up? Time to serve the desires of your Dark Elf maiden again.”

Without waiting for any more consent than a hard prick and a sleepy, puzzled grunt, she got on top and semi-raped him. He did not complain, he just lay there under her half asleep. Her back began to arch as she repeatedly drove her pelvis down onto his hardness, her rolling ass bare for anyone to look in the doorway and see.

After a few minutes of her in charge Falco gave up trying to sleep and rolled her over onto her back. He lay his full weight on top of her body to hold her down.

He liked pinning Arabella. Not letting her move. Taking her. Ravishing her. Owning her. He started driving his cock viciously deep.

He buried his face in her neck right where it met her shoulder and sucked. Even with her dark blue skin, the huge hickey would be obvious and people would see she was his.

Arabella lay there looking around while he pounded and hickeyed her. She realized she was not going to climax this time either. By Karana, he was bad at it.

She kept her eye on the open door. It was late afternoon so there were more and more people coming and going in the hall as the work day ended. Most looked into the room and registered varying reactions when they saw the naked lovers. Most took a few minutes to watch. Arabella liked watching them watch them.

Falco did not turn his head to look at the audience. While the males might enjoy having Arabella watch them jerk, he and Arabella agreed the peepers might be embarrassed away if he, the male of the couple, turned to look. Instead, she whispered things to him such as “she’s really admiring your body” or “whoa! Some fellow just shot a load and a half!”

This being his fourth fuck of the day, Falco was having trouble cumming though his youthful libido ensured he easily kept a hard-on. He lay on top of her doing her for a long time and lots more passers-by got a free show. He liked them seeing how much pleasure Arabella took from his lovemaking. He silently congratulated himself on being such a stud.

“There’s a Human just stopped in the doorway to enjoy” Arabella told Falco. “He’s beating off while he watches you going in and out of me.”

“You like him looking, don’t you, Slut?”

“Just start fucking me fast. Let’s give him something good to jag off to.”


Llisanya left Cadwarra’s apartment with her stomach full of stew, wine and semen; all three having been quite tasty. She walked briskly, concerned over the things she still needed doing before she met Diamander in front of the Lion’s Mane Inn that evening.

Despite the time lost, that little diversion with Cadwarra and Diamander had certainly been pleasant. She thought of the feel of Cadwarra’s soft breasts. Odd how sexually attractive she now found women. She recalled the pleasant feel of Cadwarra’s heavy breast as it lolled in her hand, firm yet yielding. How that nipple had risen up high and proud…just as high and proud as Diamander’s cock had risen.

Pushing aside thoughts of soft boobs and hard cocks, Llisanya got back to the completion of her chores and stepped into Irontoes East. It was her least favourite tavern in all of Qeynos; it was cheap and tawdry and attracted a bad crowd.

To her surprise she found Ellister in there. He was nursing a small glass of beer. If he was in this place and drinking the cheapest item on the menu Llisanya concluded sales were not very brisk of late.

“You’ve saved me a trip” Llisanya said as she sat down at his table. “I was going to Fish’s next to look for you.” This fortuitous meeting had just saved her a half hour.

“I just left Fish’s” Ellister replied. “It was dead. I sat there for two hours without making a single sale, not even a hangover cure or two. I came here hoping I might find better customers.”

He took a pull of his beer. “Did you ever find Falco?”

“No, I am still looking for him.” She pulled a small shopping list out of her pocket and added “your fortunes are about to change; I have a large order for you to fill.” She pushed the list across the table to him. “I need some charms. Are you able to have these delivered to my apartment by tomorrow afternoon?”

Ellister picked up the list. When he saw what she was ordering he frowned “I’ll be up all night making these things but, yes, I can deliver.” He did not yet put the list into his pocket. “Pardon my intrusion into your finances, Llisanya, but these items require some very expensive raw materials and, as you are aware, I require coins up front. Do you have the required funds?”

Vishra had made sure she would not be short of plat for the purchase of all necessary items. “I have the coins, yes. I can pay you now if you promise these charms will be delivered.”

“They will be delivered” Ellister assured her. He tapped one item on her list. “He’s going to ride you hard into the early morning with this one” he warned her. “I once gave this charm to a boyfriend to wear one night. I could hardly walk home in the dawn when the magic in the charm was depleted and he was finally done with me.”

Llisanya shrugged, not interested in hearing about Ellister being buggered up the ass all night. “If you can’t take it like a man, Faggot, start pumping pussy.”

“Why would I do that with all those beautiful cocks in the world?” Ellister shot back and, putting the shopping list in his shirt pocket, asked her “am I to assume by this list that you finally found yourself a sugar-daddy boyfriend to look after you instead of committing all this free-lance larceny for a living?”

Llisanya shook her head. “Still looking for the right daddy. This stuff is for a one night stand. I will need a big favour from one of my fuck-buddies and he will want to take all night to enjoy my gratefulness.”

“That must be some favour, Llisanya.” Ellister did not pry further. Despite herself Llisanya blushed to have Ellister know so much about her sex life. She placed fourteen plat on the table.

Ellister deftly swept Llisanya’s payment up and into his trouser pocket. Now very rich, he waved eagerly at the bartender. “Harold! Take this disgusting beer away and replace it with your most expensive whiskey…please, before your best tipper dies of hops poisoning.”

Llisanya left Ellister to his high priced whiskey and went downstairs into the backroom where she was originally headed when she had found Ellister. She ignored the sign at the door that said no “No Ladies” and pushed the curtain aside. As she entered she was repulsed by the stink of decades of spilt beer and male body odour imbedded into carpet and walls.

Lodi Bightn, the most unlikable Halfling in Qeynos, was sitting in a corner looking over the pig racing forms. He was yelling at one of his henchmen. “Head up to Shin Village and tell that fucking chink that ‘Wilbury’ either starts paying off a lot less or that hog is going to be bacon after the next race it wins!”

Bightn looked up to see Llisanya approaching and yelled out to the room “looks like we need to change our “No Ladies” sign to a “No Whores” sign, boys.”

