1st day at college

NO sexual contact, just a story on what my 1st day was like. There is however, sexual contact after college which ill write if I get some good comments.

1st day of college, I woke up at 8 to get into college for my 9.30 start. I walked into college wearing jeans and a white polo shirt, I was in the work shop all day I did not care if I dirted my shirt.

Let me introduce my self.
My names callum, I’m 6ft 1, I’m bi so what, I got big muscles and a 6 pack.

Once I entered the workshop I was told to work by my self on a engine rig so I did.

Around 11am the most sexiest person walked in and I justed wanted to run away with him and fuck him so hard.

Before I could introduce my self the tutor had already introduced himself.

Hey, you must be alex, welcome.
Hey thanks for the warm welcome alex responded.

Okay alex ur working with that guy over there. In the light blue overalls.

Alex walked over and introduced him self.

Hey I’m alex.
Hey alex I’m callum, I went to shake his hand but I had copper grease all over so I removed my hand before he shoke it

Stood infront of me was the most sexiest person I ever met, he was 6ft, he was perfect, slim build I saw a bit of muscle.
I thought u my self omg ur perfect for me.

Me and alex began working away stripping the hole egine apart. It would take us about 3 hours to strip and refix the engine.

He alex crank the pistons for me a sec.

Alex took the crank and tried to run it over(mechanic talk for just moving it round and round).

I saw alex struggling so I gave him a hand, I put my hand just right behind his and pushed down on the crank, the crank started to spin around.

Wow ur strong. Alex said.

Hehe its all in the muscle I responded.

I saw him looking at my muscles.
Feel em if u want? I said.
This caught him of guard.
He responded oh no I couldn’t.
U want to don’t u so just do it.
I tensed up and began to feel them, when his arm touched my arm I loved it so much I just wished he was holding something eles that’s big.

After alex felt my muscles I noticed he was just starring at me whilst I worked away.
To be honest, I loved him starring he was sexy, he could stare at me all day, but I couldn’t let him now I got the hots for him, so I dropped a tool that mad a little bang which made him jump.

About time u blinked I said.
Huh what? Alex said.

I whispered in his ear as he was next to the tool box, I leand grabbed a tool and whispered. I saw u starring at me.

This shocked him, he just repeated sorry.

I laughed and said it was cool
He breathed a sigh of relief.

By the time alex blinked it was supposed to be lunch, but I just decided to work through it and to my supprise alex said he would too.

I carried on working and alex carried on starring at me, I just left him to it.

When it came to 12.30 I started asking questions.

Hey alex, what’s up man?
This caught him of guard.
Huh, what, nothing.
I said comeon its only us two in here, u can tell me, I won’t laugh.
With these words of encouragement. Alex said something I would of never expected him to say.

Okay here goes, he takes a breath and mumbles I’m gay.
What I couldn’t quite catch that I responded.
With a little more power in his voice.
He repeated. I’m gay.

I stood there amazed on how this beautiful beast could be gay.
He put his head down in shame like I was going to judge him or something.
I leanted over grabbed another tool and whispered. Hey its cool man, you are what you are. And anyway I’m bi.

Right after I whispered in his ear I saw light come to his eyes.
I smiled at him, he smiled back at me.

So I started asking what he likes about me.
He listed:
Everything, ur muscles, ur hair, the view u give me, the way u worked that crank.

Hey alex, I got a confession, don’t tell anyone.
What , what is it and I won’t, I promise. Alex responded.
I had the hots for u since u came in.
He said me too, when I saw u working infront of me I knew I wanted u, I wanted to work with you and it came true.

Alex began to say that he loves me even though we just meet only like a hour or so ago.
He whispered in my ear. Callum please be my boyfriend, I just got the hots for u and I love you.

I couldn’t believe he asked me out, I was completly taken of guard.

I leaned in and whispered, of course I will, I got the hots for u too, ur just so sexy, I still shock on how such a sexy beast like u is gay.

He said because he’s got a small dick and he got made fun off.
I hugged him for comfort and whispered, any size is perfect for me, I will love u to the heavens and back.

Me and alex finished that day like nothing happened, when it came 4 o clock.

Alex invited me over his house.
Ill gladly come with u I responded

To be continued…………..

I will write the time I spent at alex’s house within the next few hours if not by Friday night it will be up as I’m at college again tomorrow. I will not able to right anything that day because ill be writing on keyboards all day writing out some work up and getting everything for Friday which is my last day at college for this week.