A new drug part 4

A new drug part 4

I slowly moved from a deep sleep, pried awake by the clanging of a church bell.

What the Hell? I don’t have a bell that big?

I opened one sticky eye and regretted it as sunlight stabbed my brain.

The bells stopped and I could hear Mainframe speaking out of my nearby phone.

User please wake up your vitals are dangerously low, I have medical help on the way please go down stairs.

Since I had passed out naked, I put on some shorts and the first shirt I could find.

As I carefully went down stairs Mainframe informed me that someone would knock on the door any second.

When I opened up a small black woman was at the door with an IV cart in one hand and a bag in the other.

I am here with your hangover treatment, she said, not making eye contact. Please find a comfortable seat.

I collapsed into a chair and she swiftly set up.

Over the next 3 hours she proceeded to give me three IV bags. I was feeling a lot better by the time she packed up and left.

Mainframe, how the hell did you know I needed that? And how did you know how to find something?

User, these kind of people advertise in the local paper. I paid for the service with the company credit card. Food will be delivered by DoorDash in 30 seconds. You need to eat. You’ve lost at least 15 lb.

I realize now that I was starving by inches. By the time I got to the door, the driver was already back in his car. Touchless food delivery was the only good thing that had come out of the fake pandemic.

I tore into the food and stuffed my stomach until it hurt.

Sitting back I said now that I can think what the hell am I going to do to keep myself occupied. Just then my phone rang and I saw that it was my dealer.

Answer the phone saying what’s up chick?

Cassandra, thank God. Where the hell have you been? Never mind. When can we meet? This is important!

Hey, you’re not about to turn me over the cops are you?

No, no, nothing like that. Listen have you heard from Jacob?

No I don’t remember the last time I spoke to him.

Can you meet me on top of the hill that overlooks his house in about an hour?

Sure, I guess what the hell is going on?

I don’t want to talk about in the sun. I’ll see you then.

My dealer hung up. I don’t recall ever hearing her this frazzled or afraid.

Mainframe was there some sort of disaster while I was gone?

Mainframe answered,The local police reported the destruction of a nearby building.

What building? She gave me the address and I realized it was jig’s house. Now it was worried I got some decent clothes on grabbed another bag of food and took it with me to the car.

The Thorn piercing I had gotten from the intelligent plan vibrated slightly as I walked out past the The vine that had sprouted from the seed that I had planted.

My nipple is no longer sore. I wonder what the hell was going on with that? I’ll just have to sort it out later, i said to myself hopping into the car and heading out to meet Denise.

The spot she asked me to meet her at overlook place, where Jacob’s house used to be.

Destruction didn’t quite cover the situation. There was a rectangular hole in the ground that had to be at least eight feet deep. It was perfectly shaped like the floor plan of the missing building. I didn’t see any pieces of the building or debris, just a hole in the ground. The pit looked like it was left with a cookie cutter, or laser beam.

Denise pulled up next to my car in her suburban a few minutes later.

Jess, how about you get up here so we can talk at the same level? As I climbed in, I noticed that she looked like she was at least 6 months pregnant!

“What the hell Denise, I thought you had your tubes tied?”

I did! This new drug is weirder than I could ever have imagined . How many have you taken?

I lied and told her only one.

“Tell me about it.” She asked.

I told her the story of the bird people the first time I had taken it.

I said fine, now you know my story. What the hell is with you being pregnant?”

She looked embarrassed and said, “I took one as well. I wound up on this world that looks like a juggle. I never felt so horny in my entire life. I stripped off all the little clothes I had and was just wandering around. I ran across these three cavemen. They were huge, and brutish. All three had huge cocks, just looking at them made me wet.

The biggest one sniffed and looked at me. He stood up with a big grin on his face, the other two noticed and looked at me too.

My heart leapt to my throat and my hair tried to stand on end. Before I thought about it I was running, I was almost blind and if not for the light of two moons I would have broken my skull on a tree.

They were crashing through the jungle behind me. I ducked and dodged around trees and over fallen logs.

The men knew the place better than I did and kept popping up in front of me. They were toying with me, and I was starting to like it.

At last I was surrounded by them in a little clearing, I was panting and grinning like an idiot.

Each of them had a big smile and they didn’t even seem to be out of breath. Each held his hands out, fingers open wide.

The big one was talking in a low voice that sounded a little like German. I kept turning in small circles as they closed in.

I tried to bolt past him but he was quick, so quick. His hand closed all the way around my bicep, like I was just a little girl.

I froze expecting pain or even to be killed but, his grip was not painful. Slowly he petted my hair with his free hand. I felt the other men start running their hands over my back,my ass, and my other arm.

I looked at each of them over and over hearing my heart in my ears. The big one had grey eyes and black hair, I realized he had no facial hair.

Stopping her tale Denise asked me.” Didn’t they always show pics of cavemen with big bushy beards?’

I just shrugged and let her go on.

They started rubbing my nipples and ass. I didn’t take long for them to find my dripping snatch. I could feel the cock of the gray eyes giant pushing against my stomach.