“…And if you do I will be quite glad to obey it.” Llisanya shot back. “For now, I request five minutes of your time.”

“Just tell Fiona to be patient; the money will be delivered day after tomorrow.” He shook his head in a mix of frustration and admiration. “That woman either knows how to read a racing form or is the luckiest dame I ever took a bet from.”

“I don’t work for Fiona anymore, Lodi. Deliver your own messages. I wish to speak to you about a friend who has a friend who owes you a bit too much platinum. I was hoping to broker a mutually agreeable arrangement concerning a repayment plan.”

“Show us your tits!” Bightn snapped, ignoring her words. “You know I always like to see ‘em! Why do you always wait for me to ask?”

Llisanya unbuttoned her third best blouse. “Here” she said, bored. She pulled the blouse open, revealing her white breasts jutting out high and firm. Despite herself, her nipples hardened as Bightn looked on.

“Nice!” Bightn whistled to get everyone to look. “Whaddaya think, boys? Y’ever seen any other yabbas stay up as high as Llisanya’s here? You could hang chandeliers from those rock hard teats and still be able to have a waltz underneath!”

Bightn let everyone in the grungy room have a good look then he said “Ok, Llisanya. If we are talking business, cover up first; those beauties are way too distracting for me to discuss financial arrangements.”

Llisanya covered up and Bightn asked “how may you help me…?”

Negotiation with Bightn never took long. They shook hands. He walked her back to the curtain and pulled it open for her. “What a shame you aren’t at Fiona’s anymore” he lamented “the sight of your tits has got me so horny I’d be over there tonight waiting to have my turn on top of you.”

Customers like Bightn were the reason she no longer worked at Fiona’s.

Llisanya dove into the well and popped up to find only Beckah and Annie present. A handsome Human she had never seen before was fucking Beckah while he sucked on the nipples of her fried eggs. He didn’t stop when Llisanya broke the surface of the water though he turned his head briefly.

“No…” Annie told her, taking her eyes away from the sight of Beckah getting a good servicing “…Arabella and Falco have not been in all day. We are getting all Arabella’s business so if you run into her, don’t give her any ideas about coming back too quickly.” The Human started grunting as his orgasm approached. Annie turned back to witness the magnificent completion.

Llisanya dove back down the well. Arabella was somewhere fucking Falco silly, she assumed. But where were they fucking? As far as she knew Arabella did not have an apartment in Qeynos and the guard would be sure to hassle her if they spotted her out in daylight.

She decided to head to Falco’s modest room and check for them at that location. The Alchemist’s Shop was on the way and she ducked in to see the Alchemist first.

The Ratonga Sechus looked up from a flask he was holding in his paws, decanting the fluid into a second bottle. Llisanya was a good customer and in addition often was an agent for someone else quite wealthy and powerful, though Sechus had no idea who it was.

She always spent good money, either way, so he put down his work. His whiskers twitched. His hairless tail flicked. His paws quickly smoothed his fur.

He turned to the half dozen ratlings in his shop. The older ones were doing tasks for him, the younger ones were either playing or fighting. Llisanya could not tell which; with her limited knowledge of the Ratonga language it was all just squeaks and screeches to her.

Sechus spoke to his offspring in Common. “You little rats, scram. This Human and I have business.” The entire litter scattered and were gone in seconds, not unlike rats deserting a sinking ship.

“How are you today, Sechus?”

“Not bad for an oversized Rat trapped in a city full of Primates” he responded with his customary joke. “So nice to see you, Llisanya. How may I help you, today?”

“I have a number of purchases to make, let’s start with the one requiring your strictest confidentiality.”

Hearing the word ‘confidentiality’ the Ratonga instantly shushed her. He looked around to doublecheck that all his children were well out of earshot. Then he silently crept over to a door, grabbed the handle and quickly pulled it open. It revealed an empty closet. He slammed the closet door shut explaining “my oldest is starting to spy on me and my customers. He wants to defect to Freeport and live with his mother and thinks he needs to learn to be sneaky in order to fit in.”

The Alchemist returned to the counter. “You watch, he’ll be back in six weeks asking me to give him his old job back.” Sechus shook his head in paternal frustration and gave Llisanya his full attention. “But, I am now your devoted servant.”

“Thank you. I need a poison to kill a Human male. It needs to be tasteless since the poison will be placed in his porridge and it must leave no evidence of foul play. The death needs to be recorded as suicide by hanging.”

Sechus acted like this was a normal request. “I have what you want, Llisanya.”

Standing at four and a half feet, Sechus was quite tall for a Ratonga but still could not reach the top shelves of the shop. He walked over to a rolling ladder and pushed it along the wall until he got to the dustiest corner in the place. He climbed up to the top and pulled out a small box wherein a dozen vials of colourless liquid were contained. He blew the cobwebs away and looked down at the Half Elf. “Just one death, Llisanya? I can give you a good deal on a bulk purchase: three for the price of four.”

“That’s very kind. I am afraid just one.”

He nodded, pushed the box back onto the shelf and climbed back down with one of the vials. “The poison is odourless, tasteless and colourless. It will leave no marks or signs on the body.” He placed it carefully on the countertop. “That’s ten gold, please, Llisanya.”

“Ten gold!!!??? For a vial of poison worth five silver??!!”

The Ratonga looked at Llisanya patiently. “Miss Llisanya, if you want poison for your daggers because you are going out to Blackburrow to fight Gnolls it’s five silver. If you want me to forget I sold you a poison to kill an unsuspecting Human victim it’s still five silver but there’s an additional nine gold and ninety-five silver to make sure I forgot to whom I sold that poison.”

Llisanya paid the price. She knew Vishra well enough to know he would agree with Sechus. She secreted the vial away.

“The next is more personal.” She pulled out the bottle of perfume that Armstrong had given her for Frostfell so long ago. She placed it on the counter, near empty. Not for the first time she admired how pretty the bottle was. “How much for a refill?”

