A Girlfriends Understanding Love

“Leah! I’m home!” Jade called out as she closed the door to their apartment. Leah and Jade had been living together for little over a year now. They had been dating for three years, but when Leah had started college a year ago after finishing her ten month program to become an LPN they had decided to take the next step. Leah had moved in a month after she had started college. And ever since then things had been going great.

Jade had started a new job shortly before Leah had moved in and made more than enough money to support them. That way Leah didn’t have to work and could focus on school. She had insisted for weeks that she get a job to help pay bills, she was sure she could get a good part time job working at a hospital. She argued that was the whole reason she had done the LPN program in the first place so that she could work and go to college. But Jade had forbid her saying she would have enough stress with school and didn’t need to add stress from a job as well. So after a while Leah gave up but she did pull her weight around the house by cleaning and cooking, something she was more then used to doing. Leah didn’t want it to seem like she was mooching off of her girlfriend. So Jade let her clean and cook for the most part.

“Leah? Where are you sweetie?” Jade called out as she hung up her coat. Usually Leah ran out eager as a puppy to greet Jade, but today, just like every day this week, she hadn’t. Jade was starting to worry about her girlfriend, she hadn’t been acting like herself lately.

Jade was a beautiful 31 year old woman. She had shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, mocha colored skin and a well shaped body that Leah could hardly keep her hands off of. Jade was 5’8 and had one of those personalities that made have to love her. She was a shy person when you first meet she will quickly become your best friend and one of the funniest people you know.

She walked though their two bedroom apartment heading for their bedroom. She pasted through the livingroom which was simply yet tastefully furnished. A cream colored couch sat against the wall across from the tv. A lazy boy was pushed into a corner by the windows and a coffee table sat in the middle of the room in front of the couch. Pictures decorated the walls and a clock hung over the mantel. She walked down the short hall passing the smaller bedroom that had been turned into an office before she came to the master bedroom. In their king sized bed, under the midnight blue sheets was Leah, acting like she was asleep.

“Leah , why are you in bed? Are you feeling ok?” She asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I’m fine. Just leave me alone.” Leah muttered and rolled over. Leah was young girl only 21, she had black hair that just brushed her shoulders, caramel colored skin and honey brown eyes. Of course that wasn’t her real eye color, she wore colored contacts which Jade always said was unnecessary. Her real eye color was a dark brown so dark it was almost black. Leah was 5’5 with a slim figure and when she’s with Jade she had to look up at her which she loved. She was a fun loving, bold, sometimes hyper girl that was reluctant to truly take her place in the adult world. Although she was a responsible woman that always took care of business she rarely hesitated to revert to her child like behavior. Which sometimes caused Jade to have to act more like Leah’s mother then her girlfriend, but she didn’t mind since it didn’t happen often or for long periods of time.

“Leah, baby, talk to me. What’s gotten into you lately?” Jade asked her voice full of concern. Leah just pulled the covers tighter around her. Neither one of the women were big talkers when it came to their emotions or when somethings bothering them, but it was something they were working on.

Jade sighed then said in a firmer tone. “Aaliyah, sit up and talk to me.” That usually worked on Leah but not today. She pulled the covers over her head. “Damn it Jay! I said leave me alone!” She said in a bratty tone.

The older woman sat there a moment thinking then shook her head. She didn’t like having to use force, but sometimes it was needed in order to get through to her girlfriend. She yanked the blanket off of Leah and pulled her over her lap. Leah gasped and looked back at Jade as she did that. She saw the look in Jade’s eyes and knew instantly what was about to happen. “Jay! No!” She exclaimed but it was too late.

Jade pulled the younger woman’s pj shorts and panties down and started to spank her with one hand while holding her tightly around the waist with her other arm. Leah started to squirm after the first stinging slap landed on her bare bottom. “Jay! I’ll talk! Stop!” But she knew Jade wasn’t about to stop just yet. When Jade made the decision to spank Leah, which wasn’t very often, she made sure she followed through. Meaning she wasn’t going to stop until Leah was crying just the right way. Jade knew when Leah clammed up like she had done over the past week, she wasn’t about to open up until she broke down. And a spanking just helped speed up the process.

Jade landed several crisp hard spanks to Leah’s cheeks starting from the top and working her way down to Leah’s upper thighs then back up. It didn’t take long for Leah to start crying softly but Jade persisted wanting the full emotional release. After her third pass over Leah’s bottom and thighs she got what she wanted. Leah went still and started crying in earnest, letting all her pent up emotions out. Jade gave Leah a few final spanks then rubbed her girlfriends back. Then she helped Leah sit up on her lap and cuddled her close as she cried. After several minutes she finally calmed down to sniffles. “Thank you.” She said softly as she laid her head on Jade’s shoulder.