The shortest one, who was still over six feet, was licking my arm from wrist to shoulder. He had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. The big one started licking my neck while rubbing my clit with his rough finger.

The one behind me was rubbing and squeezing my ass, he pulled my cheeks apart and stuck a tongue in my ass. I moaned and arched back my brain was taken over by my needy cunt.

They lifted me like a toy balloon, gray eyes started sucking my clit while the other one was still tonguing my ass. I still don’t know what he looked like.

The two men had to be touching each other from head to toe! I have never been with two men who were so comfortable touching each other. I came so hard that I was limp as a rag, blonde caught me as I wilted.

Mr green eyes turned me upside down, and wrapped my legs around his head. He began walking and eating me at the same time. His strength was breathtaking, his cock was smacking me in the face.

His tongue was like a live thing sliding in and out of me and swirling around my clit.

I grabbed his cock and started running my hands up and down his 10 or 12 inches. He was so tall that I could not get my mouth around it.

I came twice more before we got back to their campsite, the blood had gone to my head and I was dizzy when he put me down.

There were soft feather like branches made into a bed. The blonde one sat down next to me and grabbed a clay pot. He put his fingers in the pot and scooped out something like oil or grease.

He lubed up his turgid cock and pulled me over to his so that I was straddling him. My heart was fluttering but I wanted this manly man inside me!

I put my hand in the pot and, put some of the lube inside me. As my barbarian lover sucked on my nipple I guided him to my desperate pussy.

He lay back as I stuffed the head into me and pressed down. I expected pain but the gel must have numbed me or helped me stretch?

We both groaned as I raised myself up and went down a little more each time. At last I had him all the way in me, I rode him with growing desperation.

His big hands wrapped around my waist again I felt like I was child sized, compared to these giants.

Grey eyes came over lubing up his cock and offered it to my mouth. The lube was sweet and mildly like fruit. I relaxed my throat and the two of them moved me in tandem.

As I went up I swallowed dick as I came down cock was shoved into me.

The unseen one lubed up my ass I was in no shape to fight them now. His greasy pole slid into my ass a little at a time. Still no pain.

I am so small that I bet no one would have been able to see me. It probably looked like the men were having a gay three-way.

I was just a fuck doll at this point, these men have more stamina than anyone I have ever seen.

My arms were hanging and I was on the edge of passing out for lack of air. It was the best ducking of my life.

All three men had perfect bodies like they were made of iron. The guy behind my had a stomach so hard it was like me spanked with a cast iron skillet.

I have no idea how long it lasted but they didn’t cum for what felt like hours. I came so many times that my stomach muscles were cramping.

The changed patterns in their strokes without talking. Sometimes it was 1,2,3 over and over. Or I was pushed up on the dick in my mouth and then down on both cocks.

The best was when all three thrusted at once like I was in the center of three battering rams.

At last the guy I never saw started pumping out of since with the others faster and faster. He crammed his dick so far down my throat that his sperm shot directly into my stomach.

For almost a whole minute I felt him pulsing into me, blackness was at the edge of my vision for lack of air.

When he stumbled away the others laughed at him and pounded me harder.

I felt like I had drunk a whole liter of fluid and coughed a little. The two remaining men were talking in their strange language, talking in each other’s ear.

I think it was some kind of competition to see who would last the longest. I could feel their cocks rubbing together through the thin bit of skin between them. Two sets of balls slapping around my taint.

My orgasms were back to back at this point. I felt like an epileptic and I was being ground between these two giants.

The sun,suns? Were starting to come up, I was barely alive, Just a living cum rag. The guy in my ass lost the bet and pumped what felt like a gallon of cum into my colon.

After he pulled out and stumbled away Blondie grabbed me around the waist again and started using me like a cocksleave. My arms and head flopped around and my teeth clicked together a few times.

With a howl or triumph he crammed me down and poured scalding hit cum into me. I felt it fill my pussy and my womb. I swear it went into my fallopian tubes!

Keeping his cock jammed on me he stood up and turned me upside down again. I was in no shape to struggle as he used a soft rope to tie my feet to a low branch.

All that cum in my gut almost made me puke, but I knew I would drown in it.

At the time I thought he tied me up to have another round, but now I know it was to try and breed me.

I fell asleep, the blonde woke me and fed me bits of an odd fruit. The two suns were up, I was hot sweat poured off me.

I heard the sound like wind blowing the tunnel was coming for me again. I passed out as I heard the giant yell something that I swear was Noooo!

When I came to, I was in my backyard naked with cum still leaking out of every hole in my body. My jaw was sore, my pussy was bright red and my ass hurt for a week.

That was 3 months ago, my doctor says I’m pregnant with triplets! What the fuck is going on here Cass? I flushed the other four that I had. I’m terrified to take it anymore.

You probably should throw them out too. Poor Jacob, he’s probably dumb enough to have taken all five at once. I bet it ripped his house right out of the ground. I know how crazy it sounds but I feel like I really went to another world. How else could I get pregnant this way?