Sechus opened the stopper and sniffed in the fragrance of what little fluid remained. He was immune to its affects. “I remember selling this. An excellent perfume, Llisanya, infused with pheromones to captivate and enchant the heart of your paramour.”

Sechus put the stopper back in. “I can get you some. It comes from Lesser Faydark, though, so it will take a while to get it in stock. I will need a deposit of one platinum, I fear.”

The price took Llisanya by complete surprise. “A one plat deposit? How much is it total?”

“Six plat total, Llisanya, including the deposit. Oh!…one plat less since it is just a refill and you already have the bottle. The bottle is cut from Kaladim Crystal” he added to explain its value. “Exquisite Dwarven craftsmanship.”

Llisanya was staggered by the value of Armstrong’s gift. She was such a young, naive thing when he gave her the gift so many Frostfells ago. She had been touched that a customer would actually bring a whore like her a Frostfell gift but she had had no idea of the coin he had spent. He had just been a lonely, unmarried man on Frostfell spending a few gold for a present to thank her for being the only female who would spend time with him on the holidays. She was embarrassed to think that all these years she had not realized how expensive Armstrong’s gift had been. Fiona expected her girls to know these things and to reward such generous clients accordingly.

“I am afraid I can’t afford it” she confessed. “Thank you for the price quote.”

“No worries. Maybe when you marry a rich Baron or Duke…”

Llisanya smiled politely at the joke as she put away the perfume bottle with that tiny bit of remaining perfume. She next pulled the empty wine bottle out of her backpack and set it on the counter. “Now, how much for more bottles of this stuff?” she asked, deliberately giving Sechus no warning she may be asking awkward questions about wine until he actually saw the bottle.

Sechus tried to pretend he did not know what he was looking at. “Oh, wine…is it? Is that what it is? Wine? I am afraid I am an alchemist not a wine merchant, Llisanya.”

“Well, I normally would accept your disclaimer but if you aren’t selling wine why is the price tag written out in your very distinctive handwriting?”

His pause before the answer came was just a little too long. “Uh…Well, I was helping out my cousin the wine merchant. Good feller, you should meet him.”

“I have met your cousin. He is an armourer not a wine merchant and you hate him and would rather feed him warfarin than help him out in any way. So what’s with this wine?”

Sechus gave up being evasive. It actually wasn’t smart to lie to a good customer, anyway. “Alight, alright. I sold a half dozen bottles of that stuff. What’s the big deal? It’s a nice wine. It has a lovely nose plus a hint of pepper on the palate…”

“…with a delightful finish and good legs” Llisanya completed the sentence. “Yeah, yeah. Very tasty. Now why is an alchemist selling wine? What else is in it, Sechus?”

Sechus looked like a trapped rat. In fact, he was a trapped rat. “Well…the alcohol enhances the strength of a potion mixed into the wine. The potion affects your sexual desires. It’s mostly harmless with no permanent affects and does not even impair the excellent flavour of the wine. It just makes homosexuals more interested in women.” His beady shifty eyes looked…shifty. Llisanya was sure Sechus was not telling the whole truth.

“Sechus, we go back a ways. I need to know everything about this wine. I drank a glass at Fish’s Ale House a few nights ago and had two more today for lunch!”

Sechus stared blankly at Llisanya for a pregnant moment. He blinked. His whiskers twitched. “Oh, dear…”

Llisanya glowered angrily, waiting for him to continue.

Sechus took a deep breath. “I can explain. This lady bartender at Fish’s Ale House came to me and told me she had a crush on a female customer and wanted a potion she could slip to the patron to make said patron physically interested in women. That way the lady patron would be interested in the lady bartender, you see?”

Llisanya nodded and waited for Sechus to continue.

“I took her payment in advance and promised to order a potion-infused wine that I knew would do just what she wanted. Only problem was I found out you can only order it in a case of a half dozen and there I was contracted to fulfilling the order. So I sold her the bottle she ordered and was stuck with five more bottles.” He paused then emphasized “…five very expensive bottles.”

“Go on.” Llisanya snapped.

“Well, Brell be praised, a few days later this High Elf lady comes in and asks for something that will cure this faggot cocksucker she knows about. Make him stop liking men. I mean, I figured this wine would do. It pretty much has the same affect…you end up liking girls…Right?”

“Trust me, you rat, it certainly does make you like girls.” She glared at Sechus even harder. This sure explained why she suddenly was consorting with girls after having had no such inclination her entire life. She would also need a word with the owner of Fish’s Ale House about lesbian bartenders feeding her love potions. Pretty lesbian bartenders…really, really pretty lesbian bartenders now that she considered it. Almost as pretty as Cadwarra.

While Sechus expressed his sincere apologies and protested that he did not know Llisanya was the object of the barmaid’s affections Llisanya was counting where the six bottles were. She had this one, Cadwarra and Diamander had three more and Fish’s Ale House a fifth.The sixth was missing.

Given how handsy Cadwarra’s neighbour was with Llisanya’s breasts, it looked like Sechus’s High Elf customer was also Cadwarra’s High Elf neighbour and she must have consumed the sixth bottle. She knew Diamander was a bit ‘into the lavender’ so he must be the ‘faggot cocksucker’ that had needed curing. That explained why he was suddenly so ready and willing to satisfy Cadwarra repeatedly for several days in a row with enough desire left over to also fuck her. She had to hand it to Sechus, he had a pretty effective product there, even if misapplied to the purpose intended.

So how much of this information should she reveal to the Marshall? If her assumptions were correct, Vishra had been the one who paid the hefty bill for the five bottles to cure his nephew. Vishra would not be happy to have one of the five stolen. Why had the High Elf dishonestly diverted a bottle into her own pantry and foolishly drunk some? Stealing from Vishra was dangerous, to say the least.

For now she was more worried about herself. Llisanya thought of Cadwarra’s perfect body and did not particularly mind the fun she had had fondling it, but she instinctively revolted at a potion changing who she was. “I want the antidote, Sechus. Free.”

“You don’t need one. The effects wear off in a week or ten days. Just stop drinking the stuff.”