“You’re always welcome sweetie. Are you ready to talk now?” Jade asked as she held Leah tight.

Leah sighed and nodded. “Mommy’s called me everyday this week. She and daddy are having problems, I don’t know what she wants from me. I’ve already told her I’m not coming home. But she keeps calling saying she needs my help. She even asked if she could send Leon and Carol here!” She shook her head. “What are we going to do with an eight year old and a two year old? She just doesn’t seem to understand that I have school and you have to work. Plus I have mid terms coming up in two weeks! I don’t have time to deal with them nor do you. I’ve been stressing over mid terms and mommy, I’m sorry I’ve been distant over the past week. I wish I could help mommy though.

Jade listened to Leah’s story quietly and couldn’t help but feel a little angry at Leah’s mother. Leah had always been there for her mother whenever she was needed. She had given up a lot in order to make her mother’s life easier. And now that Leah was finally able to break free and start her own life, her mother was trying to use her again. The sad part was that Leah lived three states away from her mother. Leah has a scholarship to the University of Missouri so there was no way she could even try to go home to help her mother and all her mother was doing was stressing her out.

“I’m sorry sweetie. I wish we could help her too. But we can’t and you can’t let her stress you out. Your brother and sister are no longer your responsibility. You need to tell her you can’t help her this time and if she keeps calling you might have to start ignoring her calls.”

Leah was quiet for a moment. “But Jay I’ve already told her I can’t help her I hate that there’s nothing I can do for her. I hate not being able to help her.”

Jade tightened her arms around Leah. “Baby I understand but you can’t let her worry you. You have a life now, don’t let her suck you back in.”

Both women were silent for a while lost in their thoughts. Leah sighed. “I guess you’re right. But it’s hard not to go running when she calls.”

“I know baby, I know.” Jade said gently and kissed Leah’s forehead. They cuddled for a while. Then Jade decided to lighten the mood. “Wanna go out for dinner? “

Leah smiled her eyes sparkling when she said. “I’d rather stay in.” Then she leaned up and kissed Jade on the lips. Jade knew exactly what that look meant. She smiled into the kiss then parted her lips as she felt Leah’s tongue lightly touch her top lips seeking entrance. Leah pushed her tongue eagerly into Jade’s warm mouth and let herself melt against Jade when she tightened her arms around her. They lost themselves in the kiss for several long moments, nothing else existed to them but each other. Then Leah suddenly found herself on top of Jade as her girlfriend laid back on the bed. She moaned into the kiss as sexual tension thicken the air and she ran her finger’s threw Jade’s silky hair. It had been days since the last time they made love, Leah hadn’t been in the mood. So now both were desperately hungry for the other.

They frantically snatched at each others clothes trying to undress in record time. They both craved the skin to skin contact, the warmth and softness. It didn’t take them long to become as naked as the day they were born still kissing all the while. The smell of there arousal filled the air mixing into a sweet heady, intoxicating aroma of female sex. Leah finally broke their kiss and worked her way down Jade’s neck where she kissed, sucked and nibbled. Soft moans came from both women as they claimed each other’s body with their mouth and hands.

Jade maneuvered them so that their pussies were pressed firmly together. Then she reached down and spread their lips so their clits could rub against each other. Leah moaned feeling the silky flesh of her girlfriends warm wet pussy against her. Leah started moving her hips rubbing their pussies together creating a friction that shot through thier bodies like electricity. Jade waited a moment to catch the rhythm then started pushing back against the beautiful women on top of her. Their moans, the sound of the bed creaking and the sound of wet flesh coming together filled the air. Jade’s nails racked down Leah’s back delivering delicious nips of pain. Their wetness mixed together and ran down Jade’s thighs and ass wetting the sheets under them. They made love hard and fast trying to desperately to bring the other off.

“Oh fuck!” Jade screamed as tightened her legs around Leah’s waist.

“Mmmm! YES!” Leah moaned out and sped up as she got closer to her orgasm. Jade could feel how hard Leah’s clit was. She was so close to cumming but fought it wanting this to last a little longer. “Cum with me sweetie!” She cried out.

Leah opened her eyes and looked down into Jade’s. “Yes baby!” The head board banged against the wall as the intensity of their love making increased.

“Oh FUCK!” Jade screamed as she came hard and pulled Leah tight to her.

“SHIT BABY!” Leah cried out at the same time, her body trembling as her orgasm washed over her like a damn had broken.

The both laid their gasping for breath and sweating. They rolled onto their side as they calmed down. “You ok sweetie?” Jade asked still out of breath.

Leah smiled. “I’m great baby. How about you?”

“I’m great. I’ve missed you.” She sighed.

“I could tell. I’ve missed you too.” Leah pulled the the covers over them and she cuddled close to the love of her life. They kissed once more before falling asleep.