“I think I will do just that. And all the wine that’s leftover I think I will pour over your stupid rodentine noggin!”

She turned and stomped off. She headed to Falco’s dump.

As she entered the hallway leading to Falco’s rooms she found a Human male standing there intently looking into Falco’s half open door. She knew what he was looking at by the sound of a bed squeaking rapidly inside the room. She and Falco had made those familiar squeaky sounds quite often the last several days. By the movement of his arm Llisanya knew the Human was jacking his prick while he watched whoever was fucking in the room. She was certain it was Falco and Arabella.

The male had not heard Llisanya come up the stairs. Well, why interrupt if he was so enjoying the show, she figured? Besides, she still had not discovered what Arabella wanted from Falco. If she quietly listened and watched who knows what useful secrets may be revealed by Arabella’s pillow talk.

She opened her top to expose her breasts.

“Shhhhh….” she hissed softly as she snuck up to the Human. He gave a start. He looked embarrassed until he saw her high, pointing breasts were out for him to view. Without asking, Llisanya quietly reached down to take over his masturbation for him; it was a woman’s job, really. His hands free, he raised them to fondle her breasts. Still, he turned back to peer into the room at the loving going on. While she slowly jerked him, Llisanya peered into the room.

As she anticipated, Falco and Arabella were on the bed, locked in a mad embrace of carnality. Naked. The tawny tan of his muscular body complemented her dark blue skin beautifully. Llisanya put one arm around her stranger while continuing to work him with her other hand. He squeezed and pulled on her bare breasts but otherwise ignored her, eyes fixed on Falco and Arabella merging nude on the bed.

Falco was on top going in and out as incompetently as always. The muscles of his bare ass flexed handsomely as he strove to push his cock into Arabella as far and as hard as he could, his heavy balls swinging around crazily.

Arabella lay under him letting him enjoy the fuck while she stared at the voyeurs in the open door. She was delighted that Llisanya had stepped into the doorway to watch. She saw Llisanya’s hand actually touching that disgusting Human cock.

The Human seemed to be having a good time with Llisanya running her fist up and down the shaft of his erection. His foreskin was sliding in sympathy with the motions of Llisanya’s clenched hand such that his knob was hidden by the foreskin then revealed then hidden again. Llisanya soon increased the speed of her stroking.

Arabella loved to see how big the Human’s dick was. She imagined what if he was her husband and he came home to find the house a mess and no dinner for him. He would upbraid her with verbal insults; calling her a useless cunt. He would backhand her right across the cheek for being such a lazy wife. It would feel so good to have his knuckles collide with her face. The thought of being beat up by a scum Human got her wet. The thought of being married to a scum Human got her wet. She imagined carrying his scum Human brat inside her, pushing her tummy out, kicking inside her. The thought of being impregnated by a scum Human got her wet.

Falco kept fucking her, thrilled at how wet he was making her. “You’re such a good fuck…you’re such a good fuck…” he mumbled into the nape of her neck while she looked directly at Llisanya. She pulled Falco even closer into her so he would not look around. She definitely did not want him knowing Llisanya was watching.

She started to cum as Llisanya and the Human watched. Falco had sucked her left breast dry of milk but her right breast was still full. Her right nipple began to spray warm milk. The pulsing liquid reached as high as a foot.

Falco sensed the increased arousal of Arabella and attributed it to his incredible lovemaking. “Yeah, Baby. Enjoy my cock” he exulted. His voice was muffled by Arabella’s neck so only Arabella could hear. “Enjoy my cock…” he boasted “… enjoy my cock!”

He started flopping around faster. This did nothing to contribute to Arabella’s ongoing climax which was happening regardless of Falco’s bizarre thrusting. He kept repeating gleefully with every thrust “…enjoy my cock…enjoy my cock…enjoy my cock…”

Arabella lay there orgasming with Falco’s cock going in and out. She was glad he was not the size of that filthy Human cock that Llisanya was pulling on so eagerly, humiliating herself by touching Human genitals. Those big Human balls, laden by Human sperm, flew around as Llisanya pulled on his dick. And she was letting him run his grubby Human hands all over her, pawing at her tits.

Llisanya did not even look at her Human jack-partner. She knew it was only the effects of Sechus’s wine but still she was mesmerized by how beautiful Arabella was. Perhaps they should make love before the wine wore off.

Arabella stared back at Llisanya. Her white hair was a tangled mess from all the fucking Falco had put her through during their day in bed. Her breasts, heavy with leaking milk, swayed as she lay there under the ramming Falco.

Arabella used her hand to boastfully sign to Llisanya. “Watch me give my body to your boyfriend. This is our fourth fuck today.” Llisanya replied, also in sign language “Enjoy your lousy lay, Bitch.”

At last the pervert Human came. Arabella saw his disgusting Human jism shoot out all over Llisanya’s stark white tits, globs of the stuff shining as it slowly dripped off her. He relaxed a little after his orgasm but still stood there with his soft dick flopping around in Llisanya’s stroking hand. How Llisanya was able to bear the touch of a Human, much less to have his milt splashed on her tits Arabella could not fathom. She came as she watched Llisanya demean herself, sullied by Human ejaculate. She wished a repulsive Human would blast cum all over her like that so she could be sullied too. And at that thought, Arabella began to climax again.

Llisanya saw the Human was sated. She pulled him from the door and did his pants up for him when they stopped a little ways down the hall. She had learned nothing useful by spying on Falco and Arabella but she had loved staring into Arabella’s gorgeous eyes.

“That was fun” she whispered to the Human out of earshot of Falco and Arabella. He did not seem a bad sort so she wiped some cum off her tits and ate it for him to watch.

She kindly started to do his clothes up just as she would have done with a satisfied customer back at Fiona’s. As she tucked the Human cock back into his trousers, she could hear Falco was still pounding Arabella. “I need to go talk to my boyfriend” she told the Human as she finished lacing up his leggings. “Thanks for letting me you jerk off.”

“My pleasure” he said. He had seen her coming and going from that apartment the last several days. He was genuinely puzzled. “If he’s your boyfriend…” he asked, jerking his head back to the apartment and the sounds of the bed squeaking loudly “…aren’t you angry at him for betraying you? And with a Dark Elf?”

Llisanya laughed quietly, not in an offended way. “At least I know where he is and who else he is fucking. Now I can get on with other, more important things.” She kissed the Human on the cheek. “Maybe we’ll meet in the hall again.”

Llisanya walked back to Falco’s open door. Falco was still on top screwing badly.

Speaking loud enough that Llisanya would hear, Arabella asked “Falco? Please fuck me hard? Very hard? I want to feel you cum in me.”

Falco obeyed. He doubled the rate of his thrusts and sperm soon flowed from his cock. He shot a big load, collapsing as he finished. His cock softened but stayed inside of Arabella. They lay there together, panting.

“I thought you would never get finished fucking her.” Llisanya stepped into the room. “Is she nice and tight?”

Falco gave a start and tried to pull a sheet over his butt as if that would prevent Llisanya from knowing he had just been fucking Arabella. “Karana! How long have you been there?” he asked.

“Long enough to jerk off one of your neighbours. He really was enjoying your show.” Llisanya sat down on the edge of the bed. “Good performance. You two should charge admission.”

She reached out to caress Falco’s strong, broad shoulder. “Arabella certainly enjoys you” she remarked, a little envious. Her hand slid off Falco and fell onto Arabella’s breast. It was very nice to hold. She squeezed it gently several times, fascinated by the resulting jets of milk. Would my breasts make that much milk, she pondered, if I were foolish enough to have Vishra’s son?

As Llisanya lowered her hand to smooth Arabella’s snow white pelt, Falco started mumbling clumsy excuses. “I…I was only fucking her because she was begging for it” he told Llisanya. “Believe me, I was saving my best for you.”

“Saving your best for her?” Arabella repeated, annoyed, arms still around him. “Is that why your lovemaking was so excruciatingly bad? Figures.”

She angrily pushed Falco off her. “As far as I am concerned, maybe you can fuck her now. Prove to both of us what a great lover you are. You sure haven’t proven any such thing so far.”

Falco realized too late he had stupidly offended Arabella. “Ar-Arabella” Falco stammered “that’s not what I meant. Let me explain.”

“Falco” Llisanya interrupted “please stop trying to wiggle out of it. Arabella is enjoying your discomfort. Ignore her and she’ll stop her little mindgames.”

Llisanya went back to caressing Falco in front of her rival. “I accept you like fucking Arabella. That’s okay, Falco. She’s very beautiful. Enjoy. I’m not the jealous type. I just need a few minutes to update you on the problem with M’Tun then you two can get back to bed-dancing.”

Arabella sat up, forgetting about Falco’s insult. Milk dripped from her right nipple in a steady series of drops. Arabella’s brow furrowed with concern. “Oh no, is M’Tun making things difficult” she asked. “Did he mention me in any way?”

By Bristlebane, Llisanya thought, Arabella is so very beautiful. How can I blame Falco for banging her? “No” she answered Arabella “M’Tun did not mention you. He just wants Falco to go pay him back his three gold.”

“But I delivered the message” Falco protested weakly.

“Don’t even argue with him.” Llisanya placed three gold coins on the night stand beside the bed. “Take some of my gold. I’ve got lots right now. Just go pay him back.” Three gold was a lot of coin to give away but she felt responsible for the whole mess with M’Tun. “You also need to be halfway decently outfitted when you see him. Have you got your equipment back yet?

“We are working on it” Arabella answered vaguely.

“Really” Llisanya asked sarcastically. “Were you thinking it’s hidden somewhere under these blankets?”

Without waiting for an answer, Llisanya leaned forward and kissed Arabella’s full lips. She lowered her mouth to Arabella’s right nipple and sucked. Warm milk squirted onto her tongue. It was so sweet. Llisanya looked up into Arabella’s beautiful eyes, staring at them as she nursed. Arabella looked back.

The sight of Whats’er-Name feeding on Arabella’s swollen breast got Falco hard. He mounted Arabella while Llisanya was still sucking.

Llisanya allowed Arabella’s breast to drop out of her mouth. She marveled at how quickly Falco had gotten hard again but was somewhat glad he was Arabella’s problem at the moment, not hers. “I need to go look after something in the Lion’s Mane Inn” she explained abruptly to Falco and Arabella. Neither one paused to say goodbye. Llisanya got up and left the apartment, leaving the door wide open.

Apparently, Arabella was still annoyed at Falco and his earlier insult. As Llisanya walked down the stairs she heard Arabella sneer vindictively “Is it in yet? Can’t it go in any deeper, Little Boy?”

She gave Falco and Arabella no further thought as she walked over to the Lion’s Mane. She needed to think about the wine. Should she tell Vishra about the wine’s imperfect effects or about the missing sixth bottle? And what about Cadwarra? Cadwarra seemed so happy to be living with Diamander. What would happen after the wine wore off?

She had come to no conclusions by the time she got to the front door of the Lions’ Mane and found Diamander waiting. He kissed her on the cheek. “So, where is my cousin?”

“She’s already inside…doing things your Uncle is not happy about. He wants me to go in and drag her out while you explain to her friends how to respect a Vishra Lady.”


Marshall Vishra and his clerk were waiting at the front door for Cadwarra to arrive for her 7:00 training appointment. Three strange males were with them.

Cadwarra was wearing her chainmail in expectation of the scheduled training but wore nothing underneath her armour. She had assumed Vishra would also be enjoying her body in a sexual manner so the presence of the other men therefore puzzled her.

“We’ll get to the training very soon, Cadwarra. First we will deal quickly with these bogus rape charges that are still hanging over your head. These men are three of your Jurors; the other Jurors have decided to let them review the evidence and report the facts back to them.”

While Vishra explained all this to Cadwarra, the clerk opened his record book and dipped his quill into his inkwell, acutely aware of Cadwarra’s nakedness visible under the rings of her chainmail.

Cadwarra bowed respectfully to the men who were inspecting her up and down.

“This won’t do, Marshall” one Juror protested immediately. “Your whole defense in answer to this rape charge is based on the presumption that the Paladin-in-Training has an irresistible body no sane man would refuse. We can’t see what her body is like if she’s all covered up like she’s entered into a jousting tournament.”

Another Juror, the oldest of the three, had a solution. “Let’s just undress her, then.” Without a by-your-leave Cadwarra found him undoing the leather laces of her mail jerkin. Since Lord Vishra was not protesting this stranger taking his liberty with her clothing she did not protest either. She stood there while he opened her top. There was something very arousing about a man exposing her chest while others watched. Even the clerk looked up from his papers and leered his usual leer at her big bare boobs.

All three Jurors inhaled at the sight of such round, firm breasts. Three pairs of hands reached out and felt them, pulling, lifting and squeezing them while discussing how beautiful they were. The oldest Juror finally concluded “you were accurate Vishra, these are magnificent!”

The clerk recorded all they said, muttering under his breath “I could have told them they were magnificent without all this fuss.”

“Get her pants off” the third Juror urged impatiently. “I want to check how wet she is.” He looked at Cadwarra’s beautiful eyes and explained to her matter-of-factly “a wet snatch indicates your natural submission to males and belies any idea that you are of a rapist nature.”

“I see” lied Cadwarra politely, puzzled over such logic. The clerk rolled his eyes in sympathy with Cadwarra’s confusion over the nonsensical explanation. Why didn’t the Juror just admit he liked his fingers up a girl’s juicy pussy?

Cadwarra stood patiently while fingers were inserted. Not content with a quick inspection the Jurors continued to grope her for several minutes. One of the three gave her a hard spank. She gave a yelp of surprise and the Jurors chuckled.

Vishra stood back, not interfering, and let the Jurors finish examining the ‘evidence’. It was arousing to Cadwarra that one of her lovers was casually watching her being manhandled by those strangers. She was proud that they seemed so pleased with her body and got the feeling that Vishra was also glad to hear their positive approvals of her figure.

Above all else, she knew, Tunare should be praised for the way she had sculpted Cadwarra’s body to so enhance the intensity of the five male gazes now turned on her with such obvious desire.

It was all quite fun, especially when the men reached back down to more deeply explore her nether region. Each took a turn pushing his hand into her up to the third knuckle. They muttered things to each other like “Yeah, she’s tight” and “I’ve never felt a warmer pussy.”

They got her breathing hard as they moved their hands in and out faster while they watched her react to the partial fisting. They soon had her cumming repeatedly even though, like typical males, none of them paid proper attention to her clitoris. Vishra seemed to enjoy watching her climax.

“I suppose we need to establish the facts of this rape case while we have her here” the elder Juror said. He spoke as if it was a chore that they needed to get finished.

The other two concurred so he began his interrogation. “Miss Cadwarra, during the alleged rape of Diamander Vishra, were you on top of him?”

“Yes, Sir” Cadwarra answered truthfully.

“And was he hard?” The youngest Juror asked. His voice trembled with excitement.

“Yes, Sir, He was very hard and if I may add, it was a very pretty erection. I might even suggest it was irresistible.”

The third Juror spoke up. “Well, we can’t fault her for being unable to tell a young man ‘no’, can we fellas?”

The second Juror added “Yes. And if the supposed victim was not definitely willing, why was he hard?”

There was a murmur of agreement.

There were no further questions for Cadwarra. They felt her up for several more minutes in relative silence. Cadwarra was not aware of any reason for them to continue examining her, but it felt nice so she did not protest. She was fully aware all five men had erections, unhidden by the thin material of their summer trousers.

Finally the oldest Juror stood back and announced “Alright. Let’s not pretend no one wants to enjoy this pretty little Feir’Dal’s body. As Jury Foreman, I will go first.” He turned to Cadwarra “We’ll fuck on the mat. Please lie down, get comfy and spread those gorgeous legs.”

But Vishra put a temporary halt to this. “Gentlemen” he reminded them. “I am sure the lady is willing and I mean not to interrupt your investigation but we need to follow protocol.”

This induced vocal protest from the three Jurors. The Foreman spoke for all. “Look here, Vishra, there’s no need for formalities tonight. I mean, look at those hard nipples! They’re clearly telling us she’s ready for a good fucking.”

“This won’t take a moment” the Marshall persisted “and we need to remember this is official business and requires some following of set procedure.”

Vishra then assumed his formal tone and asked. “Men of the Jury, on your honour, as you prepare to take your pleasure with the Wood Elf Cadwarra, occupation Paladin-in-Training, are any of you not wanting to fornicate with her of your own free will?”

The clerk entered the question into the record. His lettering was not the usual neat printing he always strove to achieve; his hand was shaking in anticipation of being able to watch that sexy little Wood Elf get ravished by several men one after another. How he would willingly join in if he was given the chance.

The Jurors were nothing but impatient over the unnecessary delay of the clerk and his labourious penmanship.

“By Marr, Vishra. Did you ask us here to watch your clerk doing paperwork” the Foreman snapped, clearly impatient with the excruciatingly long delay. “Let’s not waste time. This pretty little thing is definitely ready and we all wanna ram it in hard and fast before your boring rigmarole gets her out of the mood for a nice boning. If it’s an acquittal you are seeking I think we can immediately form a Rump Jury composed of the three of us and we can take a vote right now. The other Jurors will bow to our decision. Let’s just get to the good part!”

The youngest Juror supported that suggestion. “Let’s put it to a vote. Then we can have some fun.” He pulled his fingers out of Cadwarra’s snatch and raised his soaked hand. “I move that the Jury proclaims that the Wood Elf Cadwarra, Paladin-in-Training, is incapable of raping a male in view of the lack of evidence to indicate any healthy male would resist her invitation.”

The second Juror raised his hand, also shining with Cadwarra’s juices. “I also move that we acknowledge that the little Wood Elf has confessed to being unable to resist Diamander Vishra’s big hard erection and, in view of that, her inability to resist jumping on a male should be deemed understandable.”

The clerk wrote both motions into the record. “Does the accused have anything to say?” he asked formally. All eyes turned to Cadwarra, standing there nude.

Cadwarra was smart enough to see she was a shoe-in for acquittal. She decided the less she said the better. “I would like to thank Tunare for giving me the body you all seem to enjoy looking at and for giving all you gentlemen the erections you are now free to use on me. I look forward to celebrating Her with you after my exoneration.”

The clerk held his quill hovering slightly above the page. He appeared to be waiting for her to say something else. Vishra and the three Jurors stood there expectantly. Thinking quickly, Cadwarra added “I rest my case.” Everyone seemed satisfied.

The Jurors unanimously voted to accept the words uttered by Cadwarra in her defense. The clerk transcribed her brilliant summation into the record.

Vishra intoned “Members of the Jury, you have examined the evidence of Cadwarra’s beautiful, irresistible body and heard her eloquent defense. May I have your votes in favour of the two motions?”

The clerk was already entering three assenting votes into the record without waiting for the Jurors to raise their hands. The three Jurors belatedly shouted “Aye!” regardless.

The clerk concluded the formalities by announcing “the ‘Ayes’ have it; the accused is found not guilty.”

“Alright” the Foreman announced, undoing his belt buckle “let’s fuck this little cutie!”

Vishra took the court documents from his clerk. “Let’s let these gentlemen enjoy their privilege. We’ll head to the vestibule and file these papers.”

As the Jurors laid her down on her back, Cadwarra realized that she was so horny from all the fondling of the past forty five minutes that she was pretty sure she would have raped all three Jurors if they had refused to pleasure her. It would not have been useful to her defense so she did not tell them that.


“Well” Diamander said to Llisanya after hearing the plan for the evening “the honour of the Vishra name is at stake, so let’s get this thing done.” He turned and walked into the Lion’s Mane Inn. Llisanya followed, impressed by how self-confident he was.

The front entrance of the Lion’s Mane Inn lead directly into the drinking parlour, the rooms were upstairs. The tavern area itself was larger than Fish’s Ale House. Llisanya always found it less welcoming than Fish’s and she could not stand to even see fayberry ice cream being served.

Without hesitating, Diamander strode toward the door to the large VIP Lounge in the back, Llisanya still in tow. A bouncer stood in his way, raising his hand “Sorry, Bub. This room is for a private function!”

Diamander did not slow. “We’re invited” he spat out and pushed past the bouncer. To Llisanya’s surprise the bouncer let him pass. Something about Diamander’s demeanor warned the bouncer to let things unfold as they would, he wasn’t paid enough to take on a fight with this kid. Had Llisanya not been quick enough to follow Diamander closely the bouncer might have had time to at least stop her but it all happened too quickly.

As they entered the VIP room, Amber Vishra was dancing topless on the central table to the cheers of about two dozen of her very best friends. Mostly immature young men, they were all very drunk by this time. As she frollicked half naked, her small, pert breasts jiggled chaotically on her chest, bouncing up and down and swinging sideways as the young men looked on. Her nipples were lovely hard pebbles sitting there centered on small diameter areolas. Everyone, even the girls, was cheering Amber on and having fun.

Amber knew she looked good, strutting and gyrating the full length of the long table. With only her mini-skirt still on, her shapely thighs were exposed right up to nearly her butt.

She rolled her hips as expertly as any harem girl in the Deserts of Ro as she danced. Her skirts waved seductively in sympathy with her cavorting body, flashing plenty of thigh. She lifted her hems teasingly as she thrust her pelvis to first one handsome boy then another. Several of them had undone their trousers and had their hard cocks out, masturbating slowly, without shame, as they watched her alluring dance.

She loved the encouraging hoots of the crowd. She liked to see that some of her gal pals would have preferred their boyfriends to be a little less exuberant in their cheers. Ramalla was trying to get her betrothed to put his dick back in his pants but he was persistent in jacking away while looking right at Amber’s jiggling titties.

Amber danced barefoot with more and more abandon and less and less modesty. Most of the audience had caught a glimpse up her skirts and could see she wore nothing underneath. Many of the boys had missed last night’s gangbang and, seeing her pretty lady cut so willingly being exposed, hoped fervently that she was in the mood for another gangbang tonight.

Amber had announced she was planning on trying a new cocktail the bartender had suggested to her; a ‘Semen Demon’ with a shot of Tequila and a lot of Tabasco Sauce. She was collecting the main ingredient for the Semen Demon in a tumbler. Several of the boys had already contributed.

As she twirled, Amber held out the tumbler, half full of jizz. She had just gotten Bauer to jerk off into it. She was glad his girlfriend wasn’t there. He was so much less uptight when Thorsona was not around.

“Everyone needs to donate” she teased and moved her free hand to mime the act of male self-abuse. “I need more from every one of you handsome boys…” she pleaded coquettishly “…it won’t be a proper Semen Demon without your spunk to drink.”

Occasionally one of her drunk guy friends would get brave and horny and stand up while uninhibitedly pumping his manhood furiously so she could see he was getting ready to make his donation. She would bend down with her glass and wait patiently for him to shoot. If he took too long she wiggled her cute meat bubbles until he achieved his spurting release.

A lot of the girls decided to show the crowd how they could whack their boyfriends’ erections into Amber’s tumbler for the pragmatic reason that it stopped Amber from whacking their boyfriends off instead.

It was all great fun until that bitch Arleena tried to upstage her by standing up and pulling off her own top. She was a year ahead of Amber in school and had bigger breasts than Amber had. Some of the audience were looking at Arleena’s tits as she danced and shook them. Amber was instantly in a bad mood.

It was just at that point that Amber saw her limp-wristed wang-sucking cousin come in through the door to spoil the mood even more. Diamander was the goody-goody kid of the family, always doing what he was told and as such her Father had taken him under his wing and sent him to be trained in the Guards. He was really a wet blanket.

Even worse, when he had entered Diamander had left the door open too long. Some little bimbo had seen a chance to crash the party and had slipped in right behind Diamander. She had no business coming in here and would definitely need to leave. Besides, she was too pretty.

“You!” Amber angrily set down her glass of sperm and pointed an angry finger at Llisanya. “No one invited YOU!!! Get out!”

The little bimbo did not obey Amber, obviously not realizing who Amber’s father was. The bitch just disrespectfully looked at her then waved some stupid piece of paper at her. “I am your temporary guardian, Amber Vishra, as per your father’s signed document here. You need to come with me.”

This was obviously an amateur kidnapping attempt. Her father would not do such a mean thing as appoint a guardian for her. What a stupid trick to try on her. Amber should have asked her guy friends to throw that bitch out, but the bitch was tiny enough she could handle her herself. She would show this incompetent kidnapper what’s what.

She leapt off the table at Llisanya, a near naked girl about to land right on top of the party crasher. The last thing she remembered was Llisanya’s fist headed straight at her mouth. Instead of bowling Llisanya over and ruthlessly raining punches down onto her pretty face, an unconscious Amber fell conveniently over Llisanya’s left shoulder. Amber was small for a Human but still weighed more than Llisanya was used to carrying. Despite the momentum of Amber’s body landing on her, Llisanya kept her feet, staggering only a little.

No one knew what to do. Everyone just sat there wondering was this one of Amber’s famous practical jokes? The boys who had their penises out jerking off soon lost their erections and put them away. Too bad, thought Diamander, some of those erections looked very handsome.

Llisanya saw Amber’s very expensive blouse dangled over the back of a chair. She scooped it up and stuffed it half into her pocket then turned with Amber on her shoulder and walked back out of the VIP room.

The bouncer had finally decided he better earn his pay and, while still not wanting to tackle Diamander, decided he would look like he was doing his job if he confronted the little Half Elf with Amber Vishra on her shoulder.

He blocked Llisanya’s exit. Before he decided what was best to do, she pushed a different piece of paper at him. “This establishment has been serving alcohol to someone under the legal drinking age; specifically, my ward Amber Vishra. Anyone refusing me the right to remove my ward from this Inn will be asked to appear tomorrow at 9:00 am to explain to Captain Penley why the drinking laws are being flouted on these premises.”

No one in Qeynos ever worried about the drinking age but it was known once in a while that an official would get what he wanted by invoking such laws at the most inconvenient of times. Not wanting the Lion’s Mane to lose it’s Royal Charter as a Public House, nor wanting to get up at nine in the morning to face Captain Penley, the bouncer backed off and Llisanya headed out the front door with Amber on her shoulder.

Back inside Bauer was drunkenly trying to put his dick back in his pants. “Look here, Diamander, this was a private party and I am sorry to tell you but your faggy, hindgrinding boyfriends aren’t here, so go suck cock somewhere else.”

Diamander was glad it was Bauer who was the one too stupid to let things lie. He always disliked that bully. Before Bauer could put up his dukes, Diamander decked him with three hard punches; two jabs to the face and one to the solar plexus. Bauer fell back onto the carpet, limp little dick still flopped out of his pants.

Bauer stood back up but Diamander could see the fight had left him. He was trying to staunch a serious nose bleed. Bauer tried to pretend he was leaving to find a rag for his bleeding nose, but it was clear to everyone he was beating a coward’s retreat.

As Bauer left the room, Diamander turned to the rest of the shocked crowd and looked at them with a challenging glare. There was well over a dozen young men in the crowd but he knew he could take any one of them, especially when they were so drunk.

“Anyone else think they can talk a young Vishra daughter into getting drunk and stripping naked for them? Anyone here not have enough respect for the Vishra women?”

No one cared to raise their hand. Diamander was big and strong and well-trained. It wasn’t worth it.

“Alright” Diamander announced “Party’s over. And it was the last Amber party you are invited to. Push off! Everyone!”

Diamander watched them leave. He knew most of them. They were friends with Amber because she liked to spread her legs for them and because she liked to spend her nice big allowance on parties like this one.

At last he was alone in the room. Things had gone very well. He had estimated that he might need to have two or three fights before the matter was settled but it had only taken the one with that mouthy jerk Bauer to put the respect of the Vishra name into everyone.

He figured he had better catch up with Llisanya in case she needed help with his spoiled brat of a cousin. He was about to leave when he noticed the glass of semen sitting where Amber had set it before she launched herself at Llisanya. It had been a long time since he had chugged a glass of nice thick warm jizz. He thought about Cadwarra and how he needed to stay straight so she would not end up paying that ten plat fine but then he thought…no one would know…

He chugged the tasty drink. It needed some alcohol to make it a proper Cum Cocktail but it still felt so nice going down his throat. He put the empty glass down and followed after Llisanya and Amber. He suddenly realized he missed being a homosexual.

A block down the road, Llisanya adjusted Amber to lie more comfortably on her shoulder. The cool night air woke Amber up. Dangling from Llisanya’s shoulder it took her a moment to realize what was happening.

She started yelling at Llisanya while beating her small fists on Llisanya’s ass. It was the only part of Llisanya she could reach while hanging upside down. Her small bare tits were shaking back and forth angrily. The nipples had softened in the time it had taken for Llisanya to deal with the bouncer and exit the Lion’s Mane but they quickly woke back up to protest the cool of late evening.

Amber’s mini-skirt had slid down off her cute upside-down bottom. As she was carried bare-ass down the street she started shouting “Let me go! My father will hear about this!”

Llisanya kept walking. “I’m taking you to your father, Miss Amber. If you don’t stop hitting my backside I am liable to lose my balance and drop you on your head. As your legal guardian, I would sincerely hate for that to happen.”

Amber quieted down. As they walked on, Llisanya couldn’t resist. She turned her head and kissed the side of Amber’s perfect little buttcheek. She hoped the potion in the wine would wear off soon.